Co worker says "what did you have for dinner user?"

>co worker says "what did you have for dinner user?"
>can't say I had 200g chicken, 200g brown rice and 100g broccoli because it sounds autistic

What's a good normie meal to say you had?

I went with "steak and chips".

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Sandwich or salad

lel why didnt you just say "chicken and rice" you dullard

Stupid thread

because op is autistic

This is all you had to say

>Chicken, rice, and broccoli
Was that so hard you autist?

No matter how Jow Forums you get, you'll always be an autistic dumb cunt if you act like this.

You sound like how the guy in the picture looks, why don't you stuff the chicken in your anus? It will make everyone's life easier.

why the fug would you use units when answering this question

>instead of saying chicken and rice
>op does not realize he already is autistic

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Cause he has autism

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>you'll never spread your seeds inside her squiring hairy puss

why even live

Who's the chick? She kinda reminds me of Stella Cox, except with way less tits.

Don’t tell people you workout or lift, let them assume you’re genetically superior, always just say
>oh this is just some pushups and jogging I used to play football as a kid
>I usually just eat a salad or some chipotle

I think that guy is a good example of wasted potential.

A better haircut around his recession, lose bodyfat and gain muscle and dress decently, and he'd be a pretty hot dude

Hot men arent natural, theyre made. Even some 10/10 guy could be a greasy neckbeard

My sides LMAOOO

Literally just say chicken

oof huge cope

That guy could go for the buffed caveman look

I would agree but he is fucking manlet.

Is he actually one of those pornstars that plays the son

tell your coworker you ate pussy for dinner

Just don't say the units. "I had chicken, rice and broccoli." is an acceptable and normal answer.

>coworkers asking what I ate today
>go full autism and open my fitness pal
>This morning I have consumed 82 grams of protein, 29 carbs, and 20 grams of fats contained in my protein shake, steel cut oats, and serving of natural peanut butter

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Who fucking cares about your dumbass coworkers opinions be yourself faggot. Never gonna make it with that additude

officially the worst image i've seen on the internet

>what did you have for dinner user?
>Why, faggot? Are you hitting on me, faggot?
conversation over
note: this works equally well on men and women

more like a subtractitude am i right lolololol
but seriously you're a retard

Adriana Chechik. Doesn't look like Stella imo.

Jynx Maze I thought
But I haven’t watched porn in ages

This. what is wrong with you?

>normie meal

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where do you find pics like in the OP?

God adriana chechik... the things id do oh ho ho the thing id eat that you'd produce. To describe them would not be fitness related and earn me a ban.

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>nice old lady working near me asks me what I had for dinner last night cuz that’s what old people do

she won't be asking you again, will she?

>God adriana chechik... the things id do oh ho ho the thing id eat that you'd produce. To describe them would not be fitness related and earn me a ban.

Can't you just say you had some chicken and veg?
Why's it auts? I think you're the one that's auts

just say if it's doo doo
respond with smiling rich if yes
respond with angry rich if no

Wow is pulling a girls hair just like a button that puts her in a hyper-aroused state? Look at her face? WOW that guy is really a legend.

yeah, being embarassed about yourself is one of the most autistic things you can do.

the other is being overly confident. don't go around telling about your piss jugs.

Everything :')

Fast food

Normies don't know of anything else.

How will this make my or your life easier? Having a chicken in my rectum will surely complicate things.

Nobody believes you when you say that.
How many friends do you have, user?

>at work
>the people in my team are discussing what they are having for dinner
>I am anorexic and trying to lose weight despite being 130lbs and 182cm
>they don't know that
>they are all talking about takeaways, pizza, chips and other very unhealthy shit
>decide I need to say something that sounds like it is calorically dense
>luckily I know every calorically dense food
>'haha I am having a very calorically dense meal, I am having ground beef fried with ground almonds, topped with some spoons of peanut butter and an olive oil and greek yoghurt dipping sauce with deep fried balls of white flour with some cheese and some cake for dessert'
>they all act repulsed like I said something horrible
>'that uhh... sounds interesting user'
>some clever guy snaps a joke that 'i guess its lucky they asked on your weekly meal day'
>people laugh
>try to explain i eat everyday
>they don't want to listen
>sometimes now i make random crunching noises when nobody is looking so they think i was eating

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"Avocado toast with bacon and then I'll do my daily session of wii fit and zumba, after that I'll listen to some podcast while implementing some shitty web app in a bleeding edge javashit framework"


What? Come on. How?

Uh, not much, had a chinky meal.
>Actually 200g chicken, 300g rice and some arugula, green, and jalapeno peppers

Tell them exactly what you ate to the gram. Let them know how autistic and powerful you are

>implementing some shitty web app in a bleeding edge javashit framework

OP is beyond autistic. OP is a lost cause

You sound like a loser

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pull yourself together son

Not only can I tell you're autistic for how you handled this situation but also from the fact that you ran this imaginary scenario through your head thinking any co-worker would actually ask or care what you eat.

this cant be real

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are you going to cast machinist, why the hell are you cutting?

That registered sex offender outfit tho

What a fucking Chad

That fucking good movie, tho

I’d fuck the shit out of Adriana.

The fear of saying something autistic is always your demise, because it leads you to make something up even more autistic most times.

Who the fuck even asks a question like this

i had a tummy ache, i read this, laughed, and now i feel better.
don't worry user, just do you.

Who the fuck even asks a question like this?

I mean without a question mark.

Wrong. Normies believe all sorts of bullshit. Try it and if they call you out you can just laugh it off

I unironically tell people food measurements and don't give a fuck. Life is great

I say I had some junk food because I'm devilish.

>130lbs 182cm
>skelly mode, clearly anorexic
>'i guess its lucky they asked on your weekly meal day

your workmates sound based.

I have told coworkers that I ate "meat treated with fire."