Is there any way to stop being depressed Jow Forums? Christ I don’t want to live this way anymore bros

Is there any way to stop being depressed Jow Forums? Christ I don’t want to live this way anymore bros.

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are you getting enough vitamin d3?

If that’s from sunlight then yeah I’m a labourer

fast for a week while exercising and refeed with fermented food, eat clean afterwards with veggies, meat and fruit for carbs

every time i've stopped being depressed it has been because of a massive life change, something that completely changed my direction.

the first time was when i changed schools at age 15. new place to live, new locale, different people, i seized upon the chance to be someone completely different from the person i used to be. this was how i got over the suicidal depression i'd been sunken in since age 11.

the second time was when i was 27. i dropped out of university because it was literally killing me by way of anxiety disorders and depression to the point i was afraid to leave my house. i wouldn't leave my room to take out the trash or do anything but buy groceries. i would panic about the littlest of things and formulate lists to try and solve them only to make it worse.

i'm 30 now and as happy as i've ever been, but i won't lie that there have been costs. i still have no degree and i don't know how long i will last in my line of work, but i genuinely love what i do and i think that's made all the difference. additionally, i no longer have to panic about how i'm going to pay rent or buy food on a student allowance.

in conclusion to this blog, if you're truly, cripplingly depressed and not just "bros my girl left me and took my dog" depressed, make some giant fucking changes. get a puppy. join a rock climbing gym. murder a homeless person. just do some shit that changes up your routine because you've been in it for so long that you don't even notice that it's what's keeping you the same.

microdose lsd

Vitamin D3
For two weeks take 20.000 I.U. (international units), after that you keep up a 5.000 I.U. daily intake. Everyone above a certain latitude is D deficient, and even below it's most likely as you barely get any on the face and hands, while beeing nearly the whole day inside.

This deficiency will fuck up your T production and makes you depressive.

T. fought depression for 15 years

If this doesn't get better, you might want to get your thyroid checked. Anything below 1,5 TSH is shitty, no matter what the physician says. Most don't know shit.

Nope. You have a deficiency, if you're living in the civilized world.

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Nah, dont think so been living with it for 12 years. Starting to think there's a neurological issue at hand.

>Thought it was loneliness so I socialized and had a family by 26
>Thought it was job so I got a great career
>Thought t was due to apartment so got a 4bdr house
>Thought it was the state so relocated then came back after a year

Beats me buddy, stil trying to figure this shit out mself

I like you

Faggot xd

Get yourself checked for physical reasons like vitamin d or the thyroid. Any doctor can do that. If there is no physical reason go see a psychologist (not psychiatrist). Cognitive behavioral therapy is backed up by more research than most drugs and can help you in the long term. It's harder work than just popping some pills though, but it's worth it.

It's wild, man. Things can be fine but you still feel empty. I can have a great time with people but as soon as I'm alone it all goes away. I lift but I feel empty as soon as I finish up or getting close to the end. I'm able to deal with it pretty well for the most part but it's always there somewhere. Long ass post coming

>talk to someone
It's a small thing to do but often the hardest. I remember telling someone that "it feels like I haven't actually said anything in 2 years" and immediately I felt more comfortable.
>exercise as often as possible
Gives you a goal, gets you moving, gets the brain happy. Pretty basic stuff.
>eat better
eating processed shit all the time makes you feel like shit. Drink plenty of water instead of soft drinks. Can be surprisingly hard but our sugar addiction is so normalised you might not have even noticed it.
>get good sleep
I found that working out in the morning and not going to bed until around 8pm gives the best results. You'll usually wake up around 5am. It's a lot nicer feeling to be awake in the morning than to be awake all night. The point of the gym is really to tire out your body to the point where sleep comes easily.

This has probably been said by a few people in this thread already but it bares repeating. It's not always something that you can just take some medication for and be fine. It actually takes some work to have a fulfilling life but we're sold an idea of instant happiness through entertainment. A movie will pass two hours but in the end you've achieved nothing. Don't just be a consumer and you should find some fulfilment.

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I stopped being depressed after fasting and zero-carb

I started taking 4000 IU of vitamin D3 and some omega 3 and I felt better

I'm not depressed at all actually, I get random fucking giddiness and energy spurts from nowhere, it's amazing even if it makes me look like a spastic in case someone would be peeking into my apartment

Consider weed. No, really.

It does work as an antidepressant. It gives me energy, it makes me motivated, and at the end of the day it helps me sleep. It lessens my anxiety and helps me to do things that I would otherwise dread like paying bills or starting that long essay due tomorrow.

