Is lifting worth it once you reach a Norwood 3?

Is lifting worth it once you reach a Norwood 3?

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Hello 04
Hello 22nd birthday
Hello death

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got any plans for a transplant?

I'm considering it for sure, I hear Turkey has good prices and good work but the fact that it's from the land of raoches I'm not at 100% trust. I have to wait a few months till I have the cash for it anways, so I have time to think about things.
I'm also thinking about fin and dermaroll.
inb4 fin shill.

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I wouldnt go to Turkey, I can't speak the language and its an undeveloped shithole full of Muslims. Last place I'd go for a life changing medical procedure.

I'm staying in the UK and looking to pay 10k or so on a payment plan.

>Norwood 0.5
>Father is Norwood 5
Am I good bros?

I'm poor as fug and don't want to pay that much for something that in 3 years I'll have to do again. But I also don't want to get raped and my organs stolen from me in Turkey.
The choices we must make huh

from 3 to 8.

This is depressing af as I'm balding.

Tell me about it.
I cover my hair all the time in the mirror for an instant jump in rating.
I've been tempted many times to just wear hats but they're for faggots.

>tfw no males on either side of family have gone past a 2
>several of them past the age of 80
>all still get haircuts every 3 weeks because thick, fast growing hair

I see myself repeating the procedure every 3-5 years, 10k over that period of time isn't that much. Especially if it makes me human.

I've yet to take the hatpill, I might in future though just to disguise my balding for a day or two.

Shave it off you fucking retards.
I got a full set of hair and I'm thinking of shaving it all off because it's pissing me the fuck off.

Just workout, and shave your head. How is this complicated to you fags. The last thing a woman will think is attractive is a male that is more obsessed with his hair than her.

>The last thing a woman will think is attractive is a male that is more obsessed with his hair than her.

t. boomer

Currently norwood 06.

I cant even get a transplant



Impossible to tell yet. Look at the men on your mothers side.

kys and hope hindus are right.

wrong presupposition

if you've gone NW3, you BETTER be jacked or you're fucked.

>my father is gyllenhaal level
>im q3 at 27 getin worse
>same goes for facial hair, got to shave as baby while this old fart got this half grey awesome beard
>mfw at christmas table in a week mirin' at father fkin hair

thanks mom

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>dad has 0 bald spots at 50y.o
>tfw every male from mother's side is bald
I'm fucked right?

Im 02 at age 29. Am I safe?

btw i went the "cheap transplant in turkey" route and i regret it. It restored my hairline which does improve how your head looks considerably, but it did fuck all for my density.

Also, FUE is a HORRIBLY barbaric and painful procedure and the farm animal treatment you get at these places doesn't help. If you dont want that, well you need to go to guys who arent cheap and have 12+ month waiting lists like erdogan. Which defeats the whole purpose of going to turkey in the first place, so you might as well look at surgeons close to your home.

turkey is also a shithole, fuck that place.

For the love of god, it's nearly 2019. There's no need to settle for this anymore like you're living in the 1950s.

Just GLUE it for a couple of years while you hold out for the Japanese stem cell cure in the early 2020s, if you're too far gone to fix it with fin and minox.

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probably not. I am one of three brothers and the youngest. My oldest brother started balding in his mid 20s, the 2nd oldest thinks hes different, and me i stated balding around 23 which was probably exacerbated by my steroid and tobacco use (i wish i had never listen to morons on the internet about steroids, if i could go back i would not use testosterone at all and would instead use nandrolone as the base for all my cycles, a much better choice i learned way too late from a greek physician who had experience guiding athletes with steroid use)

anyway, where im going with this is the 2nd brother who had shown no signs of balding throughout his 20s, now in his mid 30s is developing a very noticeable bald spot on his crown along with the gradual but slow overall thinning on the vertex region. He is of course, in denial about this despite jabbing comments from his friends/coworkers. I imagine by the time i see him on his 36th birthday he will probably will have a telltale shaved dome.

so no, it doesnt follow that you're safe just because your hair loss is "stabilized" for some period of time.

people who use hair systems dont have girlfriends. i mean really, what do you think happens when she starts playing with your hair and finds out you're wearing a rug? Its worse than if you had just met her without the deception.

