Where are you on this?
The chad chart
multiple places?
>pornstars are high functioning Chad's
Nice chart retard
High school dropout boardering male thot
hypebeast/male thot border
NEET and Jow Forums(nel) regular
Some days Jow Forums regular, soft boi when I’m in a good mood
I'm on the lower right corner of normie. The chart is retarded though because it male pornstars are neither functioning members of society nor Chad.
Apparently I'm Chad for selling weed?
Maybe it’s referring to people who are so hot they look like pornstars?
Weeaboo should be in the bottom left corner
Shit chart tbqhwu
on the actual political graph, im moderately right (pseudo-chad) but on here im a virgin no-life weeaboo
>pornstar = high functioning Chad
are you 12?
>Muh conservative traditional values.
Softboi checking in. I am remarkably unremarkable.
>the chad chart is based on my political opinions
>pot dealer is the floor of non-functioning
>pornstar is high-functioning Chad
But both do the same thing? Or are you in the "Drugs are bad but porn is awesome" camp.
>wage slave
>Jow Forums regular
>political ideologist
>gym rat
Where would I stand lads?
>dropping out of high school is chad
>taking dick up the ass is chad
>being a fucking hypebeast is chad (LOL!)
>game devs are as functional as CEOs
>stoners are more functioning than pot dealers
the autism is truly next level
Where am I if I'm a high level college athlete who still cant figure out how to talk to girls
>Jow Forums(((nel)))
>conservative values are the only reasons why not to value male pornstars
Shit job, low pay most of the time, half of named ones have dick damage, stds and other shit.
>tfw weaboo but high functioning because I know how to hide my powerlevel
what am I then?
Am a CEO of a very large company. Most of you probably have heard of me, actually
Pseudo chad I guess since I'm between pot dealer and normie
Fuck off, Elon
Car company?
muh diqq
Mel Gibson's Ghost?
Jow Forums isn't a company, Hiro.
>male thot
This chart is pretty acurate
Is it Chadcore to be an engineering student who studies hard sci in his free time and gets all the female engi students because I don't swamp them like the virgins do
Common teen gamer masterrace reporting in
no lol
I'm a Jow Forums regular + hypebeast. So wtf does that make me?
Somewhere between normie and pseudo chad.
what if a CEO has autism and binges fast food?
rip at least im not fucking autistic
faggot the females in engineering look even worse then all the incels
which branch of engineering tho? civil might have decent hoes
I’m stoner I guess but I need to stop tho
hypebeasts are fucking incels
>political ideologue
>NEET for a month while college is out
>use Jow Forums daily
I don't want to admit it but it's true.
Wage slave and proud.
Probably here
This Also
>high school dropout and Jow Forums regular not the same
Tsk tsk Jow Forums chart detected
Who hurt you?
Aero so the cute girls are actually fucking cute
Just took one out to get something to eat and she wouldn't stop complaining about how many guys try to flirt with her lol
Honestly don’t know you tell me Jow Forums
>going to community college and plan to transfer and become accountant
>live at home
>working 30 hours a week at hardware store picking up skills like driving forklift and how to fix sinks
>banking most of what I make
>desperately trying to acquire trad gf
I feel like a fuck up but talking to my peers they all seem to be either in the same place or worse off
Nice, I’m 1/2way between CEO and porn star. Works for me!
I'm a Jow Forums regular wageslave gym rat.