It doesn't work this way for everyone, but some people it genuinely helps. It's worth giving a shot, but if you feel like it's making you worse just drop it. If you do decide it helps though, invest in a vape. It pays itself back eventually because it's much more efficient and you save your lungs too.

Hugs, user.

OP, whatever you do, don't fall for the dude weed lmao meme.

People promoting it especially for fucking depression don't know what they are talking about or malvolent. Taking drugs while mentaly down, will not improve your life and weed especially has a sedating character. The only reason weed smokers feel "energized" is because their mental addiction has finally been satisfied, so their shrunken brains can think about something else - while not giving a fuck. And everyone who knows depression, knos that feeling dead inside isn't something to go further into.

Proper diet, Vitamin D and Thyroid levelc checked, physical activity and goals on life is what you need. Especially the last one, too many men forget, and a man without a purpose is rightfully feeling like the walking dead.

That's bipolar disorder.

The answer is in your post.

Christ. Jesus Christ.

Accept Lord Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and watch your life change. I used to be extremely depressed, now I am not. I used to be blind, now I can see the light.

May Jesus bless you.

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pretty sure bipolar people are easily recognizable
I just get high on life


Are you 12 or something? Why the fuck would you ever recommend somebody with depression to hop on drugs to cope with it? Its just another escapism tool like alchohol to surpress how you feel instead of solving it. Using these kind of substances to cope with mental issues is a slippery slope that has a big chance of resulting in becoming a fullblown addict.

Fuck man this shit actually triggers me. You deserve a stomp to the face for this retardation

Not really, no. You can make positive changes and that will get you a quick happiness boost at the cost of massive amounts of effort, but this will fade soon enough. The body is designed to keep up miserable and hopeful, hopeful that the next life accomplishment is the one that will bring lasting happiness. This keeps us working and productive to our monkey tribe society.

If there's something that really is eating away at your unconscious, change it if you can. But depression can't be killed, it can only be scared away for a short period of time. It comes back, it will always come back. I've accepted depression as my closest friend and my greatest enemy. Forget about being happy because that's not for people like you and I. Aim for contentment instead.

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not OP, but been taking 5,000 IU daily for about 2 years now
still depressed

I share a board with these kind of people

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vitamind d3 is not the same thing as sunlight

It' not magic, just a boost. You still have to get your live in order.

Not to mention that weed is still illegal in many places. If someone thinks they're depressed now, just wait until they have legal troubles.

Unironically based and redpilled. If you're having a crisis of life purpose, weed or psychedelics can give your brain a much-needed reset and get you out of a downward spiral thought pattern.

Begone, bloomer

retard, don't do this.

Lol. Go for a run or something buddy. Happiness is contentment by the way if you haven't realized that by now.


they are a bunch of retards arent they

You can think what you think but it's a fact that there are a lot of people who use weed medically, people you wouldn't even guess smoke because they're not stoners laying in a basement 24/7 with fucked up lives. Yes it doesn't work for everyone. Yes it's not desirable. But claiming all weed does is make you stupid and worse off is just not true. You can use it responsibly to enhance your life, just like you can have a night off at a bar every now and then to get a little drunk and have fun without spiraling into alcoholism.

No, stop being an edgy, melodramatic, self-pitying loser. We need less of those on this board. I give it 95% chance you came from r9k didnt you. Do the world a favor and just end it. At least then you wont be able to influence others with your weak mindset

Weed, specifically only the CBD part of it, is used medicinally for physical pain. The psychoactive part THC found in weed has shown no use medically. Stop larping around you retard. Weed causes you to become dumber and lose IQ. Get the hell off my board you drug addict weasel

Have you tried exercise?

Standard response to the truth. The truth can be ugly sometimes, and you want to distance yourself from it. "kys loser" is to be expected from this mindset, an outburst of emotion in response to a resonance to the voice deep inside you that lets you know that this is all for nothing. I understand user.

>Go for a run
been there done that buddy

Begone nigger. This is a Health and Fitness board. You deserve to kiss the Boardsteinkante for trying to drag other ill people down into a destructive life. Leave this board and never come back.

Weed isnt medicinally used for depression retard. Yes it can enhance your life just like a night out with some bros, but thats when you use it for recreational purposes. Thats completely fine.

You however are telling somebody with depression to smoke weed to 'solve' it. While in reality all it does is numb your mind and make you care less. It doesnt solve shit. Its just a tool to run away from your problems. This not only delays solving the underlying reason for the depression, it also makes you reliant on the drug to feel good.

But youre living proof to weed frying your brain arent you, giving stupid ass advice to people

This user unironically gets it.
Repent and turn to the love of Christ, you aren't promised tomorrow.

