Friday night /feels/ thread

What are you doing this friday night? Got any plans? How's life, Jow Forums?

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Managed to crush part of my hand between two weight plates on wednesday, it's swollen up bretty bad so no lifting today. Hoping it's better by next week

I remember that thread. cool.

im fucking bored because my friends are little shits who only sit at home all day

studying for finals

got a second date with a qt, get wrecked nerds

when i am done taking a shit ill prep myself and go out with a female friend celebrating her masters degree in medical engineering.
going to cheat on my diet with some beers

me too bro and they gunna taste so good

I dunno what thread you're referencing, I haven't been on Jow Forums all week

Nice going man, hope it goes well!

Hanging out with my dad and enjoying a good bottle of brandy together while listening to jazz music. :3

Nice dude recently lost my father after a stroke had a tough week coping with it all enjoy the moments you have.
Just going to enjoy a nice few beers and spend time in my garden tomorrow preparing it for winter.

I still don’t have friends

I go to the gym on Friday nights, because all the normies are gone and I can workout in peace

>Went for an eye test today
>the optometrist was a qt3.14 indian
>one of those british Indian chicks that's neither gone full poo in loo (moustache and lingering curry smell) or full thot (so much makeup she's white and painted on eyebrows)
>at one point she had to lift my eyelid up
>her hand was resting on my face
>got a rush of excitement
>realised this was the most female contact I'd had all year

Fucking hell guys, I'm so lonely

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sitting home, getting drunk, listening to semi-depressive music, since my "friends" all made plans without me.

also, hey, it's me! this'll become a pasta if I keep venting on here.

Fell in love this spring. We did have something. I wanted a relationship, she didn't, yet we still were together every weekend when I was home. She often told me "We have to stop this isn't going to work", yet then next weekend came and yeah...

It kinda did work out for 4 months, us not hanging out alone with each other, she even got a boyfriend. Cheated on him within 1 month with me.

Things escalated and I was blocked from all comms for 4 months now.

Last Friday we met, talked, and now are in touch again. I don't know how to handle the situation yet, I can't reach out to my friends, since all I get "dude just ditch her", "You really shouldn't allow her to get involved with you" and stuff...I know they're right. But I want her so badly.

Why the fuck can't I move on, Jow Forums?

My ex gf texted and flexed on me two days ago calling me a nerd and wished me luck with my computer science course like she was making fun of me as she is quite the hot shot now doing her gap year working in a bar. What the fuck is wrong with people lol she knows Im doing good in life and ut would have been even better if it wasnt for her and cant fucking take it this fucking bitch. And shw was the one to left me. She even tried to friendzone me and make me into an orbiter after shebtold me she started lifting and goes to this commercial gym, the one i go too, impliying we should hit the gym together. What a fucking joke lol I’m glad I brished her off. Im gonna get my to-be-model-tier body by the summer and fuck her bf when she comes back for christmas while she working in a shitty bar haha

Are both of you 16?

Block your ex and move on with your life

Your friends are right, she sounds like a terrible person

>tells you she doesn't want a relationship
>gets a boyfriend who isn't you
>cheats on him with you
>gets back in touch to start all over again

She's using you to fulfil a need, whether emotional or sexual but she wants it all on her terms. You've got to be prepared to cut all contract. If you want to give her an ultimatum before that then fine, but you've got to be prepared to walk away if she keeps fucking you around

That sucks, man. I recently lost my grandfather whom I used to visit every week. Shit like that can come out of nowhere, so we should always cherish those moments we can spend together. Stay strong, user.

I need to study for an exam tomorrow. Jow Forums doesn’t let me tho (I know the problem is me). It’s the easiest exam and I heard only 10 ppl last year didn’t pass, less than 1%, I’m afraid being that kinda brainlet because I almost never went to Uni cause it’s an elite uni 3 hours way everyday.

Wouldn’t I need to study I’d probably be out smoking weed like a brainlet

We are 19 but she is just fucking retarded after she went to south africa and helped some black people organization about sending young girls to school or someshit and came back with a tatto and bangs I don’t even know what the fuck is wrong with her i feel like even if we stayed together i would have flipped shit after she’d tell me how men are oppressing women or someshit

well, to be fair, the reconnecting was my part. I was the one who walked up and said "hey, can we talk?"
Supposedly she misses the time when I didn't love her, when we were just friends. She also aggressively avoids any mention of what was between us, still accusing me of "you still hope for something!"
I don't think she wants to have contact with me, but just...endures it.

You gonna get played and you gonna get lower than ever.
Just end it right now bro and call it a day. Sure you will feel bad but not as bad as when she dumps your sorry ass again.
There is woman for you out there user,but it surely isn't this whore. You're better than this.

