I'm being dead serious when I say this, I nutted while working out today.
I was doing lying leg curls as my finisher for my leg day. I had three sets and my last set was a triple drop set. My first two sets were normal, no big deal. Then on the third set of my triple drop set I was tired and when I started that set my dick wasn't hard and I felt like I was going to orgasm out of nowhere but I kept going anyway. Then, I nutted in my shorts. After the set I rushed to get wipes to clean up the evidence and left the gym.
I know Arnold talked about this in Pumping Iron but I never knew this was a thing like WTF. Has this happened to anyone else?
I looked more into and there are certain exercises that will automatically bring people to orgasm, usually lower abdomen exercises.
Bentley Phillips
ive heard of women having 'coregasms' so maybe this is similar
Cooper Nguyen
1. Arnold admitted to talking shit for the TV
2. Google Coregasm, its a thing. mostly for women tho
Alexander Lewis
Dude I've had close to the same problem. Used to be whenever I did calves and I pushed too far Id feel like moaning and having an orgasm. Heard its a thing apparently.
Blake Jones
My friend had this happen to her at planet fitness. She tried to power through it and let out a "Hooooph!" unintentionally and set off the lunk alarm. She fled in tears.
Tyler Turner
I've had deadlifts get me extremely horny lol but I've never cum from one
Logan Gomez
Its happened to me multiple times dw bro its bc of the movement putting pressure on your prostate
Cameron Cooper
>be front squatting with squat plug inside >about to hit PR 170kg for 5 >the pressure of the last rep forces me to squeeze the plug out >literally can't stop cumming in my pants At least I hit that PR haha
Closest I got to this was getting extremely horney doing areial silks. But a lot of that had to do with the position of smashing my dick on silk while hanging off the ceiling.
Jason Rogers
>her women shouldn't lift weights
Austin Gomez
no, but once I was webcamming with some thot on one of those sites where you buy credits, we were in private mode going cam 2 cam, and i had barely even touched my cock even though it was already throbbing, for some reason she started begging me to finger fuck my ass and i was so horny that i started doing it for her, she was pulling her legs back behind her head and saying all this filthy shit as i did it, and then out of nowhere i was like >fuck im going to cum, ended up jizzing hard all over myself and the bed just from having a couple of fingers in my ass - i pretended that nothing had happened and casually Altf4'd all my open windows.
Juan Roberts
>that pic Nagi ichi is a god, I only wish more got translated
Jayden Morris
You need to watch pumping iron again.. he said the pump was “like cumming” he didn’t say “when I got a pump I came”
Kevin Miller
>be bench pressing 2.5pl8 >random guy spotting me >last set >blow my load in my shorts >almost drop the bar on myself >spotter grabs it and saves me >what the fuck happened there bro, the fuck?, is that piss? No fucking way, have you just cum in your pants >shouts to his mates >everyone looking over laughing
Everyone calls me cumstain now. Still got 3 months till my membership runs out and I can get a new gym
I cum every single time from tricep cable pulldowns. Lift really heavy and it feels super tingly on the tip of my cockhead. The same tingle when you were first molested or touched whatever. Before you desentisized your cock with masturbation. Dont even get an erection I straight up cum soft cock in my shorts. I do this at 2 am and only when there's a sexy girl in my line of sight. She cant see me but i can see her and mmmmm cummy
Jace Richardson
>the butt blaster 3000
Connor Nelson
Lol. What a woman you are. You deserve to be beat to death
Zachary Ross
I've noticed a bit of precum seepage when I'm going hard on the elliptical machine. Only once or twice though, runners high?