What's his routine?

What's his routine?

Attached: Ricky Berwick - do you want to be my girlfriend song-1074443498848305153-00h00m42s748t.png (720x1280, 1.09M)

Every time I see a boogie thread I remember this idiot and his retarded responses on Twitter to him. I promptly blocked him but I still remember his retarded face and behaviour.

I'm so lucky by not being disabled that I forgot how lucky I got in life

-Chicken humps until failure x20
-Try to grow normal arms and legs until failure x1


Who is he?
And he's better be a real son of a bitch, because I don't find it funny to make fun of disabled guys.

He makes fun of himself all the time

>getting swagged out by trex x F

I think it's hilarious

boogies estranged twin. they say boogie sucked half the life force out of him in the womb, the savage

chill out he does comedy and shock videos he's very self aware

>calling it a "he"



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>seated OHP
>lat raises
>leg lif- oh

I guess all you can really do when you’re that deformed and ugly is accept it and be as weird as possible

Though if I were in his shoes I’d just stay in my room and escape into vidya an anime

One of the funniest cripples on the internet. Fucking legend.

being a spastic attention whore on twitter

He's a fucking circus freak that follows boogies preformance

He has no routine, because he's physically impaired. You should know better than to make fun of someone like him OP.


-Window Licks xBoredom

He's the quite literal absolute madman