Wagecuck at mcdonalds

>wagecuck at mcdonalds
>9 hour cash register shift
>literally the 2nd day I'm working the register (yesterday had training, was on my own today)
>busy as fuck day
>spend 4 hours just taking orders
>rush ends, no people anymore
>decide to take a quick break to have a drink because I'm thirsty as fuck
>takes me 30 seconds tops
>shift manager screams at me for leaving my post
>literally no customers at the front when I return
>too tired and confused to argue, just quickly apologize
>fuck up the next two orders in a row
>clearly I'm exhausted and not thinking straight
>we're understaffed so can't take a break
>customers are rude and yell at me for their orders being made for so long (which is the fault of the kitchen people in the first place)
>manager screams at me for taking too long to take orders (bitch, I'm all fucking alone here and it's my 2nd day)
>I'm this fucking close to quitting, just want to say fuck them for putting a fresh rook trainee to work the register on his own for a sunday afternoon
>somehow bear it and last the last 3 hours of my shift
>I literally want to cry when I return to dressing room to take off my uniform
I'm pretty sure they're going to fuck with me tomorrow with the cash register coming up short (they're supposed to count it right after my shift ends, in my presence. They just told me I'm done and to go home)
Word of the advice bros, dont work at mcdonalds, I knew it was bad but holy shit, nothing could prepare me for this.

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sounds like you just can't handle pressure and are overall a lazy piece of entitled shit. quit and go back to watching anime you waste of fucking space. can't even do a fucking mcjob right you fucking bacteria

user honest advice. Working for a jerk sucks ass. Go to your manager and tell he or she you need to speak in private tomorrow. Explain to her that they cannot be screaming at you in front of customers or other workers, it makes for a bad atmosphere. Tell them if they need to discuss something they should pull you aside and discuss it like adults. If this continues please call corporate and tell them how you're being treated. If you have the option to leave this job for another then do it

holy shit fucking kill yourself.

op i used to work at burger king, I'm so glad im done there. good luck buddy

he's just gotten there, he's not entitled to give critique to the boss.

nothing i said was wrong.

id tell you to kill yourself but you already died a long time ago and are now a fucking husk of wagie meat walking around

I'll give a story of good times at work.

My wife worked 3 jobs when I was in college. Modeling, donut ship and the daycare. The donut shop owner begged her to work there and told her she could have weekends and certain school days off for tests and such. Eventually he got where he wanted her to work weekends and miss school and she would miss work anyway. He started telling her women were entitled and she content act like this. She said she could just quit and he started yelling at her in front of customers. She went to the back and called me because I told her that's what you do when the manager tells at you.

I went up there and had a discussions about his attitude with her. Told him she didnt need to work the job and he was the one begging. Reminded him if I heard about him raising his voice to her again then I'd be back to give him a quick lesson on speaking to women. Especially over worked women doing you a favor

No more problems with that man

if you can afford to, just walk out OP. i worked at an accounting firm for two years when i first started college and applied to mcdonalds over a summer. it was complete hell. other employees incompetence makes your job harder and people are constantly rushing you when theres no need to rush.
i worked as a chef and quit on my second day. i just stopped going in and never even bothered to get my paycheck. the roastie doing the assembly line would never call stuff out and would just stare at me whenever she was free to make me feel like im messing up. plus mcdonalds has retarded sanitation policies. work at a local restaurant, they are not like this.

I advice against that. I've been to management training several time and the people there, several of which probably work for fast food companies now, focused so much on brown nosing customers and looking good in their slightly less pathetic uniform that they completely fail at staff management.

They might be able to soothe an angry customer and do some finance but criticise them and they scream "insubordination" and flip their shit

Doesnt matter. His manager cant perform their function. Understaffing and yelling to get people moving. Chances are their shit at their job and taking their anger put on the employees. I'd take them back and talk to them. If they still act this way file a complaint. If that doesnt work then go work some place better. Work doesnt need to be miserable.

It's not criticizing. Its saying. I'm a human and you cannot talk to me like this. Especially.in public. We are adults and you will treat me as one

plus managers at mcdonalds are not managers, theyre senior crew. just tell the guy to fuck off and if someone does come in to fire you, collect unemployment.

No treat him with respect too. They're life is probably hard. Just let them know your ground rules. Respect and honesty and you will work your best. That's all you need to say and if it causes problems then start moving from their to get him disciplined or get you out of there

Honestly working in McD's seems like hell, I always feel sorry for the staff when I go there. Not to mention it holds no kind of prestige whatsoever, it's the most openly mocked job I can think of. I'd imagine the pay is shit too.

