So my gf has been going over to my friends house to watch shows when I go to the gym.
I didn't think anything of it until yesterday when she texted they were watching Punisher at lunch BUT THEN later before I left the gym she said I hope Iron Fist gets better.
Should I be worried? It said she was typing for like half a minute after that but she never said anything.
My friend would never do me like that though so I think maybe they finished Daredevil but I'm too scared to ask.
I don't know what to do should I stop going to the gym?
Kill her and your "friend" it the only to get your manhood back.
Thomas Long
you are being cucked, sorry bud.
James Moore
not Jow Forums related also you have a shit friend and a slut gf
Samuel Taylor
What is with all of the oddly elaborate "am I getting cucked?" cuck stories today? I've only stopped in a few times but there's been a new one pretty much every time I skim the catalog.
Juan Robinson
Discard the female and concentrate on getting swoll and juicy
Dump her and get another hotty because you're so fucking jacked and juicy. You've been doing some good roid cycles and now you've maximized your value in the sexual marketplace, right user? Right?
Grayson Cook
Does she have anything of yours on her right now? You can use that as an excuse to drop by unexpected and say “I forgot you had my ____”.
Robert Rodriguez
its 2018, bro. everyone's getting cucked left and right
Alexander Johnson
wtf? im glad my girlfriend understands that she is not supposed to interact with other men but me
Levi Morgan
Nah I don't think she's cheating on me, and he's like both of our best friend, he wouldn't jeopardize our relationship like that. We play wow together all the time
If he is I'll fuckin get him banned on wow for botting at the least not to mention I'll quench his life
Dude you are such a fucking faggot. I actually hate how everyone on Jow Forums jumps on any chance they get to say the girl's cheating but actually don't fucking base your whole decision on "he wouldn't jeopardize our relationship" and if you have a fucking problem bring it up. Don't fucking ask retards online for advice. Talk to your fucking girlfriend you stupid fucking retard. If she's the type who can't handle the fact that you have character flaws and suspicions she isn't worth dating.
And if they're fucking cheating ban his wow account? Jesus Christ you're a fag. Just fucking fuck someone. It doesn't matter. You think a fucking computer game is revenge? Revenge is beneath you. Don't actually be a fucking child. I hate you
Charles Harris
If you're too scared to ask your girlfriend a question you probably shouldn't even have one.
Carter Nguyen
>If he is I'll fuckin get him banned on wow for botting at the least not to mention I'll quench his life lol
Landon Roberts
She's fucking him
If you think "they'd never do that to me!" You're in for a massive shock
Austin Price
>I'll fuckin get him banned on wow Oh shit oh fuck calm down bro