How do I increase my fucking OHP?
I'm stuck on 52.5kg for 3 weeks now.
I did 3 reps, then 4, today was supposed to do 5 but did 4 again. Should I say fuck it and try 55kg next week? Should I do assistance exercises like pin presses or whatever?
I just don't feel stable at the bottom idk where to rest the bar. Just placing arms on lats isnt stable enough. This makes me take my breath at the top since I feel more stable there unironically even though I am holding all that load.

Attached: clean_overhead_lift_by_kensoudojo-d78hwzp.jpg (431x250, 19K)

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Been having this problem too. One week I was able to do 4 sets of 5 at 115lbs, next week I was only able to do 3, and this week I failed at the second set. How is it that I'm getting weaker?

I dunno, but I find that I can sometimes vary widely in how I perform OHP based on my form. Usually the first rep is perfect and shoots straight up, then the second one starts to get a little sloppy.

Maybe focus on squeezing your core, flexing your quads and glutes, standing as straight and solid as possible, tighten your upper back, put the barbell where it needs to be on your chest and go from there.

We all struggle with it, it's a tough lift.

Eat more and make sure recovery is on point
Maybe increase volume idk ur program

It's a tough lift to progress. Give it time, add more volume (preferably more frequency) and the weight will go up.

Increase ur bench
I ohped 90kg when i completely stopped it for like half a year cuz shoulder problems. Bench went up like 30kg in that timeframe and boom ohp was at 105kg two sessions after doing it again

my routine is basically some TM version I made myself.
I workout 3 days a week. For pushing in a week I do: OHP intensity (try to reach a new 5RM) and 5x5 of 90% of 5RM on bench press volume, another day is the contrary Bench 5RM then OHP 5x5 of 90% of 5RM, on the last day I just do 3-4 sets of 8 incline bench press.
Where exactly on the chest am I supposed to rest it? I feel the contrary. The first rep is hard. The second and third are easier and the fourth and fifth are harder.

Just press it dude lmao!

Eat more. Deload weight and increase volume for a workout or two etc. etc.

Pressing is something you can do like 3 times a week so just grind it, eat and sleep enough


K so this is what I did once I started to plateau on MP. I added accessories like lateral raises, band pull aparts, and Arnold presses. I can press around 265 now for a double. I was also training it upwards to 3×/ week and also weighted dips help too and so do front squats for some reason. Frequency, volume, and variation are key components for OHP gains and make sure you are doing pulls between each press it will lead to healthier stronger shoulders.

>all these sets of 5

That's your problem. Try this: 2 times a week (3 if you don't do any accessories like dips and bench) do presses for 3-6x3, progressing by adding sets of 3. For example you might do 52.5kg for 3x3 one session and then the next session you do 52.5kg for 4x3. When you hit a given weight for 6x3 only then can you add weight and go back to 3x3.

>265 now for a double
mirin. Height/weight?

Oooo and to add to this. I started off doing SS, transitioned into TM and then Juggernaut. It wasnt until I started doing sets of 10 that I got out of plateau for MP

Oh so progressing with sets instead of reps? Hmm I might give it a shot thanks. That's a progress in weight every 3 weeks right?

hmmm sets of 10... hmmmm
programming by yourself is hard

bounce it
t. knower

bounce it from what

the floor

Your triceps

I think you either might be transversing into intermediate phase, or you just need to periodize this one lift a little to get yourself moving. Either way the method is the same, it's just reducing intensity to 90% for at least a session, perhaps increasing volume at the same time to get a little recovery and sticking point adaptation going.
Stick with the exercise, but vary things up a little bit, a shock to the muscle will force adaptation.

Benching also affects your ohp

Find a comfortable 3x3.
If you hit it, proceed to 3x4, 3x5, 3x6
Advance 5 pounds after 3x6 and start over.

Do weighted dips, tricep and bicep heavy work, high volume strict press at like 135, and overweighted failures.

Just did 185 3x4 today, want that 225 single real bad.

this works too but it feels like cheating. I place my triceps against my flared lats as a base before the press.

i mean 3 sets not 3 4 5 6 reps

Try out this programming for your press barbellmedicine.com/novice-bench-and-press-plug-in/

i switched to hex bar for a while and i got over my plateau that way

Increase tricep strength and do lateral raises. Also having a volume day for your OHP works well too. Instead of doing 3x5 or 5x5, add 3x10 with lighter weight too.

Didn't mean to write "instead of", meant to say just add 3x10 some day.

do you prefer db raises where you rotate or heavy bb raises

fractional plates

you aren't supposed to put the barbell on your chest, you should keep it in the air between your collarbones and chin, holding it with your arms.
you can utilize some hip drive too, check out Alan Thrall's latest video on OHP, it helped me break out of my 125 lbs 3x5 plateau.

you might as well put feather on each side of the bar

Yeah man, I'm so excited to do Candito's strong lifts 5x5!!

Is this the chaddest exercise

OP where are you getting stuck?

also watch these vids:





>you arent supposed to put the barbell on your chest

lmao, dont give advice if you dont know what you're talking about

>trying to press from a pre-stressed position

you unrack it at the same height you unrack a front squat, the bar should rest across your upper pecs before you press

Depending on your size/proportions and mobility. Some larger guys aren't going to be able to do this.

if you've got the mobility to do a full bench press rep you have the mobility to do an OHP from the chest

At the bottom as I said
Feels a bit unstable
I use thumbless grip and breathe at the top

The number of powerlifters who can do one but not the other suggests otherwise.

Switch up your training, train volume for a few weeks

Smolov Jr worked on my bench when I plateaued.

powerlifters dont OHP anyways, usually. so

how wide is your grip? are you clenching your core/legs? on a good OHP grind you should feel your glutes and your quads activating

Good advice here.

More in this article: startingstrength.com/article/the_quest_for_a_stronger_overhead_press

The basics:
Press heavy and often, get up to 4x20 BW dips then start adding weight, press starts if you can't get it past your nose, push presses if you can't lock out.

don't program OHP like you program bench. Personal experience is that it doesn't work

>heavy and often

this too, you should be OHPing as much as you can, as heavy as you can. It's a lift that sometimes needs to be forced to go heavier

also accessories are good, overhead tricep pulls on the cable machine, french presses, etc

Pretty narrow I'd say. I clench my ass not quads tho.

Go wider, your forearms should be perpendicular to the ground, 90 degrees.

if you narrow your grip you're making the balance point of the weight too focused, so it's easier to feel like it's unbalanced

like if you put your hands together and try to lift it, it wont be nearly as stable as if you go wider

i get quad and glutes activation, sometimes

*perpendicular to the ground at the start of the movement