How risky is shooting up 100-200 mg of test a week?

How risky is shooting up 100-200 mg of test a week?

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Isn't that close to a standard dose under TRT? I can't imagine it's very risky at all.

My test is low for my age, but close to the lowest on optimal. I don't want to fuck up my natural test production. I'm thinking of taking HCG as PCT.

It's not at all. I'm on TRT and I'm prescribed 320mg/week. I inject 160mg on Tuesday and then again on Friday.


miring triple h

With that low of a dose you can scream IM NATTY BRO and have brainlets and dyel zoomers believing you.

that's literally nothing unless you're a female. If I were you, I'd use the TRT dosage (350mg) or slightly above.

What's the benefit of pinning once a week vs split the weekly dose across multiple days?
How long until see results?
Can you pin on the same place? Or do you have to pic different areas every time?

I just need a boost on the optimal levels. I’m at 333 and it’s low for my age range.

as risky as shooting any other dose

you dumb faggots have no idea how potent the gear will be. From my personal experience every single pharma grade test was pretty weak compared to ugl

>I just need a boost
except that's not a boost, that REPLACEMENT for your natural test. If you are ready to pin until you die then go ahead. If not, don't even bother because you will tank your test when you come off which will result in more harm than good

the thing is that even when you use a relatively low dosage like that, your body sees that you're receiving test from an outside source and shuts itself down. It's not like you will have 100 - 200mg + your natural amount.

After few weeks your body will shut down self test production, so end up with precise amount what you inject every week.

>After few weeks
it takes days up to week+, not few weeks

>inject until you die
Isn’t there HCG for that stuff once you come out of TRT?

? why would u come out of TRT? do you even know what TRT stands for??

350 a week is trt...

Epic troll you got him good le troll face

Dumb faggot

I do, but I’ve seen that there are people that stop using it.

>come out of TRT
you clearly have no idea what TRT stands for

what insane doctor prescribes 350 mg testosterone per week as TRT?

Cant tell if srs....
Trt is like 80mg a week

maybe he thought of testosterone undecanoate, which has a longer halflife, and can be injected once a month at 350 mg.

Splitting the dose keeps me at a more consistent leg sel throughout the week. This helps prevent mid swings, bouts of fatigue, etc. I felt better after about a month of TRT. Before TRT I was moody, tired, and depressed. I inject in my hip everytime.

define risk

you wont die from it. you may however end up giving yourself irreversible or partially irreversible hypogonadism if you do it for a very long time.

despite the insistence (and such insistence actually often sounds like more they are trying to convince themselves than you, in desperate denial of reality) of the steroid community that long term hypogonadism following steroid use is a "myth", its quite well documented in the literature and physicians currently consider it a ticking time bomb with the young male urban population. A good portion of men will be able to restore most of their sexual health with a course of high dose HCG, or HCG and FSH, but for many others this remains ineffective and they end up having to go on TRT for life while using preservation interventions to save what little valid sperm they still have before getting on the testosterone.

You will hear such idiotisms in the community like well ronnie coleman had 8 kids and he did all the gear! which is the steroid community equivalent of "my granny smoked two packs per day and lived to 120!".

>you dumb faggots have no idea how potent the gear will be. From my personal experience every single pharma grade test was pretty weak compared to ugl

I have no illusions that this is anything like "running gear". I am prescribed test for a hormone deficiency. You are indeed the dumb faggot.

>you dumb faggots have no idea how potent the gear will be. From my personal experience every single pharma grade test was pretty weak compared to ugl
you mean, ugl is overdosed

How the fuck do you get prescribed that much? I only got 150mg/week for TRT

>I am prescribed test for a hormone deficiency
so you are a little faggot bitch with no test, no wonder you got so triggered

I said that bringing different doses and arguing about them is fucking retarded. There are shit ton of reports online from people who got TRT from a doctor and some of them are pinning 250mg per week and have T levels below 1000. I was pinning 150mg of ugl test and it put me at >1700ng/dL

Also, body weight matters aswell. Big guy will get lower levels of test then a small guy while both are running the same dose. It's becaue bigger guy has more blood to saturate. Same thing with alcohol. Skinny fag will get shitfaced from one beer and obese fuck won't even budge after few. It takes more substance to saturate more blood volume.

What do you think haitch's cycle is?

I know I was poking fun at the earlier posters saying they were doing 350 e2weeks or some crazy shit and acting like that was normal

150 a week is still alot, hes lying about 350. Doctor would risk losing his license for that

say it with me Jow Forums

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what a bunch of losers with tiny balls

its shit, just going to shut your balls and not much gains with that small amount