user below has to do whatever you post right now!
Jow Forums infographics
get a gf
Two can play at that game
user below has to be my gf
Do 1 min elbow, 1 min left side, 1 min right side, 1 min elbow.
that is the worst infographic if i've ever seen one
It's not bad if you do them all without rest.
just fucking have her to sumos and squats so you can make her into a braphog wtf are you teaching these femanons i'm gone for 6 months and this shit happens
What's even bad about it aside from /a/? It's a good routine to keep your posture correct for compounds.
Is it just me or do planks do nothing for me? Like I need to do 20 mins of nonstop crunches to really feel like I did something.
Does one exclude the other?
How was jail btw? (see we do care)
Dude planks are like babby tier. If you just hold a weight your arms are going to get stronk but they aren't going to get there as fast as actually contracting the group May as well do push ups the whole time.
Try doing hollow hold. Willing to bet you can't make it past 3 minutes
Braphog isn’t just something you become. It takes dedication and years of bulking. It’s a lifestyle not a fad that’s why 10/10 braphog are rare and you are stuck with 2/10 slamhogs pretending to be braphogs.
Does this actually work or is there a better routine to get a nice belly without being ripped?
It's useful for cns activation and isometrics raise test for whatever reason. If you're doing it to the exclusion of other work yeah its not great but I don't assume because I see one thing it comprises the entirety of what they do.
what do planks actually do? are they useful? I'm thinking about starting them for my core and maybe to help some back pain?
i wasn't in jail what
just didnt have time to dedicate to my bros since life kinda turned into a clusterfuck of emotions, between multiple promotions and buying a new home and shit just got hectic real fast.
ask him out
yeah its called dieting
>now kiss
5 min plank
Not for long
Drink the kool-aid
Have fun goy
People vacuum once a month?
>vacuum monthly
More like weekly at minimum. Every couple of days if you have shedmonster pets.
As a guy who can wear the same pair of boxer for a month straight I should give it a go
Planks are boring as shit
>Jow Forums infographics
>not starting with the classics
>Wash blankets and pillows every two month, or after sickness.
Disgusting, every week.
or you could just get a girlfriend to do those things
Once we every week is overkill, twice a month is plenty.
pillowcase every week
sheets/blankets every month
pillows themselves idk
Is it me or is this the most beta wardrobe possible?
This is such a fucking cringe.
Get that reddit shit out of here you vain ignorant bitch.
made just for NPC soibois
>inb4 "grow the fuck up"
It's literally a guide for college students
Graphic tees of any sort are terrible.
Pic related is a good, basic outfit that you can wear multiple days a week (with slight modifications) while still appearing fashionable.
Forgot to post pic
graphic tees are fine as long as they're not the forefront of your fit sometimes a good graphic tee can tie an outfit together but desu you shouldn't wear them if you're over 24