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Officially done with this semester of uni as of tomorrow. I'm talking to this qt I met during football season and it's pretty nice. The timing isn't ideal, but if I plan it out right maybe we'll be able to go on a couple dates during the long winter break.

My lifts have suffered this semester just because of scheduling, I was too busy to even lift twice a week at times and my gains suffered from it. Looking at several months' worth of a consistent three days a week is very exciting. 2019 looks pretty promising overall, especially spring semester.

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Think I'm falling out of love with my gf
She's a qt 8/10 Italian, been with her 19 months
Constantly finding myself more attracted to other girls because of how stale the relationship has become
Can't decide whether its worth taking the risk of leaving her with the possibility of being happier single or elsewhere
Don't want to just end up being one of those guys who goes clubbing or to bars every week trying to find any interaction with a woman
I also feel like I owe it her not to break up with her out of complete boredom.

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fucking kill me

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Are you gonna fuck?

You have nothing to feel bad about user
You said it yourself
you're doing good so focus on self improvement and be better than that sad sack of shit

Why do you think she messaged making fun of you?
She's bitter and all she can do it talk shit out of resentment because you're doing good

Fucking pissed because I was supposed to gym this morning but haven’t been able to find a new gym. The one 5min from parents house I’m visiting is closed for a month, hope they lose all their customers and shut down over this shit.
Tried calling a nearby gym and I got the generic ‘oh its 30 bucks a month do you wanna come in and check it out’ but as soon as I ask about enrollment fee I hear about some like 50 bucks for a key fob, 90 bucks for enrollment, 30 for the month. I JUST NEED ONE GOD DAMN MONTH.
Those were my only plans for today, now I’m just gonna sit around and play video games and lose my gains.

Dude, that's just so wrong on so many levels. He's my dad, not my sister.

Do connect on deep levels with goals for the future? Wife her? kids? How you'll raise them? What careers you want?

playing some vr games actually
fallout and skyrim

gets my mind off of, well, the 'ol ex-gf for some minutes at least

talking would be a great start, just so you know

Gonna play Overwatch Ranked, smoke weed, and eat delicious food. Overall gonna be nice night.

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I'd suggest trying to make things more interesting with her before trying to make things more interesting elsewhere. Sounds like some stock "grass is greener" shit, if you've been able to make it work for this long you probably have what it takes to go further unless you actively choose not to. Communication is an incredible thing


Stuffing my face with bad food
Watching some youtube videos
Thinking about kissing my ex next week at the christmas holiday party

The ush'

I dunno man
last girl I was ready to wife just up and went "yeah nah i need room" and had another dude two weeks later.
Maybe I'm just uggo, but even tinder isnt bringing in results. I'm starting to doubt myself

I’m heading home on leave from FT Sam, gonna surprise my fsmily and hit my old gym and run routes back home.

Fucking got the flue from last Friday dinner out.

I'm shitting water and i mean it literally.

I squatted 5x5x156Kg this morning. Than ate 3 bananas and butte tea, and i have not stopped shitting since then.

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Well since you ask, user, my gf of 4 years just broke up with me. It’s for the best and I’m doing surprisingly ok, but she was the bulk of my socialization so it’s gonna be a lonely Christmas, and likely a lonely while. Nevertheless I guess I’ll try to bury my head in the sand lifting and drawing, hopefully I’ll read some. We met at 16, she was my first kiss and such. Either way I hope I meet a nice girl in the next 6 months or something to really commit to, I could really care less about sleeping around with thots and partying. I’d be lying if you guys haven’t helped to make me very wary and hopeless about colleged aged women though. I’m liable to give up on it altogether.

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>, my gf of 4 years just broke up with me.

You went to the gym with the flu?

>Maybe I'm just uggo, but even tinder isnt bringing in results. I'm starting to doubt myself

You don't look there for anything more than sex

The problem isn't really you, the problem is the spirit nowadays young women have. They want to have 'fun' which means slutting around and trying to get the 'best' of life before settling down.
If you want a gal that doesn't break your heart, go for church cuties, they won't be most adventurous or hot but they are loyal as fuck and want real relationships.

about church.

I'm banned in also all churches around here. I'm not very religious, and let's just say...I didn't respect christians all that much when I was younger

Yeah I know tinder is literally just hookup. I'm not looking for a relationship, right now, it's not her. Just trying to get my mind off of her

Frankly we weren’t all that compatible to begin with, we had little nothing in common other than being awkward kids. But essentially, we’re at different uni’s, and she has a good idea of what she wants to do with her life whereas I’m kindof just kicking around in the deep end. I was well aware it was coming eventually and was just enjoying the last of the ride waiting.

