>enjoy drinking peppermint tea late at night
>find out it lowers T
Fuck my life.
Testosterone thread
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I've been drinking this shit everyday in the morning for years.
Time to drop it then.
and you'll change nothing, because you are trash
Yeah, do a google search and read the research yourself. I read stuff that suggested that small amounts of spearmint/mint can have significant impacts on testosterone.
>tfw eat fuckhuge amounts of chilli con carne when bulking
>tfw find out legumes raise estrogen
>tfw brushing my teeth daily with toothpaste
Is a menthol free toothpaste such a thing?
> legumes raise estrogen
get kids bubblegum flavored toothpaste
>just found out existing lowers t
>shutin ashen neckbeard all my life
>find out sunlight boosts T
just take vitamin d supplemnts. 15 drops or 3000IU will be enough
yes but I can't undo the development
>The follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone levels had increased and total testosterone levels had decreased in the experimental groups compared with the control group; the differences were statistically significant.
So does peppermint make me more womanly in exchange for protecting me from balding?
That's what you get for drinking the gayest tea in existence
>protecting from balding
Huh, had no idea about that. I think there might be a positive correlation with high T and hairloss.
>Have IBS
>find out peppermint oil pills help with the bloating.
>find out peppermint oil pills lower your test
peppermint tea is really good for stomach aches
Try carnivore instead
>be alive
>find out that the longer I live, the shorter my remaining life expectancy
Drink Ginger + ginseng instead
My ex was the ultimate gains goblin holy fuck. Bought me peppermint tea that I used to drink
What did he mean by this
he can't catch up
try ginger tea
Cut out grains bro
Kek, all you faggots obsessing over t never gets old
Even gum? I have pretty fuckin high test and I had no idea about this. Mint chocolate chip is my favourite ice cream and I mainly chew spearmint gum. Never noticed anything with it
best way to increase T is not to think about T levels too much
or inject it into your ass
really, thats it
post body
>48 rats over some unknown length of time.
garbage study
this lmao, imagine wasting so much time on discussing garbage placebo memes about testosterone.
Shit thread op
Even moreso than drinking once or twice every couple weeks?
Oh so this is why I got plenty of fat in the chest when I was bulking on beans
Well time to drop that shit
Toothpaste doesn't have menthol in it, it has a chemical called winter green.
unironically carnivore diet with organ meats and raw dairy