High testosterone

>Spend all my time trying to raise my test through natural means
>it actually works, lifts are skyrocketing
>sex drive is through the roof, cant stop fapping to PAWGs
>increased levels of aggression
>literally fucked my gf then went and had a wank to BBW porn after she left
>started an argument on text for no reason


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What are you doing to raise test?

It is worth it, user, you just don't know where to channel all of it. Try meditating to cool down a bit and stop the porn, it's degenerate behaviour. The world's your oyster now.

share ur secrets

You noticing any changes in your facial aesthetics?

are you retarded?

ice cold showers, meditation, raw onions and garlic, red light therapy on my nuts, ZMA, cardio in the morning, 8-9 hours sleep a night (easy with the ZMA) no alcohol, only eating high quality grassfed steak and veges, no milk, no processed foods, chamomile tea, ashwaghanda, maca root, vitamin D3 and sitting in the sun 15-20 mins a day, fish oil, sex as much as possible

>literally fucked my gf then went and had a wank to BBW porn after she left

i know this feel, and my gf is hot

no milk? I thought the idea that milk raised estrogen was a meme

It’s the fact they feed the cows estrogen to produce more milk. How is it not a meme? My science teacher told me this 12 years ago..

>only eating high quality grassfed steak and veges
>sitting in the sun 15-20 mins a day
these actually did it, not the other stuff.

Oh wow! How come when I inject 750mg of test I don't get any of this except lifts skyrocketing? What is placebo or association/causation?

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elaborate pls

redpill me on the red light user

this tbqh. Preferably with a link to the light you bought.

Then why does Shawn Baker have low test?

it's because of your depression from being a cheating loser

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>literally fucked my gf then went and had a wank to BBW porn after she left
Sounds like you need to do some architecture

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>Fapping and fapping to Porn
>Having a girlfriend
Pick one and then kys you liar.

does he look low test to you?

Fucking hell you went all out. Fair play you mad bastard.

>not fapping only getting your nuts from your girl thats on the rag for 33% of every month
>not fapping and having sex regularly

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You're not getting laid, lies on the internet still doesn't make them true outside of it.
Enjoy your fullfap, deadweight.

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>>Spend all my time trying to raise my test through natural means
>>it actually works, lifts are skyrocketing
So because your lifts are skyrocketing, you managed to "naturally" "raise" (natty is a buzzword and raise in this context is idiotic, most you did is you removed negative factors) your test? Boy, you got some brain problems
>>sex drive is through the roof, cant stop fapping to PAWGs
Porn addiction, would brag about it because it means you're weak willed
>>increased levels of aggression
Psychopathy, wouldn't brag about it because it means you're an antisocial sperg
>>literally fucked my gf then went and had a wank to BBW porn after she left
Porn addiction
>>started an argument on text for no reason

Yup, brain problems. I recommend killing yourself and starting all over again.

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Got test checked. 231ng then 403ng for the follow up, doc says it's on the low end of the range but not low enough for TRT, fuck my life

I wish, maybe I could stop being a passive, brain fogged, anxious fuckwit.

Caloric deficit
48 hours sleepless
Max out every single day for a week
Preferably get ill
Find something to stress about
Only alcohol leading up to the test

Sub 200 guarantee or you get your money back

not him but LLLT/red light therapy is proven to excite cytochrome C, which basically vitalizes whatever tissue you shine it on, and this probably (don't remember seeing scientific evidence) can be applied to leydig cells which are cells in your nuts that produce test

they've shined sunlight on the balls of rats which gave them like 300% test, this was in like the 1940's

I'm gonna get one of the devices for hair/skin/test/possibly muscle recovery/wellbeing, shit seems miraculous desu

sarm and then go to your doc, test will be in the 1-10ng range. everyone who wants trt for on god damn reason does that

t. low test

Drinking chamomile tea, taking cold showers, eating raw onions and garlic, red light therapy on your testicles, ZMA, no alcohol, and fish oil literally has zero affect on testosterone.

>400 ng measured
I just want more test so i can live my life, gains would be a bonus
for example there was this guy on the train who was robustly built and kept mumbling into his handsfree telephone giving off unstable vibes, he pointed at me at random, I looked at him, he apologized for pointing at me (might have been a tic or something), and I just got this tension in my body and that nervous thing where you get a unsteady gaze. I don't want that, I want to be able to tell a two meter tall drug dealer to go fuck himself without blinking. It's like a feedback loop of bad instincts and bad socialization trapping me.

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the first two could probably destress you, cortisol is metabolically connected to testosterone.

He eats only charred supermarket steaks. Its amazing hes still alive.

why not just inject test rather than doing all this autistic shit

t. someone who needs to do:
constantly to even feel at the same level as an average adult

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Is it any kind of red light? I got this headlamp with a red light mode, but my guess is I'd need something fancier than that

Why the fuck don't you just roid? Clearly you don't care about being natty since you're trying for TRT, so just handle it yourself

If you start TRT are you stuck doing TRT for the rest of your life?

it's a few specific peaks somewhere between the 600-900 wavelengths, and you need a solid intensity
this means you need either a device specifically for it, a plant grow light that happens to have the same wavelenghts, or if you just happen to have a super expensive medical laser lying around

I don't have any sources I trust

You could stop but you would still have low test most likely. It's a treatment not a cure.

have 900 ng/dL test and dont even fap u just have an addiction faggot

Do you have a model in mind for the hair ?