Sorry user I know this probably isn't what you want to hear, but I can imagine little worse than working at McDonald's.

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At least the next job I'll get will seem like heaven...

Hopefully. I would definitely hold it out as long as you can, but keep an eye out for other things. Admin / data entry are fairly easy to get into if you can use Excel to the most basic level. I'd go for that, far less intense and I'd imagine slightly better pay.

>tfw can sense when all the polite customers can see how tired I am, how fake my smile is and how forced everything I do is
>tfw the qt girls order their food and can see they feel sorry for me

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How can you know if you are understaffed when it's only your second day? maybe that's the regular staffing level.

It's something people who do not have autism are able to gauge. If the level of work you are expected to output is disproportionate to your level of staff, you are over/understaffed.

>I can't handle the stress so therefore we are understaffed
It's the same for most shitty minwage positions, the consequence of you not being able to work smart is that you are forced to work hard.

If you cant even handle the stress of working at McDonalds you will never ascend.

user, I strongly advice you quit asap.
I worked at Burger King for about 9 months, and even though it wasn't the busiest location it made me wanna kms after a month.
Always understaffed, my shift leader was a complete incompetent jerk, the store manager was only slightly better and 90% of the staff were immigrants who didn't even speak the language.
I am not racist at all but that paki guy who worked in the kitchen and was always scheduled with me was literally fucking dead weight, would always take ages to make a basic burger and it was always a gamble if they'd come out with the right ingredients.
If they didn't guess who had to deal with the angry customer.
I eventually just stopped showing up to my shifts and never heard of them again.
Now I work cleaning service and it honestly is at least 10x better, nice and quiet, can show up whenever I want, get paid the same wage per month for not even half the hours, even though I'm literally scrubbing shit off a toilet sometimes.
If I did something incorrectly my supervisor just sends me a text saying what's wrong and I'll fix it the next time around, no biggie.

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>scrubbing shit is better than working fast food

that's bullshit but I believe it.

Hey man, it's confusing when someone is an absolute nigger to you for the first time, but later on you learn to stand up for yourself. Looks like there's a pretty obvious reason that they're understaffed, but you need to make it clear to the guy that he cannot treat you this way, otherwise you will leave. Me personally I have rather thick skin and have no ability to take anything seriously, no matter the level of intimidation.
Anyhow, sulking about it won't do you no good, just reaffirm your own view of how normal human beings should talk to each other, and anything that differs from that (your manager being a nigger, for example) should lead to you having something to say about that, and under no situation are you to be abused.
Handling these things without emotionally investing in them is part of being a man. It's pretty straight forward logic, you get treated right or you're out of there.

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McDonald's was a bad min wage tier job. Too much going on all the time and sometimes I'd have to work the grill and that thing fucking sucks.

However, DO NOT work at Walmart. Walmart was as close to a hellish life I ever lived. 0/10 avoid at all costs.

The comfiest BY FAR are convenience store jobs. If you can find a convenience store that DOESNT have a gas pump you are golden. Super easy, super comfy. Night shift is 10/10 God tier easy. We weren't supposed to sit or whatever on shift but I'd sit on a milk crate out of shot of the camera. You literally stock drinks and replace soda syrup on night shift, that's it. And do the lightest cleaning possible. You sell cheap booze and cigarettes and lottery tickets until your shift is up. I suppose there is a chance of getting robbed, but it's not like I wouldn't just give him everything he wanted. We also were attached to a Subway so sometimes I'd have a shift with a few cuties or at least a guy I could shoot the shit with. Like of you have to make min. Wage make it at a convenience store.

faggot ass nigger originally kill yourself

meant to quote snapple cap facts originally

will you be my friend? originally tho

Sure I have a kik if you wanna chat it up

You really should try and get a job at a small business.
I worked at a ridiculously overstaffed shop for 7 years. The last 3 were just 'cause I had fun coming to work. Honestly, we just came up with bad puns and talked about D&D and our creepily gay boss.

Unironically yes.
As I said, I make the same money for less than half the hours, it's not nearly as exhausting and doesn't drive me to suicidal.

It was exactly the same when i first started McDonald's, felt like i wanted to cry. Arsehole managers dont understand that you need practice before you get efficient at jobs, its the same with the bitter co-workers that have been stuck there for years.
The first few shifts are hell but it gets better trust me.

You really need to step up your game, subtlety is key.

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i was about to apply it, thanks user. God I want NEETbux so badly

how to be fired: the post

If that's the outcome so be it. But being miserable is worse

might as well sabotage something then leave without saying during rush hour

This is my last day off :(
I spent most of it helping my family. I have 4 hours left before I work every day until I get fired.

