
What's the fastest way to get rid of a wart? I've got a big date in two weeks and need it gone. I've been using the 17% salicylic gel but it is taking forever. I need something more heavy duty. The 17% salicylic acid barely even burns.

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stop fingering fat girls, user

can't stop, won't stop

any ideas?

Slice it off with a knife
I had these as a kid and just dug em out with a sewing needle cause I'm hardcore like that.

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seriously though, I think a buddy of mine used to file his down.

Take piece a banana peel and tape it over your wart. Worked on me as a kid, idk.

Good to see other based wart cutters out there.

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I just used a disposable razor blade and sliced off. Ah, to be young again!

>big date in two weeks
Genital warts are no laughing matter OP, you should go see a doctor for that and not try to treat it yourself.

You want something with trichloroacetic acid, I used a "wartner" pen last year and got rid of all small ones on my hands and three big ones I'd had on my feet for years. I'd do the treatment, hack off all the skin (you have to burn your way deeper and deeper to cut off the blood supply) then do it again, all gone. Putting duct tape over some and then filing down also worked but took longer.

i got a 50% salicilic cream, that shit burns as soon as you touch it. I had to dilute it with some other cream so it wouldn't melt my skin off

Apple cider vinegar soaked cotton ball with ducktape. Leave on for like 3 days replacing the soaked cotton once a day. Then dig/slice that sucker out. Make sure to get all the root nodule thingies

They grow back

>having hpv

Don't listen to these faggots, don't cut it for fuck's sake.

Go to a dermatologyst, he will use liquid nitrogen to burn it with cold. It doesn't hurt much. It will turn white and fall after a week or so. If it is two large, you might need to go twice.

This is the surest and safest way to get rid of that shit.

Slam it with a textbook
This was the only thing that got rid of a wart I had in the same place even after salicylic acid and digging it out

I used to get warts when I was a kid. Basically everyone gets it at one point in their life.

I had to try a whole bunch of different ways to get rid of mine, and in the end freezing them off was the only method that got rid of them permanently. It hurts a bit more than an acid treatment, but the results are worth it. Be sure to bandage it properly afterwards.

i also did this but with my mouth as a child, yoiu gotta get the root and youll know you have when it doesnt stop bleeding, only time i ever had warts, 4th grade, never since.

I had a wart on my toe once. I bought 2 battle of wart remover and bandaids. When I wasn't working I'd apply fresh wart remover, wait 2 hours, another application and bandaid, repeat until I needed to sleep or work two days later I take off the bandaid after work and the wart was a hollowed out crater a quarter of a inch into the side of my big toe,I was digging out the blacked leftovers for 30 minutes until there was a clean divot left. It healed completely in a week no scar, 11/10 experience would do again desu.

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Anyone have the pic where the guy used the dust off shit on his wart?

>go to a general practicioner
>ask to get a wart removed
>they use liquid nitrogen to remove it
>it is gone in 2 weeks

>live in america
>yearly deductible is $6500
>get wart frozen off at doctors office
>that'll be $1150 goy

liquid nitrogen you stupid fucking twat
which means you have to go to a doctor you poor cunt

illiterate wart infested subhuman

take care

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Go to the beach and sit down, enjoy the view. All the while rubbing your wart into the wet sand. Shit grinds up and goes away forever

Go to a dermatologist and have them freeze it off. Also who tf sets up dates weeks away?

Don't any of you fuckers have a grandma?
The only way to get rid of a wart is to sell it to someone.

Heat the butt of a nail with a stove and press it against the wart. You won't feel anything at first, but as it gets closer to the core you will feel it. Be delicate during this time.

Hydrochloric acid

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Can confirm, I bit one off my finger when I was like 12. There are weird black bits deep in there I think you need to get.

Put a plaster over it for the date. Try and cut it out before hand though and prepare for the bloodbath. Now how do I get rid of the nasty verruca I got from my dirty ass gym shower.

based townsends poster returns

Sort of related. How to get rid of skin tags?

Temporarily I've had good results cutting the tops off with fingernail clippers. They grow back cause it doesn't go deep enough, but for a few days it'll just feel like a small callous to anyone that even notices it.

Cutting and freezing methods invariably lead to remission no matter how good a job you thought you did of removing it.

No joke, try zinc supps for a month. I supped zinc and my finger and feet warts disappeared in two months, no cutting or invasion necessary.

Warts are a virus, and are suppressed by T cells and natural killer cells. Zinc deficiency leads to a weaker immune system and zinc supplementation increases T cell populations:


tie a string around it. gradually tighten it. eventually the blood flow will be completely cut off and it will fall off.

When I used to get them, I'd just pull them off as soon as they appeared

I had a wart on my hand and used Compound W or something to freeze it off. Your results may vary, but mine never came back. Just try not to fuck yourself up.

Cuticle nippers work great for most cases. If you get them on your eyelid like I have then you can pinch them down with your fingernails until the skin breaks enough that they pop out like a zit.

You can always buy those feeze away kits at the store which do the same thing. Though I have found that sometimes I need to do it for like twice as long as it says on the box to truely kill the wart.

>root nodule thingies
That is revolting. Jesus Christ, just laser all this shit.

