Be 5'0"

>be 5'0"
>mom 5'9", dad 6'2"
>mom brings up how when I was younger the doctor tried to get me on "that growth hormone stuff"
>but she didn't

Thanks mom haha, she also had me circumcised, epic!

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I would have disowned my parents upon hearing that

Imo it would be your moral right to murder her

thats ok you can always put her in an old folks home when she turns 50

bro it's the reverse for me

My parents were pomegranates in poverty small af and growing up my Dad made me eat so much so I would get big.

He would give me 3x as much meat as my half brother by hiding it under the starch.

>mom 5'0, dad 5'7
>they did get me on "that growth hormone stuff" that the doctor recommended
>would've been 5'0
>not even kidding

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>be 6’0’’
>dad 6’2’’ mom 5’5”
>never got growth hormones because I’m not a midg like OP
I’m sorry it had to be this way

My mom was on the edge of giving me something that stunts my growth because she was afraid I would become freakishly tall. Thanks god she didn’t and had growth plates checked, only ended up 6’4

Something was wrong with you to stunt your growth right?

Pituitary dwarfism? My dad had that, and got it fixed basically >40 years ago.
You should kill your mom, serious talk.

>dad like 6'1"
>me 6'3", but his frame is like twice as massive as mine

Would GH do me any favours? Why am I such a fucking wristlet, jesus

I don't know, something about hormone production

I was severaly malnourished as teenager, end up as 5'11, while average in my country is 5'8 and median 5'9

>>but she didn't

Fuck if I know, she's all about stupid shit, didn't have me vaccinated for a while until my grandma got mad

>Shitting up the genepool

You should have been a girl and you know it.

>5'11, growth basically done, although I was always skinny
>makes sense, dad is 5'10, mom is 5'7, I'm the king of manlets but eh whatever, also an inch taller than dad so that's cool
>but then
>massive growth spurt, shot up to 6'4''
>frame significantly expands as well
>fucking stretch marks everywhere from gaining like 70lbs so quickly, gone from hungry skeleton mode to starting strength mode
Mom never told me she fucked the mailman, god damn it.

At least I'm not a manlet.

Im only 18 so maybe I'll grow an inch or two. Thinking of hopping on hgh anyways for shits n giggles


It's refreshing that you take it that way, cheers!


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