Can I make it as a 5'10" manlet with a 7head, jew nose, and a chin that puts Robbie Rotten to shame?
Picking heavy shit up and putting it down is the easy part, how do I make maximum face gains?
Can I make it as a 5'10" manlet with a 7head, jew nose, and a chin that puts Robbie Rotten to shame?
Picking heavy shit up and putting it down is the easy part, how do I make maximum face gains?
post front pic
Naw son, just a high af hairline, had it since I was a little fuck.
>inb4 dyel
Started 30 days ago, gained 2kg and doubled my deadlift, it's a start
>Can I make it as a 5'10"
Stopped reading there, no.
you looked much better on 1st pic
on this you look like beta incel , it's time to get roids or get depressed
If only you could grow a beard.
I really can't. That pic is 8 hours of stubble, but it never gets better
How old are you? I can't tell if you're 17 or 30.
A beard groomed right would improve your face tentold, assuming you can grow one. Facially, you're... Ok, I guess. You won't be turning heads anytime soon, but neither are you an affront to humanities genetic evolution. You might want to look at neck training. A thicker neck will make you appear more masculine. For your hair, you can try a high top fade to start with. Try and experiment with different styles to see which look suits you the most.
Now, despite what the body dysmorphic retards on this Vietnamese cooking channel of a forum will tell you, 5'10 is not unreasonably short. I mean, you aren't breaking the 6' barrier but you won't have trouble getting women.
lift heavy or some shit, up your test levels and maybe your face will change. You look really feminine right now.
wrong board incel
that little bit of test will not help him, he needs roids and creatine for max test and DHT
>max DHT
You can become my twink doll
Your nose is fine, height is passable.Your hairline is pretty bad though, and on the other pic your jaw looks assymetrical.
you look fine but theres one big reason why you're never gonna make it, you're posting pictures of your face on Jow Forums for approval because you're insecure
>you look fine
bruh that's incest mode
Maybe a different haircut bro
>can I make it
>jew nose
You dont have a jew nose also you're being to hard on yourself.
Just get in shape. Wasting time on here asking questions like this is wasting time.
Take the neck pill and don't wear v-necks.
>the Chad Embrace
Take a real pic further back, you look like an alien with wide angle.
>that side pic
its fucking seth mcfarlane
don't mock bald people user, the norwood reaper always gets his toll