fuck kikes AND gays
Fuck kikes AND gays
fuck weebs
fuck janitors
fuck internet censors
fuck jews
fuck niggers
fuck muslims
fuck anti-gun cucks
fuck guilty whites
fuck open borders
fuck diversity
fuck multiculturalism
fuck israel
fuck asians
again fuck the internet censor reading this
fuck weebs
fuck janitors
fuck internet censors
fuck jews
fuck niggers
fuck muslims
fuck anti-gun cucks
fuck guilty whites
fuck open borders
fuck diversity
fuck multiculturalism
fuck israel
fuck asians
again fuck the internet censor reading this
fuck weebs
fuck janitors
fuck internet censors
fuck jews
fuck niggers
fuck muslims
fuck anti-gun cucks
fuck guilty whites
fuck open borders
fuck diversity
fuck multiculturalism
fuck israel
fuck asians
again fuck the internet censor reading this
fuck weebs
fuck janitors
fuck internet censors
fuck jews
fuck niggers
fuck muslims
fuck anti-gun cucks
fuck guilty whites
fuck open borders
fuck diversity
fuck multiculturalism
fuck israel
fuck asians
again fuck the internet censor reading this
fuck weebs
fuck janitors
fuck internet censors
fuck jews
fuck niggers
fuck muslims
fuck anti-gun cucks
fuck guilty whites
fuck open borders
fuck diversity
fuck multiculturalism
fuck israel
fuck asians
again fuck the internet censor reading this
fuck weebs
fuck janitors
fuck internet censors
fuck jews
fuck niggers
fuck muslims
fuck anti-gun cucks
fuck guilty whites
fuck open borders
fuck diversity
fuck multiculturalism
fuck israel
fuck asians
again fuck the internet censor reading this
fuck weebs
fuck janitors
fuck internet censors
fuck jews
fuck niggers
fuck muslims
fuck anti-gun cucks
fuck guilty whites
fuck open borders
fuck diversity
fuck multiculturalism
fuck israel
fuck asians
again fuck the internet censor reading this
fuck weebs
fuck janitors
fuck internet censors
fuck jews
fuck niggers
fuck muslims
fuck anti-gun cucks
fuck guilty whites
fuck open borders
fuck diversity
fuck multiculturalism
fuck israel
fuck asians
again fuck the internet censor reading this
fuck weebs
fuck janitors
fuck internet censors
fuck jews
fuck niggers
fuck muslims
fuck anti-gun cucks
fuck guilty whites
fuck open borders
fuck diversity
fuck multiculturalism
fuck israel
fuck asians
again fuck the internet censor reading this
fuck weebs
fuck janitors
fuck internet censors
fuck jews
fuck niggers
fuck muslims
fuck anti-gun cucks
fuck guilty whites
fuck open borders
fuck diversity
fuck multiculturalism
fuck israel
fuck asians
again fuck the internet censor reading this
fuck weebs
fuck janitors
fuck internet censors
fuck jews
fuck niggers
fuck muslims
fuck anti-gun cucks
fuck guilty whites
fuck open borders
fuck diversity
fuck multiculturalism
fuck israel
fuck asians
again fuck the internet censor reading this
fuck weebs
fuck janitors
fuck internet censors
fuck jews
fuck niggers
fuck muslims
fuck anti-gun cucks
fuck guilty whites
fuck open borders
fuck diversity
fuck multiculturalism
fuck israel
fuck asians
again fuck the internet censor reading this
fuck weebs
fuck janitors
fuck internet censors
fuck jews
fuck niggers
fuck muslims
fuck anti-gun cucks
fuck guilty whites
fuck open borders
fuck diversity
fuck multiculturalism
fuck israel
fuck asians
again fuck the internet censor reading this
fuck weebs
fuck janitors
fuck internet censors
fuck jews
fuck niggers
fuck muslims
fuck anti-gun cucks
fuck guilty whites
fuck open borders
fuck diversity
fuck multiculturalism
fuck israel
fuck asians
again fuck the internet censor reading this
fuck weebs
fuck janitors
fuck internet censors
fuck jews
fuck niggers
fuck muslims
fuck anti-gun cucks
fuck guilty whites
fuck open borders
fuck diversity
fuck multiculturalism
fuck israel
fuck asians
again fuck the internet censor reading this
Nah, you’re off a bit
Fuck evil. Fuck anything that violates the nonaggression principle. Fuck ideologies that that are logically and ethically inconsistent
tl;dr probably some pacifist shit
wtf stupid GOOK moot
fuck f_________ags
and fFUCK s ___________ oy boys
oh yeah and fuck your f______ag shit
Nah it’s Stefan Molyneux, an atheist, nationalist conservative/ anarchocapitalist guy who is white and has theorized about a moral system based on reciprocity
You're either based or red-pilled in this world... yet somehow OP IS BOTH?!
