Hey Jow Forums, I'll probably be spending some time in China next year and I want to lift while I'm there. How common are gyms in Beijing and Shanghai and how expensive are they? Also, are the stories that asian girls go crazy over tall white guys real?
Hey Jow Forums, I'll probably be spending some time in China next year and I want to lift while I'm there...
I don't trust Chinese racks not to be horrific death traps
>chinese girls go crazy about white guys
Not quite right, they go crazy about foreigners(atleast 6/10) in general. Have your tinder at the ready and swipe like the wind.
Not because they find you particularly attractive but because you are basically their only chance at an out-of-country experience.
>are there gyms in Beijing
They have some, it's just not as often as in the US or Europe. Outside the city, China is still is still a pre-industrialized society. There ain't shit out there except jailbait.
you will just have to risk it. If you go train, there is a good chance you will die on the rack.
Never been to china and have no intention of doing so but i can confirm chicks in japan do. Oddly enough, so do random tradie dudes.
rule 1 and 2 apply but add +2 for being white to your current number
fit is another +2
Cool, thanks. I'm just hoping I find one somewhere near wherever they put me. Also a friend of mine who also lifts and is much smaller than me ended up randomly getting picked up for some commercials lol.
My 65 year old uncle pulled solid 8/10s in Shenzen. Just be moderately charming and you'll be rolling in oriental puss puss.
The insect memes are real.
t. ESL teacher in sydney, ausfailia.
My 65 year old uncle pulled a solid 8/10 in tokyo (he's working at nintendo)
Gyms are getting more and more popular in tier 1 cities. Should have no trouble finding one. However, atleast in Shanghai they are expensive as fuck. Luckily white skinned laowais can get heavy discounts, as for the gym having white dudes there makes the gym more international and high-end. Pretty much the same reason why nightclubs there offer free drinks and entry for white people. The gym I went to in Hongkou was around 70$/month, but I paid 30.
As for girls the stories are pretty much true. For most young chinese girls their biggest dream in life is having a mixed baby.
70/month is expensive?
Based ojisans.
The one that I went to was on the cheaper side. In comparison with other services in China the gyms are quite expensive.
>Nightclubs there offer free drinks and entry for white people
Holy shit that sounds great, can't wait honestly.
>For most young chinese girls their biggest dream in life is having a mixed baby.
What the fuck
Popping out a baby is a small price to get out of that hellhole
>For most young chinese girls their biggest dream in life is having a mixed baby.
They're trying to get the fuck out of China homey. Most Chinese kids come from the fucking outskirt rice patties..LITERALLY then have to go into the city to work either on the streets selling little knick knacks or in the factories with shit tons of smog everywhere.
They just want to get the fuck out and be a house wife
And white people want to go there?
Sick (((white))) people like to go their to pander to a corrupt, evil regime and sell out humanity: theirs and their own. Fuck China.
This isn't even a racism thing. Hong Kong (before Chinese occupation) is ok. Taiwan is alright. South Korea is tolerable. FUCK the mainland and their sick influence on world affairs.
Sinophile cretins that somehow think they're better or more civilized than weeaboos deserve the bullet.
Dude you literally have your pick of the litter basically. Who wouldn't want to go there?
Your white dick ain’t that special and any 9/10 Chinese model that would sleep with you is just a ruthless psycho gold digger looking for her ticket out
>9/10 Chinese model
idgaf how crazy she is, im going to impregnate her
>doesn't just fuck her and leave
come on man I'm a virgin and even I know that's the smart thing to do
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>your white dick ain't that special
>asians aren't even fucking anymore
Apparently it is you stupid mutt.
>any 9/10 model is just a gold digger looking for her ticket out
That's literally what I said earlier..the fuck you slow inbred.
Chinks are the jews of asia. I can't decide whether they're better or worse than jews. Jews, at least, pretend to to have some humanity when it benefits them. Chinks dont even do that. I'm tempted to give them points for honesty at least.
Chinese girls are all skinny fat with hairy armpits, wispy moustaches, and rotten teeth. Good luck finding any like pic
Gyms: pretty expensive in China as they're seen as a luxury for cardiobunnues, try to get a deal for a commercial gym at work. They probably won't let you into the weightlifting gyms as a foreigner, so you'll have to deal with the commercial guns which are baisically planet fitness but have racks.
Women: don't expect lots of attention in the cities. Typically only low income Chinese girls go wild over white guys since the rich Chinese guys won't give them a chance, and it's expensive to live in the cities. Try the outskirts or meet girls that work min wage jobs.
Ok do what you will as an asiaphile sex tourist but forfeit your right to get mad at HURR DURR BBC BLACKED race bait threads
what did he mean by this
>gyms probably won't let you in as a white foreigner
>white foreigners get crazy discounts
What is going on?
What are you basing this on? I lived there in one small city and one big city, and it both places I had no trouble finding weightlifting gyms for super cheap
Bare begynd at roid Robert
not any of the people you're replying to but holy fuck you're cringey and soi
I think the first guy you replied to was denied because he was a cringey insufferable faggot whose appearance and demeanor screamed "foreign rapist"
I don't even know what the fuck you're talking about but you son angry over something else..what are you asian and angry white guys are going over and fucking slants cause you idiots won't do it? Serious question.
I don't know the persons race so I just used a generalized term to anger as many minorities as possible