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I started at McDonald's two weeks ago and it's probably 6.5/10 job. Customers aren't actually that bad unless they're literally retarded or they're some really entitled boomer, and only two or three of my managers are cunts, all of them are angry overweight Mexican women in their 30's (one is 22), while the other three (a friendly Mexican man, a depressed looking Albanian woman, and some obese white lady with an autistic son) are nice. I'll fuck up occasionally, but literally all I have to say is "I'm new" or "I'm not too sure how to do this yet so I'll try and if I fuck up I'll get help" and it'll all be okay. All I've done so far is front counter and clean a bit though. Fuck all the brown nosing shit though like the other user said. The really bad managers will bitch at me for the smallest shit like getting a cup of water or leaning on the counter to stretch my feet. Do normalfags really give this much of a shit about how I look up there? Do they really expect me to be absolutely perfect in everyway? I'm gonna try finding a job at a convenient store instead

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Not at all. I've done this before. You need to reel your manager in sometimes

Also the story above where I went to my wifes manager and basically told him that if i heard he was raising his voice at her again I'd come deep fry his balls

>Not at all. I've done this before
in a shit job, on your 2nd day?

I never had a shit job just shit people. And on their second day. I've had 4 bosses since I've been at my job over the last 2 years. It's really easy to tell someone to treat you better and if they say they can treat you how they want, it's time to leave before that job becomes shit

Wait until they put you on a busy shift alone again and just never show up. Fuck managers like this, it's an entry level fast food job that is easily replaceable on your end. You won't be using references from this position and the only thing it would add to a resume is a work history.

Ever since I was little I always had a principle that no matter how desperate I may be I will not work a second in some shitty place like McDonalds. So far so good. Dont let them get you down that much though, those fuckers arent worth the wasted time and energy spent doing so.
Are you trying to get him fired? Because that is how you get fired. If you are at a McJob then your only hope of having decent management comes from having decent managers, if they are grilling OP this hard they dont give a fuck if performance lowers or not, its McDonalds not one of Gordon Ramsays restaurants.

Then he should go. Theres never a reason to work for an asshole. Or maybe not go but call in to a service line for McDonalds and let them know you are being managed in a harassing manner. If you wanna get real petty. Have your friends call corporate hotline and complain that your manager openly screams at people and it makes them not want to come to that resteraunt

I got screamed at for a similar situation. We were getting pumped due to a new film coming out in the cinema over the road, I literally just finished serving a horde, looked about to see if anything needed doing immediately, saw nothing so decided to allow myself a drink of water. Hottest day of the year, glass walled building, kitchen behind, no air con.
Cunt manager grabs water of me and slams it down.

Honestly your fast food experience depends purely on how well your face fits. I was quiet and awkward and a little absent minded (also ugly) so didn't really fit in with the teen staff base. If not teens then jaded older trained monkeys who'd been their forever and clawed their way to supervisor. I would see other co workers doing fuck all and getting away with it all the time.

Honestly find something like a general kitchen porter/dishwashing job. Even supermarkets were far better than my time at kfc.

I'm a 28 yr old white dude who manages a mcds lol. Ours is franchise and I make $20 an hr and get 15 days pto and a quarterly bonus. Ya it sucks being understaffed sometimes but I got 19 days pto this year and a $700 bonus I will pay the taxes on with my tax refund. If you don't work for corporate its not that bad.
i'm dead inside and its easy

and 3 $300 bonuses. really not to bad if you just direct the kids in what they're doing

Crew trainer at Mcdonalds. I train miserable idiots like you and get paid more than you for it.
Allow me to point out where you fucked up

>didn't ask to get a drink
>fucked up next two orders, always ensure you listen carefully to customers

Also, kitchen is so much easier. Perhaps try talking with a manager and see if you can work in the back. For an autist, and believe me since you are on Jow Forums you definitely are an autist kitchen is the right place for you.

In my professional opinion, specifically I would recommend you try grill. Super easy as long a you pay attention to what you need to drop and can do it quickly with ease.

I got hired at McDonalds last month. I'm in my mid 20's and in college, the worst part about orientation? I wasn't even close to the oldest person there. First day, they train me as a cook, it's not that hard as long as I'm just doing one thing. Next day, they show me how to fry and do other things. They immediately schedule me for 8 hour shifts 6 days a week. Since I'm in college, there's no way I can do that, they never even discussed the schedule with me.