Tell the story user I'm legitimately curious

Well, if you got some charisma you'd better try bar or some club, people there usually know what they want

>going to gym for a back day
>gonna come home and eat a meal
>creampie my gf
>watch a movie
>go to bed

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I have gone through this before with her and have managed to make it more interesting
But I just have very little sexual attraction to her at the moment, every other time I was still attracted to her
And as a person she's lovely but I just don't feel like we have meaningful conversations enough anymore
A big thing for me is that she does very little to improve upon herself other than her apprenticeship
She works 9-5 and then sits around all night and has lost her great body since she stopped going to dance last winter

I want to be able to talk to her but she just takes it to heart and gets very emotional or cries
Then she fixates on it and acts sad around me as if shes afraid at any moment I'm gonna call it quits
Then shes even less fun to be around

I'm studying Pharmacy
She's studying Computer science and web design
We agree on most things although shes quite agreeable so that could just be me rubbing off on her across the last 2 years.

>I want to be able to talk to her but she just takes it to heart and gets very emotional or cries
>Then she fixates on it and acts sad around me as if shes afraid at any moment I'm gonna call it quits
>Then shes even less fun to be around
adress that
even if she cries
even if she gets emotional
its something that you are not okay with now

story-time about how I got banned in nearly all churches here? sure.

so, there's a catholic big church, with sunday 8:00 sessions. I stumbled drunk as shit in there, it was winter, I wanted warmth, so here we go.
They got these little boys with incenseburners that walk between the benches.
the drunk fuck saw one of those, mistook it for a burning handbag, tackled and punted the boy over half the church, screaming "THE BAG'S BURNING" while smashing the incense burner on the ground.

on another occasion, I broke into the wine cellar of the local dome, and got drunk as shit with the wine. priest found me there next morning.

yeah, the other stories are basically me doing dumb stuff when drunk.

I’m so lonely
This board is my only way to socialize

>started watching some teenage drama tv-show
>can't relate to anything in it
>didn't/haven't experienced anything social like that
Did people really have that kind of time in high school?
At least I had a really good workout fueled by the depression-anger.

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oh yeah about charisma and clubs.

I loathe going out alone. Also, I've been told, I look "unfriendly". The few attempts I made having conversation were promptly shut down

Spending christmas alone since 2013 , again

Have been crying my eyes out for months now because of that

Got a really bad, from what I've read, exertion headache doing squats the other day. Even gay shit like ab wheel rollouts and stuff hurts after a bit. Fucking sucks.

My ex unfriended me on facebook. We both rarely posted anything anyway and usually shes the one who would reach out and say hello once in a while. Just thought it was interesting.

She came up on people you may know thing is how i found out

his lats were small, obviously...

I'd kinda assume you live in small town by this story, maybe changing climate would do some good on you ?

I might know what you mean, one guy tried to kill me just because of my face. Some women like it tho, but it's one success for 10 dumplings

If you are so heavy about this maybe going for some public event wouldn't be such a bad idea ?

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>public event
I've been invited to go to a christmas party even thingy with friends, not sure if i should go

Man if you were crying your eyes because of loneliness then it sure as hell is better than being alone

>tfw seeing couples during christmas time while you‘re a lonely gymcel autist

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Yikes what cunt?

>literally point my middle finger every hour or so in the direction my Ex lives

I have gone insane, it's the end times for me
Why on earth do i always get the crazy kind of girls

oh I did move from there long ago
I'm still not really a fan of church.
I picked up vocal lessons, maybe get a band. Get known to people, y'know. Maybe it'll help.

>tfw falling in love with an emotionally damaged girl whos been abandoned by her family at 12
>we hang out all the time
>shes super cute and nice when we're all alone
>but she models and acts like it when we're in public
>idk guys i just want her to be loved
im also the 4th guys shes ever slept with, so i have hopes for us.
then again im moving across the country next year.

Life in general is actually pretty good, objectively

Subjectively, my love life ended couple of months ago, still clinging onto it
Hate the fact that i have no contact with any ex-girl ever
Feel like my life is stagnating, work life balance has gone to shit in favor to lying in bed all day

Glad i have friends that is, still miss companionship with a girl

I might get drunk in my bedroom and listen to loud fucking music tonight. I don't know, I'll probably end up getting dragged out to the bars knowing my friends though.

I work out no matter what.

