OH SHIT FAGGOT!! You grunted 2 decibels above the average newborn kitten's meow and as you brought the bar down at the end of your rep a pen fell out of your pocket so now THE FUCKING LUNK ALARM IS SOUNDING OFF! Everyone is looking at you and the planet fartness employees have secured all the exits. What do you do?
OH SHIT FAGGOT!! You grunted 2 decibels above the average newborn kitten's meow and as you brought the bar down at the...
Thomas Wright
Luke Cooper
Continue lifting like a chad
Brandon Evans
Everyone in the gym is closing in on you to confiscate your weights and gallon of water
Asher Robinson
Roll for perception check
Hunter Mitchell
You rolled 4
Owen Gomez
Ez bar + resistance band = home made longbow. Fire some Olympic bars at them
Leo Price
Roll for accuracy.
Rolls are based on the last number of your post. Dubs double the base value trips triple and so on.
Joshua Lee
Rolling. Let’s slay some hambeasts
Henry Ortiz
I'd like to make a dex check to disable the lunk alarm. Then i'd like to make a stealth check to evade the planet fatness employees. What weapon options am i looking at?
Anthony Kelly
>Grab nearest barbell
>Strip down to boxers
>Use barbell as a spear and fight my way out of the gym