I got this on my arm and leg

I got this on my arm and leg


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That you didn't actually do this and that this is a pointless thread

You posted this in the other thread and no one cared. Get over it


>girly blackwork tattoo
>wearing skirt
>painted manicured nails
checks out

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Your either Jared or you have the same tattoos as my friend Jared.

Get off Jow Forums Jared.


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This is a tattoo for queers and Hispanics who do nothing but play soccer and drink

Try lifting

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Ya see you ask for thoughts about a tattoo before you get it permenately etched into your skin. Once you get it you’ll just get a lot of shit for it so it’s better not to listen to others opinions

>the arm of the average fit poster

That’s racist mf

>please bring attention to my non existent arm gains
you look like a retard and i'm sure you will be regretting your choice in the near future.

Explain why?

What is the meaning of that tattoo, I see a bunch of people have it

>cluster of wrist bands with beads and shit
>painted nails
>skinny forearms
>anterior pelvic tilt so bad we can see it thru the clothes
>stupid ass Adidas stripe tattoo on skinny forearm

Damn how did it go SO wrong , u grow up without a father?

Pic related is Pinterest

Is OPs tats

>hey welcome to Big Mike's Gays Only Tattoo Shop, what were you thinking about getting?
>just give me two big black fucking lines on my arm
>uh you're not drunk or anything are you?

it's what's called a basic bitch tattoo, the i want to be unique while not being unique tat. at the parlor i used to work at we had a sheet up front that idiots could just circle and we would print the line work off and take their easy money. this gay shit was one of those things.

My thoughts on this:
Popularised a while ago maybe by gay sound-cloud rappers isn't everything nowadays, and now basic and boring af, no lasting or deeper meaning behind it, it's not even a line which would at least be a 2d shape, this is just a drawn-on plain armband.
It's probably a step above the scrawled-on shit drawings aesthetic because it is at least clean, but not a great choice imo. It could have purpose within a bigger sleeve of tattoos, to seperate two distinct themes or mural type works. aOr for tracing out your muscles idk.
On it's own it is common enough now to be on the verge between edgy and commonplace.
It's still a tattoo and a pretty noticeable one so it might get you some more attention from certain thot circles especially the late-edgy and art hoe crowd.
Not the best choice. Unironically should have gotten a mum loveheart tattoo.

>want to get an ironic mom heart tattoo
>my mom is a shit person that I hate

>this thread

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You're not allowed to hate her apart from extreme circumstances


Start lifting so this post is relevant

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Says who?

aesthetic, but pointless

lmao what a moron
might as well wrap some duct tape around your arm to get the same effect


Is that supposed to be a sock?

You understand that drug addicts with marks from injecting into arms started this trend? They got tattoos to cover up that shit

OK, this is based. I want to get my arms totally blacked out.

I like it, nice and simple. Accentuates your forearm and looks well done too.

well done if the goal was to make squiggly lines

i love you user

lame and unoriginal

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God this shit is so gay

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the absolute state of normalfags

What the fuck was your thought process?
>hmm, I want to look exciting. Hey maybe I should tattoo two lines on my arm!
Tattoos are the most retarded shit ever unless you're a member of Yakuza

a safe tattoo choice, you will never regret doing it contrary to that user with the hideous chest tattoo

Who died?