They start leaving me in the back with one other person, rush hours are constant. 4 people just up and quit, get yelled out for having a 5 oclock shadow, shaved 3 days prior. Managers have me carrying multiple heavy boxes up and down some flights of stairs, they want me to stay longer than 8 hours.

I quit last week, I worked at Starbucks before this and Starbucks was paradise compared to McDonalds, rather be a NEET than work at that job ever again.

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don't worry man whenever I go out for fast food I give all the staff a free pass for their miserable expressions. I like to think most people would do the same but some people love having something minor to get upset about. I only get annoyed if they fuck up my order

>Also, kitchen is so much easier.

Lying nigger, they stuck me in the kitchen with only one other person. I was expected to grill the burgers, grill the special quarter pounders, grill the sausages because of all day breakfast menu, load up the bread, fry the nuggets, fry the fish, fry the tenders, fry the mcchickens and grill the "grilled" chickens all at once.

I can't tell you how many times I saw people just casually walking around, doing nothing, while I'm busting my ass off trying to do everything at once in a place that's always busy and right next to a sams club and several other major stores.

McD expects you to do the job of 3 people for the wage of one, fuck that noise, I quit and a huge McBoulder has been lifted off my shoulders.

I also used to work at mcdonalds, worst job of my life. Managers are fucking scum who abuse this pathetic amount of power they have. I worked their when i was 16 and would get made fun of by my 25-35 year old co workers. Remember OP the reason they treat you like a loser is because to everyone else they are a loser.

Yes it is a stressful job. Being on grill and fried products isn't too difficult to handle. Though I am confused. You say you were expected to do grill and fried products at the same time but also to drop buns? And you had one other person in the kitchen?
That person should have been initiating (Dropping buns) and Terminated (assembling and wrapping sandwiches)

I regularly do grill and fried products at the same time. Easy money.

>McD expects you to do the job of 3 people for the wage of one
That's how those places increase profit. They run through people until they find one person that doesn't quit.

Nope, I was told I need to be even faster and had to help others in their job. Some people who were supposed to be working with me, would just be chatting with others or walking around. I live in a very populated area, and the store received a ton of traffic.

It's hard to do things by the books and not cut corners, especially when it's really busy and everyone else is constantly cutting corners, such as not using gloves when they're supposed to and placing more than 8 patties on the grill.

Oh well, I'm never doing that again.

Several people quit while I was there or were in the process of quitting. A girl actually brought her boyfriend and sister to fight the manager after she quit, crazy stuff.

being faster and helping others who are struggling is important. Yeah it can be hard to not cut corners when it is busy. Just exceed in every other area, be faster than everyone else and your managers will overlook it when you choose to cut corners.

>your managers will overlook it when you choose to cut corners.
They'll throw you under the bus the second it's good for them.

Some managers will. Just know who to avoid. Cutting corners goes hand to hand with not letting anyone in a position of authority see it. Though if they happen to see, in my experience they choose to overlook it because I excel in every other area.

Managers at Mcdicks are literaly human scum. Completely abuse the small amount of power they are given and are almost always totally incompetent

I was just starting and struggling too. Second day on the job and they already had me by myself after poorly explaining everything just once.

I also worked at a Starbucks before. Even when we had customers out the door, wrapping around the building, it was never this bad. Not only did they pay more, they also offered tips, weren't anal about free food or drinks and gave tips. During Rush hour with so many people, just me and another person could handle it together.

It's all ogre though, thinking of applying for an after school program as a glorified P.E teacher. Pays better, stay outside and just teach kids how to play sports for a couple of hours each day.

You sound pretty lazy yourself, considering you're on this site and board

You need to earn the right to act like normal fucking being. Yeah no, fuck off.

It dose not matter, you were going to get replaced by a machine anyways. Every mcdicks in my area are now is under construction for touch pads were you order your food, or they all ready have them and only one person is even at the front of the counter to watch the pads

Literally just quit OP. It'll only get worse from here, trust me.

>definding mccuckald's slavery

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Poor management is very common in minimum wage jobs. They don't give a fuck about you and they don't really know what they're doing either or they just don't scare about that either. I'd stay away from food service altogether if I were you. Or just go along with it and take it for what it is if you really want to.

