>tfw got removed again
It's not possible to make friends is it?
Tfw got removed again
we can be friends if you'd like user. i dunno if youd wanna be but the offer is there
Not here. Not the real thing.
You probably just want to complain without fixing your problems. They're probably self-inflicted. Anyone who doesn't want to listen is an asshole. Anyone who says it might be your own fault is an asshole. If you had something to offer another human being, you'd probably be with someone right now.
I would like that but it keeps happening and it hurts every time i want it to stop.
i wouldnt ghost you, since the same thing happens to me. i havent tried reaching out to someone in a long time
You're right, it just it painful reminder.
If I'm right, and you know I'm right, why the FUCK do you let the cycle continue? Do you think you're too special a snowflake? Do you think your inner self is somehow so beautiful that it should overcome the relative worthlessness of your existence? Are you still the same helpless child whose parents had to magically and silently meet all your needs?
Fucking BE something, and do it for someone else, even if they're not a part of your life yet
Jeez even scared to fail an argument
But you still did
I'm constantly worried my currently best friend will one day decide to remove me and move on. ;_;
are you a boy or a girl? you should drop a contact
i also got removed last night...
i will drop an email if thats ok with you
we're gonna make it, right?
Only if you drop your quest for identity and fear of failure
Anyone wanna talk?
I don't ghost people, just message me.
Drop contact.
I'll talk to you. I don't ghost or remove people.
Well, user, the cosmos is infinite and ever-growing, beyond the cosmic horrors, there's cosmic delicacy. Perhaps this was for the better, let the Universe judge and unfold user.
I have the problem of not sending messages, i usually only respond, i just suck at breaking the silence, i hate it.
I have discovered a way to avoid this feel.
Dont interact with anyone, dont add anyone.
heck I consider everything on this board and replys to me merely as figments of my imagination.
However not everyone can handle loneliness so I realise this isnt for everyone, prehaps you should examine why you cant be alone and need to add people?
Sometimes I wish I never broke out of your stage. But once you get a taste, you can't go back.
I drop too.
sorry i don't want to put email
this is why I chose to stay in this "stage", observing to many people grow attached then be shattered by that attachment
add 4 people
2 delete me
1 deletes his account
1 never talks to me, if I talk to him he ignores me.
It is a stage. Very few people have zero desire for social interaction in some way. Regardless, I understand your point well, and also OP's.
>posts discord
>doesn't allow friend requests
what is this advanced chess?
i fix my retardation sorry for problem.
>not removed, but she stopped talking
Feels bad, thought we were clicking rather well from how the convo went.
Guess I was wrong.
Someone had some introspection projection recently
I'd be your friend but I hate homofags ever since one tricked me into posting on /a/ and getting me banned. Shit anime btw
Are the the OP? or the guy who dropped his discord?
All this hype. What are you user? Why is your reality any better? Happiness is just you fooling yourself that life is not suffering and misery. It's a distraction. You could have all the girls or friends or money and at the end of the day you'll still get cancer, those friends will still ghost you and your money won't solve that unfixable thirst for why we are here in the first place.
None of it matters, quit larping. Let him bitch all he wants, even if he changed something it wouldn't matter to anyone else. If he wants to change he will.
I messaged someone from this thread and they stopped replying
great stuff
Explain. Why did you get removed?
What are your hobbies, morals, interests, etc?
Did you share any of them at all with the person, and which ones/ how into said things were each of you.
No friendship is perfect on intrests and beliefs but you do need something to anchor it down with and help you get through rough patches.
How do you even be a good friend? I'm not particularly funny and feel like I'm not offering anything. Maybe I don't deserve friends.
yeah of course! ill drop you an email when i got off work
too real for me. The truth it is too much!
That's subjective. Don't be an asshat when it actually matters. Be willing to listen to a bit of venting. I'd say you need to have at least one thing you both enjoy doing in common too. And if you can't talk about important shit or have an arguement and still be friends, it wasn't worth keeping ahold of either.
You have to be willing to put up with at least a bit of something you don't like, you're never gonna find someone that doesn't do or believe something that will irk you. Most importantly, a few or even one true friend is always better then any number of friends who aren't truly close at all.
I'm not sure why being funny would matter, so long as there's something else there in the friendship. You also don't need to offer up anything more then being there sometimes, from my own experiences. But everyone wants and expects different things. It should also be noted, of course, they should offer these same things in return. Don't let yourself be abused just to not be alone.
Would like someone to chat and play vidya with, preferably neet so we can do that stuff all day.
What are the video games you play?
I like rpgs, shooters, and fighting games.
Down to co-op any game really as long as we both have it.
This is now a discord thread
I enjoy video games (PS4 mainly) watching anime and listening to music. That should be enough to get the ball rolling
Pic related.