When did you realize chicken thighs were the superior choice?
When did you realize chicken thighs were the superior choice?
why tho?
a few months ago
way cheaper, tastier and goat for bulking
Pretty much everything said.
Have way more calories than chicken breasts
When I started cooking them a bit longer. I had been taking them off at 165 but the texture is much improved if you bump it up to 180.
That are fucking amazing I will give you that
I prefer wings.
They taste better, are way more forgiving on the grill / in the oven, cheaper, easier to cook.
Too much of a hassle with the bones
>he doesn't suck off the meat, skin and cartilage off the bone in one swift move
Teach me sensei
>open mouth
>put wing in
>close mouth
>suck like it's a cock
Only works with homemade wings, KFC is too dry for it.
Fuck, now I want KFC. Well, today's the rest day.
Not cheaper where I live.
Same price as breasts, so I just go with them for more protein per dollar.
Sucks too because they used to be half the cost of chicken breasts. I used to buy them all the time. Miss it.
Pretty sure thighs have more protein in em and more calories. Win-win.
>not buying whole rotisserie chickens
I shiggity
A few years ago I started getting into nutrition and learning about vitamins/minerals etc, learned that the typical bro diet (low fat) is really unhealthy and that a lot of the more expensive cuts of meat are inferior to cheap ones, ie chicken breast is inferior to thigh in terms of nutrition, fillet mignon is inferior to rib-eye, and all of them are inferior to organ meats.
lol get out
>overloading your system on sodium
Nah, thanks. I buy whole chickens and bake them myself. Lets me play with spices too.
Fuck off balding swede
when chef john told me
A while ago. They are far better than dry ass chewy breasts
Yeah. I usually would make marinaded chicken breasts for 3 days and put it in the fridge. That shit was fucking dry the next day already
dont they have much lower protein content and much more carbs proportionate to breasts tho.
>chicken meat
Not sure who lied to you senpai but chicken meat ain't got carbs in em.
Shush user, I don't want my store running out of thighs.