>for a couple of years
better use minox then, it's less damaging to your dignity

you literally tell them and they literally don't care.

You insecure zoomers are a disgrace.

I mean really.

>they literally don't care
They do, and they lie. It's women

I am norwood 2. I worry about my hairline every day. Every time I see myself in the mirror I feel my temples and see my hair thinning. Last night I had a dream where I had literal JUST hair. I felt for the top of my head and had a bald spot. I was relieved when I woke up, like my life had hope again.
What can I do to delay the norwood reaper, other than drugs that also fuck with my psyche?

Saw palmetto work ? Emu oil ? Castille soap ? pumpkin seed oil ?

Let me ask you a question, asshole. How much pussy did lifting net you before you started balding? Bitch, please.

The chances are against you. The androgen receptor gene (which your mother gives you) is necessary for baldnesss to happen but not enough to make it happen on its own; so good luck.

Idiot. Never trust what women say, but what they do.

>Tfw hairline started receding in high school
>Dad has a decently strong hairline
>Tfw mom's hairline is literally halfway up her fucking head

Turkey is better since they are much more experienced there than the rest of Europe. Turkey is not as muslim as you think it is. It is basically as muslim as the UK is christian.

Men are turning into fucking women, worrying about losing your hair like a woman.

Man up cunts, unless you're a faggot this shouldn't matter. There are people with fucking cancer, that have months to live and you're bitching about your hair?

Ultra cope.

Man up faggot; there are people in third world shitholes with ebola, who have less than a few hours to live and you’re complaining about fucking cancer.

At what age you're safe from hair loss?

>I hear Turkey has good prices and good work
I can vouch for that.
The language is simple and most doctors speak English.


Why nobody uses mino and fina?

They don't work, kill gains, amd give you erectile disfunction.

Buzz it for peace of mind. You are thinking way too much about something generally meaningless. If fat short bald people can make it then you should have no problem.

>They don't work
>kill gains
Even bigger myth.
>give you ED
Get a more attractive woman.

Just go bald, faggot. If you're a beanpole you'll look weird but fix that by lifting.

Go bald and look like a hard cunt. Scowl permanently. Stare other people down if they look you in the eye. Eat their children if they pipe up.


Attached: finesteride efficacy.jpg (373x307, 28K)

Stop it, you idiot. Just let them sterilize themselves so we can get rid of baldness from the gene pool once and for all.

>"They" don't work

i'm basically bald now, about to turn 31 years old
eventually you get over it

>not having basic understanding of human biology

guys just go statham mode its not such a big deal

>48%-66% chance to actually grow hair back.
>The overall incidence of sexual function disorders, comprising decreased libido, ejaculation disorder and erectile dysfunction, was significantly greater in finasteride than placebo recipients

>Only 107 - 138 counts of hair grow back
>Human head can hold 1250 hairs per inch.

Significant statistically is not significant practically.

>using it after the hair loss

What about Minoxidil?

Im 21

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Do you wear hats? What do you do when it's cold outside?

If I give you a bowl of M&Ms, and 3 of them will make your dick not work, would you still take one?

Will you continue to take one every month, and pay me $50 for the privilege?

Results tank after two years. Hair count is only 50 if you're lucky.

Attached: minoxidil-long-term-02.gif (500x344, 31K)

During winter im always wearing beanies
Tend to wear baseball hats in other weather but not always

are you a prince of england by chance ?

Alright, I am gonna go to a dermatologist because of some spots on my skin, anything you fags want me to ask him?

