
Did any of you try stopping coffee (and caffeine) completely ? What were the benefits ?

I currently drink 1-2 cups a day and I'm considering trying to stop for a while just to see what it feels like.I'm not sure how much I'm addicted so I guess it will be interesting to see if I get withdrawal effects.

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I was drinking 3-4 cups of coffee a day. I switched to green tea and I feel better although I’m drinking 6-8 cups to compensate for the lower caffeine.

Once I get to 3 I cut cold turkey for a while. I always use good beans and hand grind it so the process of making a cup takes a while and I don't feel tempted to drink 5 cups in a row. Tastes way better too.

No caffeine doesn't make you feel better unless you're a hopeless caffeine junky. My health honestly feels better when I'm at 1-2 cups a day.

I stopped drinking coffee/tea/caffeine of any kind all together.

I always felt like shit if I drank a bunch of coffee. Honestly, I felt like it was placebo. Sure it gave me energy if I was passing out, but I was more unhappy/agitated, less focused, less stable.

If I get 7-8 hours sleep, and I don't eat sugary shit, and get some protein, I feel way more stable and I still have energy to do whatever I need and I don't feel insane.

I also started drinking some of that greens powder shit, but I stopped for like 6 months and still felt fine.

So yeah I basically felt like caffeine was a placebo for anything other than feeling insane. It didn't stop me from falling asleep on the freeway.

I swiched caffeine for other nootropics

Caffeine is a drug, just really low impact. Cycle it like any other drug.

it's a meme, don't listen to USA faggots who chug starbucks cups that are three time the size of a normal cup

>had an addiction to Kratom for about a year, it did everything coffee did but better. Plus no stinky breath, no sweating, no anxiety if you take too much, and it gave me warm fuzzy feeling to actually socialize
>so easy to get, everytime you quit you eventually cave in and get more, like day 3 of nofap
>decide one day to quit it once and for all
>immediate agony as usual
>start drinking coffee to get some of dat dopamine back
>of shit this is actually doable
>go more and more days passing the hell of withdrawl with coffee and nicoteine gum (kinda helped)
>eventually run out of gum, so you quit it
>coffee is literally everywhere and so accessible, cant quit
>go 3-5 days without it, but eventually cave in all the time
>after 4 months sober of Kratom, decide to quit coffee and ride the withdrawl with the aid of kratom
>oh god not again
>drop one for the other
>Kratom hardly works again
>find out you burned your receptors again and coffee is pretty much the same thing
>now need to abstain from both
>boredom comes back 100 fold, get no pleasure doing anything, watching your favorite movies, cant imagine what real drug addiction withdrawl feels like
>probably wouldnt have communicated this post while sober

Is Coffee really the hardest drug to kick because it is so easily accessible? The same could be said about food or sex, but i'm literally skeleton and almost virgin. It kinda feels like the only pleasure in your life is taken away. Help bro's

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I had to quit because of stomach issues,i would feel like shit for like 2hrs after a cup of coffee,and still do. I dont feel any different except i dont feel like i need caffeine to function normally

i've been drinking coffe since 12 and now 10 years later i've tried to quit so many times ... coffee gives me anxiety but withoit it my mood is in the fucking basement

>to see what it feels like
Nothing, faggot not drinking coffee will not change your life in anyway

Which ones?

I'm trying to delay my morning coffee so I don't interfere with the cortisol wake response, anyone know if this actually does something?

>caffeine all day just to stay awake.

>melatonin every night just to fall asleep.

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I feel way better off coffee. Happier, less anxious, more stable and consistent energy flow throughout the day rather than hyper focused anxiety riddled laser energy for several hours, get the end of the day/afterwork crash way less often. I’ve quit cold turkey in the past but I realize now when I did it those times I was drinking 1-2 cups with creamer now I’m drinking up to 1.5 pots of black some days. I’m gonna wean down to 1-2 cups and then cold turkey that

>drank few cups of coffee a day along with 2 scoops of pre
>literally feel no effect of caffeine
>decide to quit caffeine for 14 days
>literally got depressed, wanted to ne ck
>started thinking about my ex i had no feeling for anymore at all (we broke up like 1 year before that)

Worst 14 days of my life.

How much lower is it? I'm 0 caffine for 4 weeks now but miss my hot drinks

Live longer, it gets worse

I quit caffeine cold turkey a year ago and I'm glad I did, caffeine is like a jew, it promises you it will help you, and at first it does help you, but it only does so by stealing from you and creating debt you have to pay, and to pay it you need more caffeine. It's a vicious cycle and you're the loser.

At first I did it for no reason, I just decided one day to quit coffee cold turkey for shit n giggles. The withdrawal symptoms I suffered made me realize how dependent coffee makes you to it and that was a big enough reason to continue quitting it.

The worst symptoms lasted around 3 weeks, awful daily headaches, exhaustion and brain fog. It was real tough but I powered through, determined to abandon the caffeine jew.

After 3 weeks the symptoms eased up, it still took me some more weeks to feel completely normal but maybe by the 2nd month I was already feeling fairly normal, during this period I just felt slight brain fog/exhaustion.