Dermatologist will zap that fucker right off, it only hurts for a second. Wait till you get them on your dick tho lol. That ain’t fun.

Heh thats nuffin kid take a gander at this
But seriously I need help
Ive tried cutting this thing out with scissors, razorblades and it does nothing even if I cut super deep down it comes back in like a week larger than ever
Ive tried burning it out with a jet lighter but it just chared the top
Ive tried having it frozen off multiple times by a professional and it does fuck all
Ive tried every cream and folk remedy known from banana skin to ductape to acids, hell i tried cutting it all up and putting random chemicals in it like petrol and whatever else i found in thr garrage
And I still somehow run 10 miles to thr gym and back most days and ruck regularly with it since I think ive damaged the nerves below it beyond feeling pain since ive had it over 10 years now (they should live at most 5 acording to my doctor)
I showed it to my doctor and he was took back and went "does that not hurt?!?"
I need fucking help lads i want it gone for vanity and also bc im sick of it stealing my gains

Chop your finger

Fuck i forgot image

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Put your foot in a fire pit.

Then thank the fucking lord I don't live in that third world shithole. The general practitioner is 'free' here. (You pay a small bit of tax)

Bite or slice them off. Never had one grow back

Just bite it off

I went to the doctor and they froze them. Pretty painful but they fell off after a day.

Apple vinegar on cottonpad, change it every day for 3-4 days and it will fall off

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heat nail tills its semi red then cool it by shoving it into the wart fucker
spot balloons for a few days then in 2 weeks max there's a white spot, later it comes back to normal

Heres the other one my toes arnt joined on this foot

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I have a really stubborn one like that for like 6 years except it's just a single one about 1cm diameter on my big toe.

Been applying acid and cutting it back till it bleeds and then freezing, cutting acid again continually for the past month. It's gotten a little bit smaller, really want it gone.

theres this clearview foil that you put around food to keep it fresh in the fridge,

get some wart cream, apply it to your wart and wrap the area in that foil for 5-7 days, it will go away

You nasty fucks, just remove them with laser.

a while back I had a wart on my hand, I used a sort of freezing substance and one day I just cut it out of my hand. Pro tip: if you want to make it really easy to get off, stick the afflicted area into a container of warm water. Softens it up and makes it really easy to get out.

I once had one on my middle finger as a kid, I used scissors and my teeth to obliterate it until it didn't grow back

Same, I had two when I was 12 for a really long time. I got nitrogen treatment, and after some time they just disappeared (multiple years). I can still clearly remember the feeling when they were soft and slightly wet, because of me trying to chew them off. I also noticed the black bits, since it was a mosaic wart.

Try going barefoot for half a year, worked on mine.

cum on it

I always grind them until I couldn't anymore, then I put a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and medical taped it over it while I slept. About 5 days in it was done.

Im the dude with the really bad one seen above, I have tried this thinking maby introducing some of my own tissue ontop of it might kinda suround it so its fighting on two fronts, it dident work

Other posters here have said something about getting warts from fingering girls. Is that why I got them in highschool? If so I have a few texts to send

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Go to a dermatologist and let him freeze that shit. It will fall off over the following days. Should work in time if you do it soon enough.

yeah i think this is the typical way to go

I had them all over my hands as a little kid, and i got fed up of them
and BIT all those mother fuckers off till they bled.
not 1 has come back since

Apple cider vinegar overnight for a few days always gets rid of mine. When it turns black, keep going.

Just use your nails. Also, remember to disinfect the wound after you are done.

4.5 toes

I cut mine short as I can with fingernail clippers then put salicylic acid cream on and cover with a bandage. Normally clears up within a week. I got the cream from a dermatologist years ago, so I'm not sure if you can get it without a prescription.

The doctor says it runs genetically but im the only one who has it so I think its the large amounts of chemical works and steel works i live near

Go to a doctor, he'll burn it off. Or just cut it off and put a bandaid on it for the date. Idk use your brain user.

Apple cider vinegar

>pay an extra 30% in taxes
>wart removal actually cost you 5x as much
>even if you don't have a wart
The absolute state of Yuropoors

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Had similar ones, used Clabin+ for like 9months twice daily plus digging out the softened skin to get rid of this shit. Gotta avoid bleeding it or it will grow back

Get a pumice stone and grind it down while you take a shower. After 3-4 days of this it should be gone. It'll bleed but that's ok.

cut a plant with white sap and put that on it

worked for me

>Then dig/slice that sucker out. Make sure to get all the root nodule thingies

Had footwarts bad for a while.

Digging is the important part. What I did was cut around the wart, and scoop it out. It will bleed like a stuck motherfucker, but hopefully you get the roots out. To get it to stop bleeding, lots of hydrogen peroxide. You will have a nice hole there. THEN apply salicylic acid wart remover and bandage.

If you're really anal about examining your skin, sometimes you can catch a wart before it implants into the blood supply. much easier to remove then.

Find a aloe vera plant, cut a piece off and put the juices on it then bandaid it up. When I was a kid, that got rid of it in less than a week

Just tape a garlic slice on it. Be careful, it could hurt your skin if you don't wash your hand after too many hours.

Tie a hair around it intead. The hair naturally tightens over time on its own, don't ask me why

Wrap it in duct tape when you're not treating it