So i just deadlifted 315 x 5 and I'm still not huge??

So i just deadlifted 315 x 5 and I'm still not huge??

why is strength a meme

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is phul a good program?

Because first 315 which means 3pl is nothing for deadlift. Secondly deadlift will not make you huge.

Because you are not strong.

Lifting weights doesn’t make you bigger. Recovering from lifting weights makes you bigger.

I’m thinking about switching to a phul as well. Right now doing a ppl 6x a week and I’m exhausted every day. Been at it for over a month.

PHUL is good modified, the base program isn't that good. You need to obviously add an ab workout, and some extra accessories on your power days, maybe switch up some the exercises like instead of doing deadlifts and squats on lower power day change it so you are doing one big lift per day so you aren't frying your CNS.
It was the first program I ran because my work schedule is fucked and I'm also an amateur fighter so 6 days wasn't an option for me.
I'd run it in 6 week intervals, 5 weeks lifting and 1 week deload, did that for 4 intervals so like 6 months in total and I hit 1/2/3/4 within 4 1/2 months.

What the fuck...

If you haven't hit 1/2/3/4 or aren't near, start with Starting Strength with curls and tricep pushdowns at the end of every workout to keep you aesthetic freaks happy. PHUL base is a good idea but it is just basically Texas Method inverted - use a volume day to drive the intensity day. Ab workout? Good joke, maybe some plank or leg raises at the end of the week but that's more of a meme. One big lift a day frying your CNS? You really are a pussy, ever heard of powerlifting?

315x5 is literally beginner weight for a deadlift.

>Starting Strength
You mean Stronglifts, right?

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Because 315x5 isn’t strong

I am 5’7 190, bigger than 99% of 5’7 people, and I only deadlift 275 for a few reps.

I have meet people who are my height and deadlift 500+ who are like 30-40lbs less than me

I also strength train, not bodybuilding training, my body just gains muscle easily with minimal strength gain


Stronglifts is a meme

Are you eating?

Probably because you have no muscle density
>3pl8 diddly
I was at 3pl8 in highschool. You're as strong as a highschooler who didn't even play sports.

315 x 5 is much for a squat, but baby weight for a deadlift.
You look strong if you hit at least 4 plates user.

>Isn't strong
>why is strength a meme

140kg is fuck all man. That's literally not very much to deadlift for an adult male.
The fact you're even excited about that makes me worry.

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You're not strong that's the problem

i deadlifted 275 my first step into a gym.

>Hurr no muscle density
He's literally 40 lbs heavier along with being bigger
Strength=/=size, Just look at /plg/cels like MA who is 6'2" 230 20-22% with sub 17" arms after half a decade of lifting

I've been working out for years and I can only deadlift 310 x 5. I think its genetics honestly.

1. you're training for strength, not hypertrophy. if you train for hypertrophy you'll gain slightly more lean mass than if you train for strength

2. deadlift mainly work your hamstrings, glutes, and erector spinae, which alone won't make you "huge"

I am shredded and have never done a single deadlift in my entire life

lmaoing at your meme excercise

I deadlifted 220kg today and I'm still small.