Free image board is free
yeah nah, atheists are faggots and so are ancaps
Fair enough, I agree user
Fuck dumb faggots hahaha
Fuck faggots who think they know everything
>imagine being this blue pilled
Jow Forums is filled with semi-literate 16 year olds who can neither write a logical proof nor recognize the fallacies and philosophers on the top of their board. They believe anything you put in an infographic with minimal research of their own and believe conspiracy theories that easily fall to Occam's razor(I'm talking about the (((Jews))) obviously). I'm pretty sure they would suck cock if you put it in an infographic.
If you look at site statistics you will realize that Jow Forums is literally all newfags trying hard to be neckbeards. Weird, why would anyone aspire to be a loser from Jow Forums? The site's population has tripled since gamergate in 2014 and Jow Forums has risen with the influx of all the newfags. The rampant unironic racism should key you in on how Jow Forums is long dead and something else is wearing its skin. The existence of this place is testament to the lack of quality education and critical thinking nowadays and our inability to take the internet seriously.
You've heard us complain about the cancer killing Jow Forums for years. Well, now we've reached stage 4 and that tumor's name is Jow Forums
They think they are redpilled(cringe) but dont understand "redpilling" is just low-effort political indoctrination. They likely have no real understanding of world history, critical thinking, or philosophy. Their entire worldview is Jow Forums posts, infographics, and memes. They probably spend too much time on the internet and confuse trying to "btfo" an opponent with how an actual respectful argument should work in real life where they try and help the other person and their mother won't feel the need to smack their ass. These younger kids growing up on the internet are confusing banter for how arguments actually work or are never learning how to handle themselves in a discussion in the first place.
Nice copypasta, Jew
>only 3
this is 4channel, retard. there is no Jow Forums here
(((free market libertarianism)))
(((non-aggression pacifist faggotry)))
the jews only came into power due to the free market and banks
usury is a sin
capitalism is jewish
back to /reddit/ you must go, leftoid
Look at this guy's other videos...
Holy shit... are s-o-y-boys real? Is it possible to be this cucked IRL? Black Panther isn't alt right, he just loves his country! Justice for Trayvon! I loved the Last Jedi! European History is NOT white!
Hahahaha, this has to be a troll channel. No one is this much of an NPC
This thread is unironically fucking based
nonaggression principle is naive. consider two examples of it's flawed nature.
>Hitler takes over fucking everything and other countries do nothing while he snowballs in resources and position.
>soviets cause revolutions all over the world and afterward take over gaining resources and manpower. what could have been avoided with a handful of assasinations of known soviet agitators can now only be reversed through complete war
lol do you have a counter to the videos in the other dudes post or are you just gonna try to discredit the video maker by calling him an npc, he makes valid points like that young white nationalists look at complex issues such as the economy and over simplify it into a racial thing like herp derp its the jews and if we got rid of the jews there economy would be better... your problems arent being caused by the things you say they are. like the gays arent going to cause society to collapse even if all of them had 10000 different sexual parters and literally all of them had hiv even tho you people love saying it.. pointing to statistics of irrelevant statistics like there being a higher than average instance of male gays having hiv while failing to ever explain the mechanism of action in how that would ever cause society to fall?
fuck weebs
fuck janitors
fuck internet censors
fuck jews
fuck niggers
fuck muslims
fuck anti-gun cucks
fuck guilty whites
fuck open borders
fuck diversity
fuck multiculturalism
fuck israel
fuck asians
again fuck the internet censor reading this
fuck weebs
fuck janitors
fuck internet censors
fuck jews
fuck niggers
fuck muslims
fuck anti-gun cucks
fuck guilty whites
fuck open borders
fuck diversity
fuck multiculturalism
fuck israel
fuck asians
again fuck the internet censor reading this
fuck weebs
fuck janitors
fuck internet censors
fuck jews
fuck niggers
fuck muslims
fuck anti-gun cucks
fuck guilty whites
fuck open borders
fuck diversity
fuck multiculturalism
fuck israel
fuck asians
again fuck the internet censor reading this
fuck weebs
fuck janitors
fuck internet censors
fuck jews
fuck niggers
fuck muslims
fuck anti-gun cucks
fuck guilty whites
fuck open borders
fuck diversity
fuck multiculturalism
fuck israel
fuck asians
again fuck the internet censor reading this
fuck weebs
fuck janitors
fuck internet censors
fuck jews
fuck niggers
fuck muslims
fuck anti-gun cucks
fuck guilty whites
fuck open borders
fuck diversity
fuck multiculturalism
fuck israel
fuck asians
again fuck the internet censor reading this
they're right tho, and you're a kike
Epic reply kike faggot
imagine posting all this edgy shit with a jewed dick, literally already cucked kek
Wow epic. how will I ever recover?