Now I feel normal and my energy levels are also normal. A good sleep schedule and an active lifestyle (both physical and mental) is all you need to not feel like a zombie. A good diet also probably helps.

Remember: Caffeine is a jew.

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Black tea brother here. Enough caffeine to give a little bit of energy but not enough to make me addicted.

Oh and to add to this, I used to drink 2 cups of coffee every day, just like you OP. That's what will happen to you if you quit cold turkey right now, that's how dependent your body is to coffee, rise up above the caffeine jew OP.

What the fuck, I don't believe these stories. Caffeine "withdrawal" lasts maybe a few days tops and even if you relapse, it doesn't change much.

I usually have a small cup after lunch to mitigate the crash, and one in the morning if I'm feeling down and another at night when I go out once a week.
When I'm on vacation I hardly toucb the stuff because I'm sleeping more than enough, and feel no withdrawal. I'm not a burger drinking half a liter of starbucks everyday though.

Green tea can be caffeine free

I changed to ginger tea with a squeeze of lime. The lime gives you a little buzz, and it’s just a lovely refreshing hot drink, imo anyway..

I slept better for about three days, that was about it.

otoh going from 2 cups in AM and a pot of irish breakfast tea from about 1100-1300 to 1-2 cups of coffee in AM makes a big difference in psychological well-being, so titrate to effect and figure it out for yourself.

this sounds great hot or cold, may have to try

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Been drinking it since I was 8 because poor nutrition made me constantly drowsy and that's how my mom supplemented it. I just got myself to quit now 14 years later. It took 2 weeks of gradually reducing the amount I drink daily (6 cups) and once I got down to 1 cup a day, I started diluting it with decaf. I used to do drugs and smoke a pack a day, and caffiene was the worst to quit. Be strong user

I don’t care about how gay this sounds, but I stopped drinking coffee recently because a family crisis and finals put me in a huge funk. I normally drink one or two cups in the morning to help me go to the bathroom, but it started to exacerbate my anxiety.

I switched to drinking black and green teas but I’m still getting caffeine withdrawal because it’s not the same.

If youre a coffee addict, switch out the coffee for Irish tea which has half the caffeine, and is much stronger and coffee like than english tea and it tastes insanely good with milk and half a sugar

honestly, the less coffee the better. Ideally none. But at weekends I sleep late and I'm groggy unless I drink one and on weekdays I need coffee to kickstart myself for work. Luckily I don't drink coffee at home and it's usually 2 hours after I wake up that I drink my first cup of the day. I usually have 1 or 2 but it's still too many.

Whats with Jow Forums's fetish for deprivation? Just work out and eat normally, you fucking loser. Don't look for magic shortcuts.

caffeine increases T if you don't take too much and it's really good at preventing colon cancer

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I never started on the coffee road. Stuck with cups of tea. I know there's caffeine in it.

Cutting it out for a bit. Need to get some real sleep and caffeine withdrawal is great for that. Wish me luck boyos

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Look into cognitive therapy.

I drink green tea (with lemon) using 4 bags per cup. I find weak-flavuored hot drinks disgusting because it feels more like dirty/stagnant water.

The caffeine hit is much more gradual than coffee, but it lasts longer and feels cleaner - no shakiness.

I'd recommend this for anyone who gets non-specifically "tired" during the day.

>tfw never had any desire for coffee whatsoever
>starts watching twin peaks
>instantly addicted to coffee
What the fuck bros?

I stopped caffeine for a month due to getting anxiety/shakiness. I would generally have 5-6 cups per day.

Although I started sertraline around the same time, I definitely found the physical symptoms of anxiety improved when caffeine-free - and I felt my energy levels becoming much more consistent/level.

Unfortunately, I'm a hipster who can't get enough of a good flat white - so once I got better from a mental health perspective I got back on the coffee. I don't think it's a bad thing, so long as you have the introspection to realise when something is becoming harmful and take a break.

Taper dosages. With just 3mg Melatonin I can feel groggy and lethargic the next day. Try to stop bouncing off extremes.

The caffeine in my green tea is 15-20mg per bag/ cup compared to the average cup of coffee having 95mg.
The big difference is that green tea naturally has l-theanine in it and theanine and caffeine have a synergistic effect. With coffee I get that shaky total body jolt. With green tea it’s more of a mental wake up. It’s easier to concentrate and stay on task when I’m drinking lots of green tea. I like the green tea feeling more than the coffee feeling.

yes normally have 1 coffee in the morning with a double shot in so its quite strong then diet pepsi sometimes during the day. Stopping even that 1 cup gave me a bad headache for 2 days. Noticed that I sleep better now and im a bit more awake during the day.

I stopped because I could just feel it having a bad effect on me. Dont drink any caffeine now.

I think this is a good summation. Though I had this effect at only 1 cup a day, everybody has different sensitivities to caffeine. Caffeine is certainly not a good thing and so stopping can't be bad for your health and wellbeing.

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1-2 cups a day is nothing. You wouldn't note any difference.

How big is a cup anyway?

You faggots know decaf exist, right?

Meditation helps a lot, but really addictive behaviors are a bitch. I'm not even addicted to substances. Just dopamine spikes like Jow Forums.