This arouses the female

This arouses the female

Attached: nordic alien.webm (1792x960, 794K)


Alien/humanoid cross.

He runs like a monster

When I look at him I want to play the spooky skeletons song

he needs to eat

3 years in and he is still hungry skeleton. SAD

I love his goofy jog cracks me up every time

If he gained weight it might be detrimental to him, since his frame is proportionally thin to his height.

oh god if only he could give me 6" of his height to mine, he would be somewhat healthy and I would me somewhat chad-like.

he is 100% skeletor, flesh might be helpful

He's Romanian nigga

Attached: stick bug.jpg (560x466, 91K)

the resemblance is uncanny

Attached: AHHHHHHHHHH.gif (400x224, 381K)

He is a nice kid who works hard and doesn't whine about being born weird. That says way more than most dyel fit posters.

Attached: 1544985509994.jpg (830x467, 93K)

did anyone play Jurassic Park for Playstation? His head movement is almost identical to the compy's from the first level holy kek

Attached: compy.jpg (1280x720, 103K)

Id like to see him hit the gym and eat like a whole family for the next ten years and see how huge he can get. Turn that alien into gigachad

>being born weird
>gonna get millions of dollars soon when he signs, and tons of pussy

Attached: explodingknees[1].jpg (700x700, 54K)

>when will they learn

lmao watching him run oh my fucking god my sides

You want him to give you 6" user?

Attached: 9695BCEC1295476E93E54132CE471B7C.jpg (433x427, 86K)

Nice CGI