Weehhhhhhh, only I know the real truth, life is purposeless you guysssss! Why does nobody understand meeee

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Thread full of jesusposters and one dude recommending weed is enough to trigger the entire sunday school. The only high they get is from smelling their own farts. Straight edge faggots really do make me sick.

>Hey guys! I get high off drugs every weekend.. im so coooool ... haha other people are obviously missing out on this highhhhhh...
Shut the hell up. No one cares that you are high on weed. Everyone is embarrassed for you.

This unironically got me back from nearly killing mysef after 20 years of hardcore depression and beeing a 35yo atheist fedora loser without anything in life. Now I'm getting married to a cuttie, got a great job and am finally fit afetr beeing around 150kg 16 months back.

Lating Mass is Gods gift to us.

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Hey everyone reacts differently to it. I was in a ski accident when I was 16 and had rods put in my back. I'm 25 now and started vaping it 4 years ago for the pain. Weed helps me feel normal, I bike everywhere, deadlift, squat, bench, boulder, and I'm an engineer for work.

I am literally laying in bed vaping before I go to work.

Am I emotionally numb?

I am one of the most goddamn sensitive people you will ever meet. I have great friends that I care about. I volunteer for chirst sake.

If someone is stupid and weed is involved it's because they were already stupid or because they started smoking at too young of an age.

Times have changed, plenty of potheads are high functioning members of society and you'd have no idea.

Beautiful. Glad you got God back in your life after such a long time, and it looks like he blessed you with a wonderful life.

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Religion. Depression is being away from God.

t. A councilor who noticed non religious people are miserable fucks no matter how rich they were etc. while religious (like genuinely so) were always content

So you only use weed for physical pain, and you recommend it to someone for psychological and emotional damage. Good one. You going to recommend oxy next for his emotional problems?

God is good user.
I've been trying to get momentum back after an injury and some hard times, but I know he's got my back.
We're gonna make it, Christbros.

>Literally nothing but anecdotal arguments

You think youre not stupid? Bitch you dont even know the basics of discussion. I dont need to prove shit, you already proven your retardation with your comments in this thread.

ketogenic animal-based diet
regular sleep
social interaction (with people you like)
moderate cardio

and get some magnesium glycinate

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In retrospect I'm thanksfull for the hard journey, I needed it to grow above what I could have even dreamed of and I consider myself blessed to be able to break a horrible familiar cycle, so through my suffering my children can grow up how God intended them to.

It's advent, I can't recommend anyone enough to go into a traditional latin mass (tridentine rite) on a sunday with an open mind. It might just change your life.

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Link relaed

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Weed gives my life purpose, and if it stops doing that, Il just graduate to opioids

>grug say faith in science is superior to faith in God

Happy Saturnalia my dude, because that's the holiday you're really celebrating while you LARP in a pretty castle with latin chants

Just ignore him. He's not yet really. God willing, he'll come around some day. Living by example will make their delusions crumble.

We gots ourselves multiple advent services and a Christmas eve service also.
Comfy liturgy and a comfy time of year, happy birthday big boy.

Glad that God helped you wade through the bad times and is giving you rest and peace, I could go for some of that now through these hard times man.

happy for you m8

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Just stop being sad lmao

>hehe I'll show them telling them how customs evolved through millenia
We know user. God speaks even to pagans. That's why we all have pretty similar rules if we boil them down. Nature through God motivates us to celebrate. It's irrelevant how people called God or his signs before his son died for us.

And the Catholic Faith served us, just like we did it, very well through millenia - till subverive elemts destroyed our faith and our societies. You're doing the devils work, without knowing it. Without the Faith, there is no life and you don't believe in Saturnalia.

depression isn't being sad
it's having no vitality and energy, and not feeling any will to do anything, and feeling no interest in anything.

Don't kill yourself is the most important rule. Trust me

You'll get through it, as your mission here isn't over yet. Take every rock in your way as a chance to step above what you now think, you'll able to handle.

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Almost all of this is related to chemistry inside the brain. Eat healthy, force yourself to workout, live productive days, avoid test lowering foods. If this doesnt fix it, get your blood levels checked something might be off.

Think rationally, not emotionally. People who sulk around with depression are like "nah im not gonna eat healthy, who cares, nah im not gonna work out, everything is pointless, nah im not gonna try to change, fuck it" and then they wonder why they are depressed for years. Man the fuck up and make a change

>customs evolved through millenia
>We know user. God speaks even to pagans. That's why we all have pretty similar rules if we boil them down.

