Testosterone thread

>enjoy drinking peppermint tea late at night
>find out it lowers T
Fuck my life.

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I've been drinking this shit everyday in the morning for years.
Time to drop it then.

and you'll change nothing, because you are trash

Yeah, do a google search and read the research yourself. I read stuff that suggested that small amounts of spearmint/mint can have significant impacts on testosterone.

>tfw eat fuckhuge amounts of chilli con carne when bulking
>tfw find out legumes raise estrogen

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>tfw brushing my teeth daily with toothpaste
Is a menthol free toothpaste such a thing?

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> legumes raise estrogen

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get kids bubblegum flavored toothpaste

>just found out existing lowers t

>shutin ashen neckbeard all my life
>find out sunlight boosts T

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just take vitamin d supplemnts. 15 drops or 3000IU will be enough

yes but I can't undo the development

>The follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone levels had increased and total testosterone levels had decreased in the experimental groups compared with the control group; the differences were statistically significant.

So does peppermint make me more womanly in exchange for protecting me from balding?

That's what you get for drinking the gayest tea in existence

>protecting from balding
Huh, had no idea about that. I think there might be a positive correlation with high T and hairloss.


>Have IBS
>find out peppermint oil pills help with the bloating.
>find out peppermint oil pills lower your test

peppermint tea is really good for stomach aches

Try carnivore instead

>be alive
>find out that the longer I live, the shorter my remaining life expectancy

Drink Ginger + ginseng instead

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My ex was the ultimate gains goblin holy fuck. Bought me peppermint tea that I used to drink

What did he mean by this

he can't catch up

try ginger tea

Cut out grains bro

Kek, all you faggots obsessing over t never gets old

Even gum? I have pretty fuckin high test and I had no idea about this. Mint chocolate chip is my favourite ice cream and I mainly chew spearmint gum. Never noticed anything with it

best way to increase T is not to think about T levels too much

or inject it into your ass

really, thats it

post body

>48 rats over some unknown length of time.
garbage study

this lmao, imagine wasting so much time on discussing garbage placebo memes about testosterone.
Shit thread op

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Even moreso than drinking once or twice every couple weeks?

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Oh so this is why I got plenty of fat in the chest when I was bulking on beans
Well time to drop that shit

Toothpaste doesn't have menthol in it, it has a chemical called winter green.

unironically carnivore diet with organ meats and raw dairy