In the middle of the night i got this wierd feeling in my stomach like i need to fart pretty bad but i can't...

In the middle of the night i got this wierd feeling in my stomach like i need to fart pretty bad but i can't. This has been going on for hours now and i can barely move. How the fuck do i fix this, i need to lift today.

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help me, i can't fucking move

try drinking coffee

i did and it didn't help, i also took some pills that should help with that but 4.5h later it doesn't work

3 tablespoons of epsom salt dissolved in 8 oz water. chug. will taste terrible.
or if you dont have epsom salt
2 TEAspoons of sea salt (or if you dont that... table salt) dissolved in water
lemon juice may improve taste
only do this if you can be undisturbed at home with a direct line to your bathroom for at least the next 2 hours as you will incur a serious case of blowass.

Induce burping and go to the hospital. You probably have a bowel obstruction

Or your gallbladder went kaput. Either way seek medical attention

sit with your face on the floor and put your bum in the air

Descending aortic aneurysm.

Try to have some fun today user.

op here

took a shit around 40 minutes ago but i still feel the same

it still hurts, i didn't lift today because of that

Go to the hospital.


i don't have insurance anyway so either it will go away on it's own or i will die


Kek, you beat me to it. Still op, go see a doctor. Don't fuck with your health

jokes on you, europoor here

even if i would go to the hospital i would have to wait 30+ hours before anyone ask me what's wrong. I could literally drop dead on the floor there and i would still have to wait

Doctors even in the shitiest of shitholes don't let you die if there's something really wrong with you. Go to your hospital and hit the emergency service faggot

Militaryfag here. Was stationed in italy, and went to an off base hospital one time. He's really not joking. The service is such fucking ridiculous trash. I'm for free healthcare, but only if we can ensure the service we have in the states won't decline.

You can always go and just sit in the ER waiting room in case you loose consciousness. Knew a dude that went in and just hung out by the nurses station. He had a massive heart attack and they saved him.

>in case you loose consciousness
my mother was recently in the hospital for "emergency" (like every other person there) and two people walked in, man and woman. Woman suddenly lost conciousness and stopped breathing, her husband got stressed out as fuck and started shaking, people started crying for help and LITERALLY NO ONE CAME. Bystanders started resuscitating her and after a while she was back but still on the floor pretty much unconcious. Some doctor came after 15 minutes to find out that "everything is allright" and there was no need for him to come.

the thing is that if it is in fact appendictis the pain does reduce after a while but then your appendix fucking bursts wich will 100% kill you if you dont do anything about it

Give it up for NPC #45,295,196 everyone!

op here again

i just let out a solid fart, i think i will live

Kek those farts are so fucking relieving. Know how you feel op.

I've had gas so bad it was giving me chest pains from the pressure. Felt so good. Found out I'm soi intolerant


>I'm for free healthcare
>but only if we can ensure the service won't decline

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