Anyone jealous of women because they have a much easier time to look really fucking good?
I mean for men you have to go lifting 6 times a day and eat a diet really high in protein. For women, you basically have to do cardio every day and count your calories.
No, not jealous at all. It's like video games, at the end of the day (life) you'd rather have successfully finished the hard mode than just having played the easy mode
Thomas Reed
Not really. Consider this, women are judged way more highly on their looks than men. So yeah, they don't have to try as hard to look better physically, but they're more likely to be judged for looking like shit. Whereas men basically all look fucking terrible and nobody really cares.
Noah Adams
idk to me it feels like you're playing a character with a much weaker ealry and mid game and a similar late game
Cooper Brown
is that true tho? From what I've seen in the states (I'm not from there) you have a much harder time finding a proper partner as a guy. Or is that just incel shit?
Parker White
Have to spend ages doing make up and lots of money getting hair done. Also judged by other females if they wear the same outfit too often.
It's not easier being a female unless you are happy to settle for some absolute bottom feeder of a man or you're naturally good looking
Logan Price
Statistically there are exactly as many women in monogamous heterosexual relationships as men
Alexander Ortiz
Are all of you retarded? Women biologically SHOULD have an easier time early game because they are non-viable late game. Once menopause hits it's all over. It's called balance, plebs.
Matthew Wood
>don't wear the same clothes too often I guess it's hard for women too lel
Ethan Flores
no because every man should follow in teh footsteps of Hercules
Christopher Wright
>similar late game Not true. Men have a vastly superior late game, though their playthroughs are often a few years shorter than women's.
Mason Flores
Grow up man. That's just how the world is. Within some regards, women have it easier, similar to how men have it easier in other realms. Play your role with heart and quit being a bitch
Luis Phillips
Why would you be jealous, they're more insecure than anyone, even Jow Forums
Aiden Stewart
10/10 men are much higher on social scale than 10/10 girls
Jason Gomez
meh it's a dub-ledged sword because they're often made or broken by genetic variables out of their control (body proportions and fat deposition etc.)
Adrian Rogers
the same goes for 9/10 and 8/10
Logan Flores
>For women, you basically have to do cardio every day and count your calories. They don't even have to do that. By simple virtue of "don't be fat" they have almost all doors open to them, which is as easy as not gorging yourself with cakes all day. Even the fat ones will never know loneliness or sexual desire, there will always be a congo line of men ready to cater to their every whim.
Christopher Jackson
Fuck man I wish I could go to the bathroom and slather some makeup on my face and go from 4/10 to 7/10.
Wyatt Perez
Why bother being envious?
Sebastian Miller
>Have to spend ages doing make up and lots of money getting hair done they don't have to, even if they don't do it they can easily find good looking men especially if they use dating apps
Jose Robinson
There's far less difference between the sexes than you think.
You're missing the incredibly large role genetics plays. Lots of women have intrinsically shitty genetics, in which case they have poor hip to waist ratios and tiny tits and store fat on their waist.
You're also neglecting the insane amount of time and money most women spend on hair, makeup and clothing. Tons of women only look good because of makeup. Sure, models look reasonably attractive (though not close to their photoshoot ready-selves) without makeup, but then you're just talking about genetically top tier people, which is just the same for Chads with great height, frame, face and high t levels to build muscle easily.
It's easy to channel inceldom into perpetual bitterness, but this is one aspect where it's not really warranted
Ayden Wright
How does it feel to own a pathetic mindset like this?
"Boo hoo why do i have to exercise more, i just want to sit and play vidya!"
Exercising is awesome and those who commit to it and enjoy it, also have a much more stable mind set. I can tell you don't.
Easton Taylor
B b b based
Caleb Gomez
>I mean for men you have to go lifting 6 times a day and eat a diet really high in protein. Tryhard. Just don't overeat and avoid carbs. Keto works.
Blake Anderson
>You're also neglecting the insane amount of time and money most women spend on hair, makeup and clothing. This, do you dudes know how absurdly large is the cosmetics market?
Andrew Thompson
120% based
Justin Brown
how's week 2 of gym?
Austin Collins
I unironically agree.
Carson Butler
Somewhat, then I realize I'm happier to be born as a man because I have a functional brain
Jack Murphy
no bc i like lifting and high protein meals
Sebastian Edwards
No. As a Girl I wont be able to do 1/5 of what a male can do.
Xavier Long
Yeah but chasing power is in vain anyways, as a human you wont be able to do 1/5th of what an orangutan or some shit can do
Kevin Rodriguez
Yea because I interact with an orangutan on a daily basis you fucking idiot
Brayden Clark
I think women have to rely more on genetics than men: have you see fat no titty girls? Losing weight they just become skinny no titties
Hunter Sullivan
Woman can get laid easy However men aren't called sluts by incel fitizens. Who has it worse wonder?
Isaac Nelson
titties are overrated af imo
Jackson Edwards
cynical kek
Asher Hernandez
t. non-white
Isaiah Sanchez
>Anyone jealous of women because they have a much easier time to look really fucking good? Imagine being that fucking stupid lmao
>they have a much easier time If men practice basic hygiene care they barely need to do anything. Wash your face, wear moisturizer, take care of your hair, exercise. Women are expected to shave their entire bodies, wax their faces, cut/color their hair every other month, have nice nails (which is stupid expensive), wear makeup and style their hair anytime they step out of the house, and exercise if they’re not some degenerate ham
Nathaniel Davis
>Can roll out of bed and look great because society said looking healthy and muscular is attractive for men >Don't have to put on stupid makeup, shave my legs, consistently get expensive work done on my hair or put on dumb perfume
Fuck no I'm not jealous of the dumb shit women have to do to look pretty
Mason Myers
im actually white but you can't compete with a cute firm ass
Hunter Sanchez
There's no fun in beating the game on easy mode. You cannot truly know happiness and pleasure unless you have experienced pain. I love being a man and having to earn what I get. I know that my victories in life aren't hollow.
Jordan Mitchell
Sure but what about the ratio of men and women who desire to be in a relationship like that? And then add in the quality of the men/women seeking that type.
Thomas Morris
No, because most guys can look good between fashion, muscles, and haircut.
Women are much more at the mercy of genetics imo
Cooper Brooks
What realm do men have it easier in, especially in modern society. Gaining muscle mass?
Henry Green
On one side, this , on the other side you will probably never crave social interaction because at least 10 retards will want to fuck you at the same time, though some of them will be retards or incels.
Elijah Howard
no, men hold more glory and pride in having a nice body. Any woman can put on make up and improve their looks by like 2 points, but for a man it takes years which is why it's so rewarding and fulfilling. I feel superior to the people around me knowing it'd take roughly 1 year or solid training to catch upto me
Andrew Watson
Be tall and have a decent face and you dont need to do shit, m8.