Is this achievable natty?

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I dont remember this dark souls boss

But it will take more money then you are making now to purchase her time.
You'll need unnatural amounts of money to attain her.

Hard to swallow pill...


my friend looked like this after about 3 months of lifting, he's black not sure if that matters

What implants...

You cannot be that lean and have tits that just pop out like that without implants, my dude.

I guess your right

the Golden One decided to start hiding his face, huh
all the cyberbulling must have really gotton to him

Is the sword representative?

Or just hiding his cock?

Don't think so, but maybe.

This is a fitness model named Erica Cordie and I think the whole European warrior aesthetic crossed with the bimbo bikini look creates a striking image. Highlights the freakish allure of female bodybuilders and how they create an archetypal contradiction in terms of how we see them.

I think the photo has way more artistic merit than selfie #3,456,679.

WHOA, look at that tan ten ten!

>women with muscles
Just no


Next post is also schizo.

Not natty, just stupid

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Appreciating photos as art and analyzing their presented themes is schizo?

Get off the internet and go read a book, friend.

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S-source? Thotslayer is my fetish

that's fucking gay bro


artists name and date is literally in the picture

Attached: this-is-the-ideal-female-body-you-may-not-like-7122315 arno breker.png (334x612, 119K)


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You're goddamn right

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Why not both?

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Erica Cordie, she just made me broke my dick and carpel tunnel both wrists

Gib milkies nao

Yeeaaah buddy

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its ok to be gay user, you clearly like men and just deny it with this shit

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Did her boobs had a fight? Are they divorced now? Are they filled with magnets? How can they defy each other like that?

The wonders of plastic surgery, friendo.

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>The "guy" who was too afraid just to come out looks like an absolute cuck

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Dancer of loreal valley. 1 hander dex fags need not apply, this is a job for str builds.

This is the redeemed, golden age woman.

These are fallen, dark age women.

cringe and closet pilled
imagine being so weak you get off to this stuff

Attached: closet.png (900x700, 27K)

What the fuck is wrong with you porn addicted soibois? You completely ruin the feminine physique with roids and now you basically have men in dresses

>that shoulder to hip ratio
So gay

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bigger is better

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I never said it’s wrong to be gay
Just don’t keep kidding yourself you arent

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Aren't you the hater who spams similar threads on other boards?

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Again, nothing wrong with being gay, stop taking it as an insult. It’s just clear that you’re delusional about your sexuality

Wouldn't I just have posted a guy in the OP if that was the case?

Attached: tumblr_nwr1qc7zHK1uqocn4o1_1280.jpg (853x1280, 134K)

Jesus Christ at least pick a feminine one

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you secretly like men and cope with your gayness with your muscle girl fetish
It’s not a death sentence to be gay anymore

Are you coming on to me, user?

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Well, it's too bad you aren't a varbie.

Everybody knows there are no girls on the internet.

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>can only respond with straw man
Kek, your gay ass is beyond help and all that soi has done permanent damage to your faggot brain

Bad ideal. Too attainable. There are trannies with a figure like this today. I am one. You're just going to have to take my word for it because I'm not posting body

You're right. Seeing all these tits and pussies has turned me gay

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what do you get our of these theads?
most sane men would consider this ugly.
are you trying to justify your desire or what?

>now you basically have men in dresses
Those are really popular here on Jow Forums

They don't look like a man, even with a man's face.

Attached: Great-looking-mom-of-six-children-26.jpg (600x600, 70K)

I thought this board was into aesthetics.

I just like the photo and the costume, that's all. I wish I had a large framed version of it to hang in my studio for inspiration

Ironic, isn't it?

As a tranny don't you worry about adding too much muscle to your frame? Or is hrt that powerful?

>worried about too much muscle
Yes which is why I completely neglect upper body like every other basic bitch instahot. Glutes and cardio for me.

Pollack here. greatthread/10. I gotta get off that board. Thanks for the laughs.

Not that user but I have dated some trans girls.

One was very dysphoric about her arms, but I thought they were sexy. YMMV I guess.

Good choice

Attached: 956550.jpg (1080x1080, 72K)

some people just have good genetics

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>Pussies with clit dicks bc of the roids
>Fake tits
>Look like men
Real great choice, do you even know what closeted homosexual means?


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No, please advise

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Not quite

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Are you even trying?

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So be it, then

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But seriously, how can you not like the ORIGINAL Girl with the Dragon Tattoo??

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