I'm going over to this MILF's house to fuck her in the ass while her ex-husband watches the kids. lol

Trying to get some puss @ a school function. Pray for me fags

>just turned 20
>lost my job due to factors outside of my control
>trying to find a drummer and bassist for my band
>slowly getting better at guitar
>still no gf
>no longer go to gym for fun, but rather out of habit

not sure how to feel to be honest

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sometimes i really envy you guys in the US

t. germanfag , almost 30 always dreamed about living in the US and growing up there

in germany you can still find a white gf, something basically impossible for large parts of the US

eh i'd settle for a white latin/asian one

Thinking about going to a punk show but idk if I wanna deal with all the hipster faggots that I'm certain will be there. Pretty shit weak. Some retarded public transportation bus t-boned me, totaled my car and their insurance is taking forever to call me back and tell me about how I can be reimbursed

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I meant week and public transportation van

>open up facebook because buddy of mine updated his profile picture
>see my ex has liked it
and now i'm back to being a sad cunt

If you can work out you don't have flu

Maybe if you live in Socal where everyones hispanic, or parts of NYC or some coastal areas in the deep south where almost everyone is black but idk what you're talking about other than that

>asian one

the US does have plenty of good looking asian girls but they are so fucked in the head and are everything wrong with women today x 10.
if asian girls are you think lookswise, as in they get your dick the hardest, then youd like it here but if you like asian girls because of some percieved behavioral benefits youre sorely mistaken, need a asian asian girl not american asian girl.

>white latina
im sorry bro but that doesnt exist in america. growing up in california i know thousands of latinas and aint none of them white.
the "white" latina girls you see on the internet, you will never find one IRL in america you have a better chance just getting an actual white girl. if you did meet a white latina girl id be willing to be she'd be harder to get than a white girl because she knows her worth and wants a hyperchad.

yeah i do live in CA, but i live in san jose
nothing but asians and spics out here. really gross ones too.

lads do girls actually show their friends retarded shit from facebook guys told them? i went full just bee yourself with my relative. are her friends gonna know?

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Good luck

im really derunk and texted my ex-girflriend that i miss her a lot

oh boy

no not cleetus by the way, were kinda close now. but im still paranoid. shes a weirdo legbeard by the way and claims not to have any close friends but i refuse to believe

Beta male move. She should be the one texting you that shit.

she should but she never has, so i said fuck it and tell her
i miss her i tell her that's waht the alcohol is telling me right now anyway

I live in the deep south where it's like 50/50 white and black. Where I come from in the mountains of VA was like 100% white tho. I'd say most of America you can find white girls

yeah i over exaggerated
america is fucking huge
california is fucking aids
idk what to do, im moving when i find a decent job in basically any other state

>Asked girl if she wanted to go out with me tomorrow night.
>"I can't I'm having an exam on Tuesday and I need to read"
Spaghetti starts forming in and around my pockets
>"How about Wednesday?"
>"Then I'm working"
That was the last day I could before I'm leaving this city to go home for Christmas. Spaghetti has fallen out of my pockets. It quickly fills the room and I am beginning to physically drown in the sweet mix of pasta and tomatoe sauce.
>"Oh. W-Well..."
I am absolutely panicking inside. I am a deer in the headlights. Time stands still as the Italian dish forces it's way into every hole in my body.
>"Next year", she says
I am tunnel visioning. The spaghetti super novas in my pockets are still spewing out tens of gallons of spaghetti. The walls in the room are crumbling from sheer pressure of the pasta.
>"S-see you then", I manage to muster
I turn 360 around and manually walk away.

I have no idea what it means. I have forgotten wether she said "next year" or "perhaps next year". I was panicking too much from being told she could not go on two different dates. Did she just say it to be nice, or does she like me? I am in fucking limbo. Floating between heaven and hell. I did not ask for these feels.

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Story of my life, I usually messaged people who I thought were my friends first because they rarely initiated, we'd chat a bit and they say shit like we should meet up. I try to arrange that and they go radio silent. Basically through this I've realised that I have no friends.

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Gonna go have a beer after work then go home and ready about salt water marshes.

really think I need to quit it with tinder and let things develop on their own lads. last month I was at another university for some conference and I went out with the cutest redhead. we met up around 1, talked for hours, and she invited me back to her place. date could not have gone any better, wasn't even expecting to get laid that day, things just flowed naturally. tried not to catch feels because I knew we go to school 7 hours away from eachother, but I didn't ghost because her hometown is only a 2 hour drive and I felt like it was worth a shot during break. messaged her last night and she told me she isn't 'in the best place' to hook up right now
kind of a tough feel- I'm glad I went out with her and I think if she were maybe just a bit older, or we lived in the same city things would have been different, but all of my sexual experiences have come from girls I've met on that app and slept with one time. I want consistent intimacy and this stuff is starting to fuck with my head

Means she's not interested. The girl has to first show interest, and then you can muster your forces and blitz for her heart.

Usually I head over to the shooting range until about 11 pm, and then I just go out with some friends in Amsterdam. I've got a uni assignment deadline for 11:59p.m. though, and also a driving lesson tomorrow morning, so tonight I'm doing neither of my usuals.

come on lads fuck

I know that feel lad

I'd love to get into shooting, but starting January I won't even be able to buy a gun. I just want to release some stress at the range

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