Lets get one of these going, how close are you to reaching your ideals Jow Forums ?

Lets get one of these going, how close are you to reaching your ideals Jow Forums ?

Attached: 3398884493.png (1065x1017, 17K)

Almost there.

Attached: 1542633815189.jpg (900x900, 275K)


Attached: ideals.png (1316x1204, 2.22M)


Attached: Fit ideals 1.png (1692x1660, 3.66M)


based yae poster

never realized roof koreans are such a pinnacle of style

Anyone here mirin?

Attached: 1544843420592.png (1065x1017, 1.56M)

>falling for the jungle pill

It's too late for me to go back, I'm lost in the jungle with no way out

We all have fallen for one thing or another

Attached: dont have one.gif (500x730, 447K)

Attached: fitshit.jpg (1092x1020, 292K)



Attached: ideals2.png (1500x1500, 3.53M)

gross but digging it

faggy and tatoos are degenerate


homosexual and miscegenation

teenager, and tatoos are unhealthy/degen

realistic and subtle. ok

Attached: 1529114425795.png (1000x1000, 1.7M)

2/4 Nice hair and girl.
3.5/4 Style is a little awkward.
2.5/4 What is that hair? Style is a little awkward.

Attached: FitIdeals.jpg (1065x1017, 157K)

based opr8r poster

Attached: IdealMGS.png (1065x1017, 761K)

Yeah, I know I'm autistic as fuck.

Attached: ideals.png (1065x1017, 1.32M)









Attached: templ8.png (1254x1360, 2.13M)


Imagine being such a fag.

question is, why do you care OP? why make this thread at all? what’s the point other than to garner (You)s because you put together the best set of pictures? Go lift something. All of you.

These threada have been a staple in the board for a while. God forbid there's threads that aren't about protein farts or how women make people miserable in gyms.

3/4, your style is a bit gay unless you're a buisnessman, an even then.

gay, gay, gay, and gay 0/4, 0/10

noice, except that your ideal girl is a sloot apparently even if shes pretty. low standards

noice, but same criticism as above


3.5/4. The girls are cute but cartoons. Everything else is ace.

3/4. Not a fan of most of the style but I'm liking everything else, especially the body and girls.

3/4. Styles needs a smart alternative and I'm not sure how well your taste in women will work out, but otherwise overall solid.


4/4. Great all-round. God speed.

1.5/4. Hate the hair and the style is questionable. Body could have more bulk too.

2/4. Style and body are perfect, but I'm not into the hair or girl.


3/4. Again, perfect body and style. Hair's good too. Just not into gingers.

3.5/4. I'm a bit eh on some of the style, but everything else looks gr8 m8.

Attached: body hair style girl.png (1069x1014, 1.62M)

Attached: ideal.png (892x720, 1.44M)

Attached: step0004.png (804x768, 622K)