hi Jow Forums, i'm unsure where to go next with my body. I have been lifting for around half a year, doing cardio bi weekly to keep the fat off. I'm IF and break it only when I get the womans curse once a month. Should I bulk during the winter and go wheyfu, or go insta thot mode? Womens magazines are absolutely dogshit when it comes to advice.
What next
>next with my body.
Get you'r body nude and show it, or gtfo
get fat
oh yeah
wheyfu is for closet faggots
>girl here btw ;3
Remember to sage and report
Just keep lifting. It takes a ridiculous amount of time to get fit (for a natty). The diet memes are stupid. Hit your macro's and cico, that's all there is to it. The benefits of IF for natty amateur lifters is negligible. You're punishing yourself for nothing, but if it works for you I guess stick with it. Also focus more on your bum. Squeeze at the top, feel the burn etc. I'd be chuffed to have girl with a body like yours. Good going
get filled up with black cock you little white bbc loving slut
kys cuck
Do hip thrusts, keep off the sugar and cheese, eat when you feel like it and just see where your body goes.
Nice gyno
Get 10mg/anavar a day and eat big big big
hmm, so no fitness related questions, on a fitness board, user? tell me more
I've basically eaten as much protein as on a bulk, on slightly above my tdee calories for a year. Once I started lifting my glutes got ridiculous. Are front squats alright for females too? I have been trying to follow routines and programs that are designed for men, I hope I didn't fuck up there, hopefully they're interchangeable. thanks senpai appreciate it
I see some of your bra... very nice
you look very fit already.. your thighs are very thicc (maybe more pics of your thigh) so thats good...
maybe more pics and we can tell you haha
Remember, you're a woman, you have VERY low test. If it takes a long time for natty men to see muscles grow, you should expect even longer. Also, you won't build many muscle at all. So the best you can hope is to go losing body fat so your body is "harden", but not big
I wonder how much low doses of anabolics would fuck me up in the long run. I have long hair, strong nails and my womans curse is surprisingly light, but I credit that to the frequent sports (volleyball) and exercise.
I don't want to suddenly grow a fucking mustache and mog the violent slavic bloadlords at my gym.
Uh oh, have you been eating bread?
Depens what your goals are. Front squats are fine. Strength routines and full body routines are interchangeable but if you want to target your glutes or female aesthetics in general you gotta do something else. Lookup bretcontreras1 on IG for glute related stuff. And remember to SQUEEZE them cheeks (on my face).
Nope, bread is literally satan. I was in that thread just now also, user.
I can't judge from one side view with your arms raised (stretching any flab). Take a few more shots and show us your worst in order to get honest advice.
tits or GTFO
What are you lifts at currently? I'd say try to get 15+ pounds by the 6th month mark starting today.
1: pls be in Aarhus
2: pls be my gf
she is mine. she is my gf. go away
Your the reason they make these threads
Weird ecosystem, you feed her attention and she feeds you the fact the she exists
imagine the smell haha
>You're the reason females post pictures of themselves
Oh no
>programs that are designed for men
If that is the case, change it to a routine with more focus on lower-body. I recommend lean bulking while you are it. Thick legs and glutes, that's what you are mainly after.
And for the love of God, don't turn into a wheyfu. That it's beyond grotesque.
become thicc
please don't do steroids please
Don't do even low doses of steroids if your goal is looking good, you'll just look worse to 95+% of men.
Don't worry about putting on a little chub over Christmas, chances are you will anyway. Take the opportunity start lifting and make the most of all those extra calories. It's winter so you'll be wearing layers anyway so no-one will notice. You can cut for summer.
Also, there's a femfit thread
Bulking (gaining 0.5-1lbs per WEEK for 3-6 months) will give you a better odds of putting on quality muscle, but you will slightly look worse before your next cut.
Slow bulking (0.5-1lbs per MONTH) will get you results without making you look worse in the short term, BUT it's easy to fuck up and not make any progress by miscounting calories and not gaining any weight because you won't see any change on the scale for a month.
