Military career

I know danm well I am going to get a lot of hate but...

> 37 years old
> 420 pounds

Should I go for it and push as hard as I can to try for the air force before I hit the cut off of 39? I did keto and exercise for 3 months and lost 50 pounds without realy trying if I buckle down and commit I might be able to make it. Should I fit?

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probably going to be a bit of a stretch man, plus joining at that age will be frustrating as shit. You will be the same rank and be housed with people literally half your age.

unironically kys desu

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You absolutely should because your life currently is terrible isn't it? Over weight and unfulfilled. You will only ever regret not trying. You'd never regret doing something you always wanted to do. I'm army and it's the best job ever but that's because I'm an officer.

I am surrounded by people half my age at work already. I live in a college town so almost everyone I know is under 24. I have worked shitty manuel labor jobs for $12/hr or less since I was 16. I never hated the military but it was never something I wanted to do as I had authority issues when I was young. I do not think of it as a way to get guidance but I have always been patriotic and then chance of serving is rapidly going away while I do nothing with my life. I would like to get in shape but never had a goal to aim for.

I have been for 37 years.

Yo dude. That ship sailed. Yout last chance is by 39. You've got to drop 279lbs probably to make weight.

212 pounds in 1 year 7 months.

So you basically have a year. Personally it was the best decision I ever made.

So 11 pounds a month to start recruitment process by 4 months before my 39th birthday Nov 2020

You're going to have to stick to 2k caps a day, ontop of doing 30-40mins of HITT to get close to that goal.

Right so even Scoobs estimates on average if you do 40mins a week you'll lose 2.5lbs. So in a month potential you'll drop 10lbs.

Obviously you're going to have to stick with this for basically the next 15 months. The holidays will be hard, you'll crash some days and pig out. But the important thing is that it's not too late. Mathematically it's possible to lose the weight in the time alotted, safely, but that really depends on you. This has to be your goal in life. If you work fulltime, then you're going to have to treat this training as a second job and start sacrificing hours to get to this.

Once you start dropping weight like crazy, keep doing cardio, but add stronglifts 5x5 to your workout, on top of the cardio.

I met a guy in my boot camp, he lost 150lbs to enlist. So I've seen it first hand some dedication to get in.

Also don't be afraid to start the recruiting process when you're close to your goal. Like 20lbs close. Just tell the recruiter you were 430lbs and you've been training. Usually they'll hook it up to get you started. But you have to be in weight when you go to MEPS

Er well there's no harm in trying, i guess

Sounds like a plan or at least the start of one. Bookmarking that page so I can do some more reading on all his info. I will continue to track my stuff with myfitnesspal so I can have a full journal to show the recruiter and doctors. Thanks user both for your info and your service.

You have literally 0% chance of getting in. Way too old bro

>420 Lbs

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Holy shit I've never considered that there was an afterburner effect from cardio. This should make cutting so much fucking easier if it's true. Any sources other than scoobs for this?

>i have been for 37 years

god fuck man

I thought the cut off age was 35

Air force Capt. here.

I don't want you in the military

I don’t believe you, laddie

Ignoring the fact that you need to drop several hundred pounds in less than 2 years, how is your overall healthy? They do full blood work etc on you at MEPS. You can be DQ'd for blood pressure, prediabetes, and cholesterol levels as well. Also isn't 39 with a waiver? Waiver's aren't guaranteed. The military, especially the AF, isn't hurting for people. Have you talked to a recruiter?

I mean you really should take the plunge as push hard regardless of whether it gets you in, just want you to be realistic here.

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>I have been for 37 years.


>I have been for 37 years.

not gonna lie, joining the military to get IT training and actually being able to get a job without a college education sounds pretty cool

but idk if I could make it through boot, suffered a bilateral tibial fracture when I was young and have problems with running long distance

>mfw passed MEPs a few weeks ago
>worried about blood work cause all I eat is eggs and like 4 other foods

Do it and keep us posted

If I were you I would consider becoming a engineer like a diesel engineer.

If you then apply to the military you'll be more valued than the cannon fodder.

I'm not army but I do know some things, I really can't say more than that for privacy reasons.

They usually get lab results back within a week or so. Don't know if it's true for all MEPS stations. Call your recruiter. I think he can check on it for you, but if you haven't heard a big fat nope by, now you're probably fine.