>he thinks my mom got my dick mutilated
i take joy in your misery and im gay, not cus i have an agenda to or anything but because you wish not nice things upon me. its due to you having bad coping skills and in no way shape or form due to anything i have ever done to you in my entire life but you hate anyways. hope the siren in your head that goes off every time youre reminded of my existence stays on forever cus i know it cant feel good and in a way you will keep your self in this state of feeling bad.
yeah shut up faggot
You people need to get out of the house and stop letting the internet think for you.
im very social
niggers are faggoty and kikes are gross
Thank you Neck Nigger
Thank you Neck Nigger
You would think natural selection would have weeded out the Jow Forumstards who believe whatever you put in an infographic on this site.
nope, becuase im literally right
Thank you Neck Nigger
When two guys kiss it looks so cute though...
Absolutely seething
shoot them
your problem solving skills are so bad that i have doubts youre fit to roam around society..
Does the white square/diamond represent Huwhite people?
Idk man if the problem is the dudes kissing then shooting them seems like an apt solution. They can't kiss anymore if they are dead. How is that a failure in problem solving?
Nope, because you're a retarded newfag who found this site within the last three years and for whatever reason decided to believe anything it said. Make some crystals my man
lol gay people kissing isnt a problem and youre retarded for arriving at that conclusion, but being that you do think it is and the fact that your arrived as murder as the solution is a very strong indicator that you are too dangerous to be around other people. i honestly think that you should be on a registry similar to what sex offenders are on in order to try to keep people safe. being on this registry could include being banned from going near gay bars or other places where gays might frequent and not owning guns or weapons in general or whatever could help with making sure you dont harm innocent people, chemical castration is already a treatment option for hyper agressive males and i think you might be a good candidate.
>I got diddled as a kid and now I'm gay.
is this proper spotting technique?
Wht are the pink, blue and white colours for? It's retarded enough they've already added black and brown, it's like forgot what the metaphor of the rainbow meant in the first place.
>sample size is 942
>goes on to apply findings to hundreds of millions of people
and you think yourself non retarded?
And fuck those who violate the NAP
t. faggot who got diddled
the study finds that gay people are molested at a high rate, not that if a person gets molested that their sexual orientation is changed or affected in anyway.. youre connecting dots to suit your hateful world view and none of what you arrive at has any sort of basis in reality.
This. The Jow Forumstards don't even try to pretend they care about what the boards are about. This is the fitness board and this is the kind of shit that gets posted here. If you try to call them out on it they call you an NPC or mock the idea that every board devolving into a massive circlejerk about jews is anything but a good thing.
Not being able to infer implications is literally a trait of autistic people. Nothing hateful about research.
oh well, gays are still digusting and i would hang one of them on my free time
Serious question, how new are you?
go back
>hates not fitness related shit posted on Jow Forums
>posts non fitness related shit anyway
>using ad hominem because they can't refute what I said
At least put some effort into your shitposts.
Testing my ban, fucking kike scum.
Aka, fuck jews.
Google what an ad hominem I'm is. Even if you used the right word it's not relevant to you being a hypocrite.
sample size is more than enough if the sampling technique was decent
anyway, i don't care if you're gay. you do you, it doesn't affect my life at all. if anything, it's funny that you put penises in your butt. it's just wildly incorrect, it's absurd, like something some dumb monkey would do. it's none of my business though, carry on brother man.
nowhere is is it implied, its way way way too small of a sample size for you to issue a blanket statement the way you did. i do see the statistics and im shocked at them. even if childhood molestation leads to same sex attraction that does not mean that a blanket statement like yours should be made or that being gay means youre a child molester, i think child molesters should be removed from society like every one else, i have never molested anyone nor was i molested as a child. and calling for genocide is a retarded thing to do. you yourself are way more dangerous than the the average child molestor actually cus atleast their preferred victim survives what they wish to inflict.
It's hyperbole lad, no one actually thinks every single case is exactly the same, it's just easier to talk about it without having to specify every detail. No one mentioned anything about genocide and killing all gay people wouldn't even be genocide anyway. Not the same guy btw