>go wheyfu
Go varbie.
We have better delts.
You need bigger glutes.
Do glute isolation 3x a week
Slowly gain a little weight while only working your legs every day to get a braphog physique plz you have the body for it
Show us your urethra.
y-you too
bigger clits as well
Can u be my dad gf
OP, what are your goal(s)? What are you trying to accomplish, and why? These are important questions, the answers to which will drive what it is you're doing.
If your goal is just to look good, then based on the pic you posted I don't think you need to do anything more than maintain what you've got now, you have nice curves and a flat stomach.
You didn't join the real and active Official Fitness Server on Dis cord yet??
Advice on routine and posture advice, motivate each other, awesome stories, feels, food pics recipes and diet checks, fasting, etc.
Self improvement, nofap, powerlifting, fraud (steroids), martial arts, current body thread, injury prevention, etc.
We also have some fun channels like memes.
For those who want more adventure, we have a contest: post a pic in begin of the month, and one at the end. Then users vote and the winner gets prize money!
We accept people from all fitness levels: fat, average or athletic. As long as you are encouraging and motivating you are most welcome!
dis cord (dot) gg / v3wR7nr
OP here, what's a varbie? Can't find the definition for it.
that's why I'm asking, I'm torn. I like the physiques of all women, I'm not gay but 10/10 would let a muscle girl peg me. Any kind. Even the female bloatmode stronglifters.
I've been on a clean bulk since summer ended, said fuck it and am enjoying more lean protein ever since. So a slow bulk for a female could lead to more lean muscle in the long run? Might try it. I eat the same few things anyway.
yeah I want to be a natty lifter forever, I'm trying to have kids before I'm 25.
already there desu
I've been doing meme bodyweight for upper body for a year now, hope I wont look disproportionate by summer. That would fucking suck
no idea where you from I'm from Austria haha
post body and I will consider being your online waifu
140 DL 160 Squat. No upper body except if you count DL as upper body.
Sometimes I envy latinas for those fucking body fat proportions. Then I remember how shitty their culture is. I really want to archive that mode but I don't think it's going to happen unless I get some silicone shit implanted.
hæng dig
It means she takes anavar (a steroid with low androgenic side effects).
I feel like as a woman if you train you're going to need to carry some fat on you, for men it's even hard to get gains while staying lean and we have test to work with. So just maintain where you are now and cut in the summer if that's your style
How tall are you and you're weight?
I am an amerifag (grill) whose been lifting about 2 years myself. Ive realized that controlling my diet/macros is in some ways more important than lifting.
I'm 175cm (5'7-8) and weigh 135 lbs
>hi Jow Forums, i'm unsure where to go next with my body
on my face
you're really lean. I would just slowly increase your TDEE by a couple 100 calories a day, focusing on protein intake. Also carb cycling really helped me personally. I also feel like my upper body is WAY weaker than my lower body, I can only do a handfull of pullups, but I can rep 165lb on squats for 5reps.
Also how old are you? I'm old as fuck at 29 lol
Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.
>mfw thinking of you hurting
I forgot to add, I was doing the smolov squatting routine and it really helped my squats. But I havent found anything good for my upper body yet.
I'm 21 picked up lifting at 20 because fat fuck parents, also 100 cals a day?? haha. I'm at 2000 right now cause tdee says 1700
will note
came here to check this
Making sure this was posted. Disappointed how long it took.
Awesome pics. Great size. Look thick. Solid. Tight. Keep us all posted on your continued progress with any new progress pics or vid clips. Show us what you got. Wanna see how freakin' huge, solid, thick and tight you can get. Thanks for the motivation.
>I'm not gay but 10/10 would let a muscle girl peg me
Astria is very beautiful, ever been to Malnitz?
nope havent been much around other than my own state/region
Obviously go wheyfu.