>finally text her
>no reply for hours
>not even seen
>she's online chatting with other people
lift for this feel?
Finally text her
Man up you 2018 numale pussy. Jesus christ fuckin disgusting
Do you not realize how pathetic you are
Get a life loser
Life ain't fair. Deal with It, Faggot
Just keep lifting and trying out other girls. I left my comfort zone and now I have outlets for easy sex and reject trash tier women. You absolutely have to try every chance you get socially though, theres no resting periods or reps with that. But it also means it becomes second nature. Dont lie about who you are, that makes things harder. God speed user.
>talking to one girl at a time
Send her five more texts asking if she received the first text and if she would be so kind to reply
try talking to her irl first next time
Become more interesting
but she told me she misses me and all that last time, I don't understand
She's just didn't want you to blow your brains out. Nobody would ever miss an ugly faggot like you
Delete this thread and never post on this board again
This better be bait
holy shit she just texted me back WTF
The answer is always 1 arm pushups til f. Then the other arm. If still sad jumping squats.
>lift for this feel?
Something heavy. I suggest squat or dl.
Devote yourself to work first, women will follow naturally.
Focus on taking care of business first.Next, you can put yourself in situations that you will meet women naturally without any pretext of relationship.
Go from there.
Women choose men, men do not choose women.
Dude, women like to have people for emotional support. Quit reading it like you're on deck for pussy. She doesn't see you like that -- it's not happening.
Having an actually friendship with a girl can be a very beneficial thing, but your whole relationship with this girl seems more intense on your side than on hers. I would stay away from her for a bit, and leave her alone online. This obsession isn't a good look for you.
Fuck off Jow Forums fag
I've been severly depressed for the last god knows how many years and she recently came into my life and made me the happiest person ever when I was with her. I know I'm pathetic and cringe but I'm fucking love starved as well
Post the text retard
Sounds like you're about to hit a new squat PR today.
Talk to other girls. There are too many girls in the world to get hung up over just one.
She's holding you in her orbit, lmao. Break it off, if you don't fuck her this year she's a waste of time unless she's a certified virgin.
Bro, even in a relationship you will feel love starved. You want love? Get a dog, not a girl. Also, quit being an emotional bitch about it.
no that's fucking dumb, a dog? I'm a HUMAN and I need HUMAN interaction, more specifically intimate interaction with the opposite sex. "hurr quite being emotional" no FUCK YOU that's what I did in my last 30 years and where have it got me? life is not fucking fair
Get the fuck over it loser if that girl don't want you leave her be it may be too early to react but if she doesn't like you can't force her to! channel your energy in to getting ripped mentally and personally may be you're not interesting expand your tastes
Hey dumbass, a woman's attention isn't going to cure your depression or "love starvation" (what is that, some korean NEET term?).
If anything, if she suddenly called you and said she wanted to be in a relationship right now, it would ruin you. You would either think you weren't worthy of that kind of love and self-destruct, or get jaded and angry when your own internal strife is still there.
please leave Jow Forums we don't want your kind here
Shes not into you, but she doesn't want to be rude and tell you to fuck off. So just give up and find some other girl
My oneitis got fat. I could have saved her, brahs.