Do you think a normal loving gf like webm related would cure you of your depression?

Do you think a normal loving gf like webm related would cure you of your depression?

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Probably not cure but it would definitely help. I'm bipolar so I'll be depressed no matter what but most of my worst thoughts stem from nobody wanting me and being worthless. Having someone there for that would help me keep my chin up and make it through.

>Do you think a normal loving gf like webm related would cure you of your depression?

Stop posting those webm dumb stupid mongoloid.

I'm more depressed about the shit state of my country lack of work.
No friends I can deal with since I'm sick of pointless drama and mental illnesses

being beta bux? yes temporarily, followed by a massive crash deeper into depression.

why would you film someone like that? is she kidnapped?

i will never know, it's an experiment that will not happen, way to make me sadder

The kind of thing I have would break me if the other person didn't feel the same way

not like I'm worth liking to begin with

I cried a lot when I realized a girl didn't feel the same way about me after she had acted as though she did, I was initially very bitter about it but anymore I think it just sucked the life out of me knowing how bad I messed up what I should have been mature about and restricted to a platonic friendship.

I lack drive in my life. I'm directionless. Maybe if I had someone I loved, someone I could selfsacrafice for then maybe I would stop being a lazy worthless piece of shit.

lol. you are an epic story waiting to be played out

it's stuff like this that will slowly push me over the edge into becoming a serial killer

>Do you think a normal loving gf like webm related would cure you of your depression?
Yes, of course. When I had one, it did. Then she left me and it destroyed my life entirely.

There's literally no problem that an ACTUALLY loving gf wouldn't fix.

I'm a broken man waiting for a miracle to happen

must be cool being able to say all kinds of edgy shit and not worry about being put on a government watch list.

i was being sarcastic. u never "selfsacrafice" for any woman like that.

evidently yes, that's what I've been looking for all this time
I came close by dating some girl for two months during which I made big leaps in other aspects of my life like college and exercise as a result

Sure thing, user. I'll supply you with resources and targets as well.

you can too, unless you are actually worried about being found out if you actually are one
serial killer, not a hired killer
two different things

oh you arent a mr alphabet? 'ho boy :^]

you know what the patriot act is?

I've seen this webm a few times already and only now i realized that it is actually reversed.

how would i fucking know cunt

im not a burger, so dont care, and im a model citizen and actual national here so come at me gubment

still, while on the topic, does the patriot act allow for the arrest of internet thought made in america?
if so, you are all fucked, and I wonder why you are even here, given that a thought will plant a thought, so you are all pedo school shooters waiting to activate

yeah if you arent a burger youre fine.

For a short time she would but inevitably she would discover what the other's have, that I am broken, and dump me. My depression would deepen.

I did the "mature" thing and it fucking sucks

I am very smart and eloquent

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