Jow Forumsizen

Jow Forumsizen,
Your crimes are not stretching, not getting enough sleep, and neglecting your cardio.
How do you plead?

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guilty as charged


I honestly wish i could do cardio but i'm a hungry skeleton and i need all the calories i can get.

I'll save you the paperwork and plead guilty if you send me to the iso cube with the comfiest bed, Judge.


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Guilty, Judge. I openly accept my Humility-Day Saturday, Sir, and volunteer for extra duty!

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i was gonna do those things but then i

left was so cute and fuckable

Was it true he used gear for that pic though?


Don't try it, Judge! You take one step closer and I'm blowing her gains all over the floor. I get a little crazy when I take preworkout.

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Guilty, not guilty and somewhat guilty in that order.

Not guilty

Not guilty, guilty, not guilty.

What's a good stretching program to do as a power lifter?

... serious question I'm not retarded I swear

not guilty

not guilty

not guilty

Then why are you powerlifting?

Well because I am a retard but I can still swear I'm not to a Reptile Discovery Forum.

i get 8 hours a night judge
but i skipped cardio day

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ye this is tinytrip, his lifting numbers were utter dog shit and he was roiding
being a legit manlet helped

you retards realize stretching doesnt work , tendons and sinews are not meant to stretch, thats their purpose


Cardio is masochism.

Not guilty, I stretch, I just slept 10 hours and do 1,5h cardio at least three times per week.

i only admit to not stretching enough.

yeah you got me

i sleep well-ish though

But Mehdi said I don't need to do cardio?

I slept for 12 hours today, because I've got nothing going on in my life. At least on workdays I have work and gym. No gym on a weekend, because my membership only covers Mon-Fri, 9-15. I hate my life.

cardio sucks major dick. It makes you exhausted and kills your gains. Also, it's boring as shit, feels like going back to school

Guilty on the count of not getting enough sleep, innocent on the other two. I pray for the judge to understand that finals week is upon us so sleep times must be downsized.

I have 1 hour freetime per day if I sleep for 7 hours sir

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None of them
You wanna be tight
Stretching is gonna lead to decreased force production