What's for breakfast Jow Forums?

What's for breakfast Jow Forums?

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same thing ever day:

1 serving cream of rice
1 TBSP natty peanut butter
1 scoop equate whey

Usually one *sip* and a protein bar cause i go to the gym before work so no time to eat big.

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250g smoked bacon (grilled)
250g grilled sausages
scrambled eggs with olives, tomato and black pudding
200g of pudding with raisins, cinnamon and coconut + seasonal fruit
500mL of water+potassium chloride

4 eggz
2 sausage pattiez
1 bowl of oatz
2 coffeez
1 glassz of gnc lit pwo
3 shitz

Currently 57 minz into gym routine

6th day of 6-8ish rep sets. Pretty much beat, anons. Ready for rest day tomorrow for once.
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wtf do you eat chink food and fries for breakfast?

>What looks like homemade chicken and rice
>Shitty frozen french fries

Usually eggs and oats

I have that exact same plate wtf

1lb full fat mince and a head of broccoli

2 eggs
3 strips of bacon
Toast or bagel
Grape tomatoes
I eat this everyday for breaky. How long until heart attack?

What app is this?

The salty fries enhances the umami of the spicy chicken and oily Lo Mein.

nothing, i need to still lose more bf until i reach 10%

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Strong app. You get three Ustom routines with the free version so I use it for PPL.


on what? i am fucking dyel as fuck and still have to much fat on me to show actual abs when relaxed

>cutting when you're that dyel

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i need to reach 10% or lower before i can bulk. i have never been to this bodyfat and if want to make sure that after my next bulk i dont have to diet for so fucking god damn long again. so i just want to get to the bodyfat you want to be at after a cut so i can do some leangains and never get above 13% again

>i need to lose weight so that i can put it back on
nigga u fuckin retarded

chicharron gorditas

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but usually just a monster zero ultra since I’m 16:8

haha what an absolute idiot he is, he is legit the skinniest dude i have ever seen and he is cutting wtf

>what is bodybuilding

>nigga u fuckin retarded
No u. Have you never heard of bulking/cutting cycles you halfwit?

what bf% am i?
is it higher then what you would want to be after a bulk and then cut cycle?
if yes i need to keep cutting to 10%