How could you not enjoy it? I love the feeling testosterone gives me. Girls love it too. Just give it time, get used to the increased sex drive and you will be unstoppable.

BBW kys

Well how big are we talking? Full blown or chubby?
Probably won't get a reply considering how old the thread is.

>900 ng/dL of test

Oh damn just googled BBW. You are fucking sick OP. But my words will fall on deaf ears. You are too alpha to care.

this man fell for all the memes

They were never memes to begin with.

OP here forgot i made this thread and abandoned it

half the stuff in that list reduces Cortisol, some of it encourages better sleep, the end result is the same. faggot. im not implying 1 onion = 250mg strait test in my vains

The testicle beams sound like cancer rays

he had low test for that test. you can just look at this physique and the lifts he does and you know he is not low test.

Same here
All I can figure is that our test levels are already fairly high so we don't experience as much of a surprise "jump" (I'm naturally around 800ngdL) or like you say, placebo.

I've never felt euphoria during any cycle, just size, strength, and a mild bump in time spent jerking off to anime girls.

Yo Jow Forums is it true this thing here destroys your T?

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Natural increase in test within normal levels has never been linked to have any anabolic effect.

You are literally just being mentally retarded and placebo’ing yourself

it's not oncogenic but if you already have cancer it will help it grow

not really, anything would do I assume
there are helmet style things but those seem cumbersome for other applications

What's the deal with onions and why raw? I'd lurk more but it hasn't come up in past few months.

Eatings raw unions burns like hell, it makes you stronger when you withstand the pain

Lower body fat is most important(10-14)%

Genes? I have around the same, but results of these tests vary a lot (easily 100 ng/dL for 1 SEM). It depends if you come in the morning or later in the day, what you ate before the test, how well you slept, under how much stress you've been, caloric intake an so on. At the end of the day it's just a number and personally I think above an average level you won't notice much difference in life satisfaction.

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milk is full of estrogen you mong.

>spotted the person who's never been in a relationship

I indeed did, thanks for quoting the truth.

Yes, and it also lacks EPA and DHA. It's nearly useless as a source of omega-3.

i’m sure there’s scientific basis for all of these, but like another user said, the majority of test increase would most likely come from properly sourced diet and more exposure to sunlight. the rest would have such trace amounts of test increase that they wouldn’t be practically applicable in a real world scenario.

>still fapping to porn
>not fucking your gf thrice a day
never gonna make it

hey, 20 boosts of 1% is still 20%
and you never know what will end up working so just do as much as you can without it turning into a bother or overly expensive

Why is nobody acknowledging this gem?

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iktf bro. some people don't report any changes with pinning test to their mood or personality though, and blasting hardcore isnt really sustainable. not sure what the solution is. i guess it's just survival of the fittest

>Struggling to eat raw unions on the daily.
>Not going full ThatcherMode.
>Not making it.

Pick all three bro.

>stops touching her in the last picture

The architect's vision has reached fruition

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>red light therapy on my nuts
> raw onions and garlic
>chamomile tea

OP is obviously memeing.

>Cancer, burning stomach and being a faggot gives you higher T

Maybe if you're nigger.

>vitamin D3

Are there benefits to sunlight besides the vitamin D? Can I just take higher doses of vitamin D and get similar effects?
> t. wagecuck who sits in a windowless office 9 hours a day and lives in fucking ohio where the sun never shines anyways

You should try not jerking off along with it and you will become immortal

Oh wow, artificial test injections dont give the same results as a clean diet and healthy lifestyle. Your endocrine system is more than just testosterone levels.

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Yes it's not test, whoever has the genius idea to call it high test all the time is fucking retarded. And I still don't believe that any of those memes work, put 1 teaspoon of baking soda in a liter of water and you will feel extremely great. It's probably just because you stress yourself more doing those meme things making you eat more salty food and the salt making you feel good then

I hope you also sleep naked on the floor without a pillow with no air conditioning or heat and snort horny goat weed to maximize test gains.

Red light therapy is scientifically validated, the nuts thing is still up ib the air though

Just because you arent getting laid doesnt mean everyone else isnt

Nice projection user, try some self-reflection next.

You literally have zero studies actually proving what you just said

That sounds ultra autismo user. If it's working though..

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>convincing brehs to not raise test
>no no it totally sucks up here bro don't do it
>more sex4u

can't you see even what you're doing now is high test? go back to low test and see how you like that. or enjoy your succesful lifestyle

shush ninny

So you're unemployed, got it. I used to do all this shit until I got a job.

pure evil



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Are you the guy who lived in a house made of nothing but wood because it's clinically proven to be good for your brain or something?


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I know you are mirin my natural lighting

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what the fuck i remember that thread.
looks comfy user. try to put up some classical art, a poster or some photos that you like.

did you end up getting that ariana grande poster from the last thread?