> Come as a loser
> There were not many friends at school
> Skip or bully
> Share your part of Facebook
> 9 humor Gag
One man is in group 8
> I want to send all my messages to Facebook
> Also tell us: "You are my love for my life"
It gave me some unpleasant, strange conversations
> I did not know how to really answer, so I showed discomfort
> So he is more
> Tires and stops
> Now fast forward
> Sometimes Facebook messages from high school are sharp and deleted
> I was eight years old
> School friends comment on their vastly work
>When the ninja
> Can mark someone
> This is a message from the eighth grade
> An alien who touches me
>examine many
> This is a screenshot of someone who loves my shit
> Oh my God, it is not
> The story that this picture has found
> I also sent baseball
> Commentators weigh more people
> Someone liked his comment
"Well, everyone is enjoying me.
> Delete photos
> Go to the setting
> Begin by deleting the oldest message
> Shit, there's so much



If you have no other option than to wagekek at McDonald's then why not just join the military?

>Exhausted and not thinking straight
>After 4 hours of register work

What the fuck. Is this your first job ever?

>be earlier today
>go to wendy's
>order a sour cream & chive baked potato and taco salad
>only 2 (two) bags of sour cream for the entire thing
>the fucking nignog over the counter didn't even include the fucking butter thats supposed to come with a potato

Why are all you fast food wagies so fucking stupid? I gave you money to make me a sour cream potato with butter, like you've been instructed to and you can't even do that right. Fuck you.

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>Yes landed security job at a Microsoft office
>tfw grave yard shift so I don't have to talk to no one.
Feels pretty good. I fucking hate working fast food.

I really think the Military uses this as a recruitment area because someone is always like "join the military" like it is an easy fucking CAREER or something...

If they are going to treat you like shit on your SECOND DAY, you got a world of Hell coming up if you don't quit. Just go to work the third day and that your manager you quit. This way, you leave her short-staffed with no way of getting a replacement for your shift. Transfer that stress to her.

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A lot of us have been/are in the military. And yes it is easy depending on your MOS and how competent you are.

Not OP but I'm 30 and have extremely low T levels. I don't think the Military would take me.

The army will take anyone. Go serve your country, son.

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get back to work, little wagieboy

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Cheswick, is that you?

Don't they disqualify people for having a narrow uretha and flat feet? I'm pretty sure that having the T levels of an 80 year old man would get me disqualified.

maybe during ww3 or something but my recruiter told me to get bent based off some minor medical shit
maybe he was just a fuckin fag and i'll try a different office but whatever

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>work graveyard shifts at a fast food place (11PM-6AM)
>about 25 orders in total all night (including Uber Eats)
>I can eat whatever I want for free during my shift
>just do a bit of cleaning while chatting and laughing with my fellow employees
>often just sit down and relax
>comfy as fuck
>big paycheck, no debt and nice savings account
>still go to school and live with my parents who pay for everything

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If it was enough to prevent you form joining then it wasnt minor.

>like you've been instructed to
newsflash: you're no king, little guy

enjoy spit in your food

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fuck you sergeant faggot i'm gonna make it

You're legally entitled to a 15 minute break every 4 hours

>return to dressing room to take off my uniform
You don't just go in dressed? Also as long as you can still hold in the tears, you're not fit to quit yet.

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My regards comrade, I've been there.
Get the fuck out of mcdonalds. Literally any food service joint is better than working there. I was a dishwasher for a while at a Cracker Barrel and it was better than being a cook at mcdonalds.

I know how you feel. Even jobs with zero responsibilities or obligation still have bullshit to deal with. Eventually you'll become jaded and learn to ignore it.

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I worked for a couple days at a fast food place that wasn't even really busy. It still sucked ass and there were more customers than you would think. Fortunately I got a much much better job soon after. I can't even imagine how much McDicks sucks to work at, because they are freauently busy. I wouldn't do that for $20 an hour, and I'd kill myself before doing it for $9 an hour. Look for a more chill job man.

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And normalfags look down on people for not wanting to go through this kind of shit everyday.

and here I was thinking this board's done and been completely taken over with helpless redditsoys

After enough time, I come to hate any customer I see at my jobs because they mean more unending work. It's enough to make someone feel insane.

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this man speaks the harsh truth, he truly cares


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Yeah, fuck customers. I'm about to be out of the retail sphere soon, so I won't have to deal with any more boomers and their incessant complaining and helplessness. Dumb fucking cunts can't even find an item on the shelf right in front their ugly face.

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McFucking kill yourself you cocksucking whore
I just hope you die in a fucking horrible car crash with your dismembered head rolling on the bloody pavement.

>I can imagine little worse than working at McDonald's.
Try Security Guard work.

Security Guarding is 95% chilled anxiousness and 5% intense stress. It's good experience to have but yeah the worst it has to offer is not worth me ever going back. Also working overnights just doesn't remain viable.

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Take notes OP

>tfw my trick to giving good customer service is imagining my self either chock or stabbing the customer
>tfw this is the only place I can share this tip without getting weird looks.