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>3 of them will make your dick not work, would you still take one?
But I'm on fina for the last 5 years.
No further hair loss, dick still working.
The only "issue" is I don't come fast anymore.
Don't get 1mg pills, get the 5 mg and split it to 4, it's cheaper that way.

Can seborrheic dermatitis on the scalp cause thinning hair around the areas affected and on the temples/hairline like in this pic?

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>Already starting to express sexual side effects.
It'll get worse with age. Hope that hair was worth it.

just get on fin u pussy


Do you not know how to read? This clearly shows very strong efficacy.

Strong efficacy statistically? Sure.
>10% to have no effect after 5 years.
>40% chance to have no change, with no assurance that the drug was ever the cause for the stall.
>50% improvement rate.
>But only at a rate of sub 150 hairs per inch. ~10%.
>All while having potential damning side effects and being an expensive medication not covered by insurance.
Medical efficacy rates are way over inflated. Some medications are acceptable at sub 10% efficacy rate.

This please

>dad is 66 with no balding, none of his brothers are balding
>mom's father is 80 with a full head of hair
Won the lottery this time, boys

you better appreciate it

between 1 and 2 at 22, got the same peak as my grandad who had hair at 80
my brother was bald for 4 years already at my age.
did I dodge it?

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is it gay to touch a girls peepee

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I'm still in NW2, would minoxidyl+dermarolling work to let me keep my hair where it is for a while?

I'm nearing 2 at 19 but i really badly want a straight hairline, what do i do

>sex is everything
Too much steroid.

>not an undeveloped shithole full of Muslims

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Ignore him, most of Jow Forums are very bad at /sci/.

>expensive medication not covered by insurance.
The perks of living in third world country.

>yfw they use minoxidil and finasteride

probably, i have seb derm from stress and caused telogen effluvium(hairfall). noticed my hair a little thinner, im pretty sure can be reveresed.

I use Olive oil/pep oil every 3 days. Can be messy but works for hair growth. I use clobetasol but it made my fucken skin dry and caused forehead wrinkles srs.


Just lmao @ all you insecure people. Balding is natural for many people. Stop trying to fight it and embrace it

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Lifting is always worth it.

No, at that point you should just stop working out, develop a heart problem, and grow so obese that you can't move out of your chair.
If you attach a milking machine to your penis and your anus, and have your mom deliver you pizza 2-3 times a day, you'll be living the dream in no time - no reason to work out at all. Go watch some anime. Subscribe to Digibro, but dwelve into a healthy selection of hentai as well. Learn what little sisters are really for. It's not too late for you. ...and above all, remember that rebels that God loves, die young, maybe even at 35. Fuck life - you're bald now. Life was never for you.

I keep hoping it comes from the mother, but i know its cope. I can see scalp when my hair is up. Sometimes I look at people's hair and can see scalp, so I hope its good.
But my grandma from my moms side has thin hair so maybe I was screwed anyway.

Here's to hoping it is just maturing and skips a generation

kept my skullet for years, had to dut it off to get a real job unfortunately

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Shave head and start lifting for size.

Do you have to take fin after getting a transplant?

>lose glasses
>get lean (lose the chubby cheeks)
>get Jow Forums
>dress better
>grow some facial hair
>slick the hair back

He'd look miles better

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>grow some facial hair

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>hair system
just say "wig"

i understand. To be fair I meant stubble and maybe a sleazy stache, not a full on beard.

Clean shaven looks best when your facial features are prominent, so thats why getting lean would help him

Did you just unironically tell someone to grow a sleazy stache? God I fucking hate zoomers.


It's $20 a month.

I'm 02 should I just kill myself?

>fear of balding to the point of tears about 10 months ago
>fear calmed down 5 months ago
>enter this thread
>fear slowly increasing
oopsie woopsie uwu

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If you're in the EU, I think you're legally obliged to.

Are you supposed to get sides from fin if it’s working? I’ve been taking fin for 3+ months now and noticed zero sides. I haven’t noticed much improvement either. I’m afraid I’m a nonresponder.