Damn, I knew catholics didn't actually give a shit about what the bible said but actually hearing you admit it is very gratifying.

>If your brother, the son of your mother, or your son or your daughter or the wife you embrace or your friend who is as your own soul entices you secretly, saying, ‘Let us go and serve other gods,’ which neither you nor your fathers have known, some of the gods of the peoples who are around you, whether near you or far off from you, from the one end of the earth to the other, you shall not yield to him or listen to him, nor shall your eye pity him, nor shall you spare him, nor shall you conceal him. But you shall kill him. Your hand shall be first against him to put him to death, and afterward the hand of all the people. You shall stone him to death with stones, because he sought to draw you away from the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery.

I'm not OP, and I agree with what you say, but in my case my depression had nothing to do with diet or exercise. Rather, it was a result of not fitting in society due to being low in conscientiousness and having no peers because of my intelligence.
for others that are depressed, I recommend the things I posted here

Dear lord, you neither understand what I said, not what the bible says. Nowhere did I say, to go and begome bagan, user. I said, that God speaks to people no matter their location, time and upbringing. Baptism of desire and blood are a thing i traditional Catholicism for a reason. Folowing Gods lead even without knowing exactly why ones doing it, can be a way of him showing himself to that person.

Pagans probably heard that calling but didn't fully understand it, jut like many other religions. But boiling it down, shows us that in the end most of us have pretty similar understandings of God.

Now stop trying to teach an actual Catholic about Catholicism.

Try skydiving user.

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try making something. woodworking or whatever. Buying instead of making will never feel as good

>Folowing Gods lead even without knowing exactly why ones doing it, can be a way of him showing himself to that person.
Being a Catholic means believing that there is only one way to heaven, there is no way to the father except through the son. It's amazing how easily christcucks forget how much jesus droned on about that.

I know it'll pass, the wait is hard though as it's been a long road and I can't see the end and he won't allow me to see when it ends.
Celebrating this time of year is nice, and gives me a bit of hope so there's that.
Peace of our Lord be with you user.

> there is no way to the father except through the son
And the son gave his life for all of us while also taking those which died before him. He died for all people, no matter if they are living in africa or on a little undiscovered island in the pacific only feeling the call to behave like he wishes to. Those people can be saved through the baptism of desire just like unbaptished pagans can be saved through the baptism of blood if they die before they can receive the proper one.

Again, just because you visited protestcuck novus ordo sunday school, doesn't mean you know aynthing.

Can you expand on this a bit?
why did you decide to convert and what religious practices did you start doing?
any tips for someone looking to take the Christpill?

>He died for all people
So nothing that anyone did pre-Christ mattered?
>some garbage about baptism
The penitent thief on the cross was not baptized in water before death.
Either you're a heretic unbeliever spreading lies, or you need to do some serious studying user.
You do know what is said in scripture about misleading others and teaching falsehoods? It's sobering stuff.

Not the guy you were talking to.
Literally all your questions are juvenile level and can be answered by a google search to a Catholic resource that will tickle you fancy. These are very simple questions.

>So nothing that anyone did pre-Christ mattered?
Obviously it did, that's why Christ took those which died deserving with him to heaven.

>>some garbage about baptism
So, you want to tell a Traditional catholic that Baptism of desire and blood isn't a thing? On how many levels of larping are you currently on? You're actually spreading lies about millenia of church history and dogma, but I suspect you merely know the already mentioned Novus Ordo Sect which loves to reinterprete our teachings while getting fucked in the ass by subverive elemts.

>22 And, behold, a woman of Canaan came out of the same coasts, and cried unto him, saying, Have mercy on me, O Lord, thou son of David; my daughter is grievously vexed with a devil. 23 But he answered her not a word. And his disciples came and besought him, saying, Send her away; for she crieth after us. 24 But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel. 25 Then came she and worshipped him, saying, Lord, help me. 26 But he answered and said, It is not meet to take the children's bread, and to cast it to dogs.

The "baptism of desire" is some vague feel-good shit and you know it. If you actually reflected on what christ said you'd know that he did NOT come for the entire world, he came to call his lost tribes of Israel back home. And no, the writings of Paul the Heretic don't count. Maybe you should spend less time fingering choir boys and more time turning pages of that faggot bible you wave around

I'd probably give religion a try if every religiousnut didn't sound like a cult leader every time he shilled.

>he did not come for the whole world
literally 1 john 2:2

It's not a cult. It's a relationship with Jesus, the living God.
Try it yourself and see

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I was a fedora since I can think. One day after said 20 years, I've been out in the park smoking cigarettes and thinking about how shitty my life is, considering suicide and all those nice things because life on gibsmedats isn't life.

