Friday Night Feels

How is everyone holding up? Is it gonna be another night in alone?

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This could be a good thread why did you ruin it by getting it deleted

Whatever. Im lonely bros. I moved out of town for college but I miss my family friends and gf. Lifting is the only thing keeping me sane rn

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Lonely like usual.
keep getting matches on bumble and tinder but for some reason can’t bring myself to respond to any of the messages I get. What’s wrong with me bros?

stop jerking off
go for a week and see how much your motivation to actually get laid increases

Why would anyone willingly let another man fuck their butthole

Janny deleted a Ronnie Coleman thread but this is ok apparently

have a few beers and just go for it mate

oh god two gay niggas

because it's hot

What is the jewry mind fucking shit? Put men in a weak position where they talk about their personal lives while posting these photos 1. Talking and letting stress out would make them feel lighter nd better 2. You’re making them associate these feelings with these photos because once they see them they will remmeber how they felt last time

Report this shit


great job starting the thread with this shit OP

dating app matches won't truly solve your loneliness issue. i'm too autistic to build romantic relationships in real life so i end up getting laid through tinder and each time i have sex with a girl and never see her again it hurts just a little bit more

You're such a fag

I know it won’t solve anything. They’re never quality women anyway. I feel like I could do so much better in real life if I just put myself out there. Maybe I’m functional but depressed

I am willing to bet its porn/chronic masterbation. I'm in the same boat bruv

You know we're on Jow Forums when no one bats an eye at the OP pic


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>tfw try just an air squat
>tfw struggle to get past 45 degrees

i'm past the point of no return

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