Suddenly a young women with an infant walks slowly through the park, the cloudy rainy day breaks up and a sun ray frames both of them. Times seemed to slow down and looking at them made my life run before my eyes, feeling like this is where the road splitts in two, having to make my choice. It was like an embrace of love and knowledge and full of clarity and contentment.

The ray ended as the women has left the path.
And I was changed. From a rational fedora kvetching for proves and sources, trying to explan everything rationaly, to a believer. Just liek that in a matter of seconds.

I took a bible home and read through it. I visited catholic and protestant mass, but both feeled hollow and like a show. Only once I've got into a traditional Catholic mass, I felt like there actualyl was his presence.

The last 18 months I not only got fit and engaged, but I have also read a ahitton of books on european and catholic history, politics etc which showed me that there is something there which certain powers want to undermine.

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You're doing it again.

Bassicly this can be the case, that would explain massive workout when i am depressed and need for cooking or making something up i just become DIY machine while depressed

inspiring user. thank you

>God can't take a soul as he likes, that'S feel good shit
Imagine thinking that human authity stands above his will.

Just stop alraedy.

>If you actually reflected on what christ said you'd know that he did NOT come for the entire world, he came to call his lost tribes of Israel back home.
And as his tribe didn't come in free will, he made the second convent with the people now known as Christians following his teachings. That's how kikes were born.

> Maybe you should spend less time fingering choir boys and more time turning pages of that faggot bible you wave around
Pathetic. Maybe you should try chooking on that banana instead of showing it up your ass.

thinks "the world" means everyone

Terrible advice, weed just makes you more numb. Only substance to consider would be shrooms because of literally having anti depressant chemicals and no chance of addiction

But you play russian roulette on shizophrenia.

First time I used acid I took a hit of weed 2 hours in and it made me think I went schizophrenic. I would not recommend.

The first time I fixed my depression by taking a week off work, turning off my phone and all electricity (except the kitchen), and literally living like a 16th century man. I read books by candlelight, exercised, cooked every meal, took walks, and completely disconnected from the world.

The second time I took a large dose of shrooms for the first time, by myself.

thanks for the response. why did seeing the woman and child make you choose christianity tho? what was the connection there?

The woman with her child looked like the most perfect moving picture of Mary with Jesus on her arm. The ray of light was wavelike and beautiful beyond anything I have ever seen. The nearest thing I could think of was the old paintings of Mary and Jesus, which I've seen through my interest in classical art and history.

And historically protestantism is far to heavy on the human part and part of the destructive wave since the french revolution. There really only was a pick between Catholicism and Orthodox, which differences are autistically small in the big picture and I don't think we can fuly understand God, either way.

Further, no society has been as succefull and blessed like those adhering to the Catholic Faith and no one will ever fall as deep through this as those which left this path. For me, it only therefore makes sense to follow the real Traditional Catholic teachings, which sadly in our times means considering the sede vacante.

Start meditating and/or get into philosophy. Meditating will help with the anxiety and for you to become comfortable with yourself. Philosophy will give you models to look at the world which will ultimately make life a lot more interesting.
Also, a mushroom trip always does me good. Whenever I go through my routine for a while, I take some mushrooms and tune into what's been going through my head for all that time. The mushrooms really help to spawn some inspiration in your life. Literally I started going to engineering school and working out because the psychedelics helped to show me the amount of potential I have.

>is against cults
>posts on a cambodian christian calisthentics forum

You've probably been stagnant for a long time. What got me out of my long term depression was taking a trip. Took six weeks off work and backpacked around Europe solo for a bit after I found some cheap plane tickets. By the end of Day 3 I was completely out of my funk, becoming the person I was always meant to be - highly charismatic, social, loving life. I came home a changed man.
The point is to just MOVE. Moving, by necessity, involves a change of perspective.

I haven't found anything that gets rid of it 100 percent.
I just take solace in the fact that one day after I die none of us are going to have to feel like this again.
That, and the fact that if God hasn't just let me die already, it means he thinks I can deal with it, which is comforting.

Damn i get the same energy spurts every now and then never knew anyone who got em. Do you also feel sort of euphoric when it happens and feel like laughing?

How? Do I get a tattoo? What? I already sleep early and wake up early

I got a punching bag OP. I look at depression like a bitch version of myself. Then I project all my insecurities and bullshit onto the bag and beat the shit out of it until I feel better. It's a constant war in my mind that I'm never going to lose.

Definitely bipolar. That’s a manic phase