Social anxiety

how do i cure it?

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Explain. What are you experiencing

neet shut in who can barely walk down a street without getting excessively sweaty and twitchy. stff like going to a store is enough to give me a panic attack if there's too many people etc. can never relax in public or around others. can't write in front of others without my hands shaking profusely

fucking do it, face your anxiety and do the opposite of what it tells you

crush that small good feeling of relief when you "dont go" with the massive feeling of accomplishment and happiness and immense relief when you "DO GO"

thats the only way, do it, go

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Sounds like an exaggeration bro

Neck hangs and cyanide supplements

Realize that everyone has it in a similar way. Understand that you're #blessed. You probably don't have a baby to look after, with a dead end job and baby momma that wants to leave your ass. You're just a dude going to buy some eggs and milk like anybody else would do. I get it while going down the block to my shitty apartment mailbox post box thing.

Let me hijack this into a mental fitness thread.

Guys, I was at the gym and it was very busy. I wanted to shoot everyone in there because I feel hated and alone. I hate my life. If the future doesn't exist and I despise the present, what can I do?

Has anyone ever made it out of depression? I've been doing so well. I'm 23 and my last suicidal thoughts were around 19. They are coming back. If I dont lift or run my entire day is shit. If I workout I'm ok. If I smoke weed I'm happy but after I'm suicidal until I smoke again. I have no idea what to do for a career because I feel overwhelmed with the options college presents.

I'm going to be living in my car for half of the spring semester. I'm really tired guys. I consider enlisting but then what? I get a job I hate? Is that the problem? Should I surrender my idea of control to the universe? Do any of us actually have power over our lives?

make small goals to achieve a big goal

start small:
>spend some time in your back yard
>go for a walk around your block
>go for a walk in the park
>go into a corner store and buy something
>go for a walk in a bigger grocery store
>go for a walk in the mall
>go into one of the shops in the mall
>go to the library sit down and read a book
>go into a starbucks and buy a coffee, sit down for a few minutes
>go to the gym
>go to the cinema
>go to a cafe/restaurant for lunch and order food
>go to a beach or pool and swim
>go to a bar/club/gathering

start easy with conversations ie the clerks/waitresses etc, just respond when they say hi, how are you, have a pre-rehearsed "good, how are you? great, can i get a..."

dont rush things and most importantly dont self-criticize or judge yourself. self-kindness is very important for overcoming social anxiety.

try to catch yourself when you are thinking these thoughts or saying them to yourself:
"im so stupid for having this problem" "why me" "i cant even do..." "i'll never get better" and so on.

instead when you feel yourself thinking those thoughts, say to yourself "i notice i'm feeling anxious" "i notice i'm having self-critical thoughts"

if you're serious about getting better, get a book on DBT or a DBT book focused on anxiety/social anxiety. eg this one:

good luck! :) you can do it user!

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Just bee urself bro

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Whenever I feel social anxiety I just play Jason Genova saying "whoooo caaares" in my head and the anxiety usually goes away.

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just chiming in my 2 cents, I felt like you feel now at 20. I'm 30 now. nothing's changed, nothing's got better, in fact i'd say it's worse. Every day is worse than the last.
I've JUST started therapy, I hope that helps, but other than that all I do is work (not around people), go to the gym, and stay at home. and smoke weed.
My advice to you; is do something. If you wanna fix it; fix it. If you don't wanna fix it; consider suicide. Because even dying would be better than spending a decade in this hell.
>i've decided to try and fix it but it's awfully hard.

Psychotherapy. Are your parents understanding or do they push you with boomer cliches?

whenever you get nervous, just imagine this image as yourself. this is how jay gatsby did it, this is how you can do it. sorry for my /lit/erature but it's a high school read, honestly not that intense. i guess you could just think of ronnie coleman screaming light weight baby and it'd be the same effect.

You hate your mom. Psychoanalysis 1x/week to understand you don't need to crush her to feel better

i fucked that up, oh well

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I used to have it really bad, still do to an extent. Having jobs that make you socialize helped a lot for me. I was a personal trainer and that helped a ton. I still can’t handle large groups or initiate conversation very well but I’ve improved dramatically from what I once was.


just imagine that *ting* *ting* *ting* pepe whenever you get anxious

I’m depressed and want to die frequently nowadays, I feel I’m a powerless, worthless, shameful burden on my parents and those around me

You have to go back

I stopped masturbating and it helped

Talk to a good shrink.

>Listen fampai-
All you have to do is stop feeling shame. Without the presence of shame, you are completely free to socialize without fear of embarrassment or ostracism.
The right people will gravitate towards you. The wrong people won't be able to handle your level of rock and roll, so let them fuck right off.

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Do that every single day instead of only when you absolutely need to. When that's ok say hello to everyone you pass. Continue making shit harder

i wanna be a train

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Then grab your fucking nuts and be that train senpai

/r whooosh

just remember other people are very sharp and will notice anything about you

so be careful when even walking down the street that you arent walking in a funny way. Just focus on your walking. Make sure you dont walk weird

Man, Slavoj is so disgusting. I can never focus on what he's saying because he always half mumbles, half spits it out while also stuttering and failing to maintain eye contact with anyone in the room. What a gross fucking dude. I seriously can't pay attention to him because he peeves me out so much...

Ignore the just do it shit user, breaking your fears down into small steps that you can manage and slowly working your way up to bigger steps is the only way you can unneet yourself.


unironically kill yourself

Exposure and escape avoidance therapy

Take these but only take the lowest dose possible to make yourself functional and increasingly make whatever challenge you fear more and more difficult to handle.

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At some point you just realize that there's nothing to be scared of. Nothing can hurt you.

Jump in and swim. It's really all you can do it gets less scary the better you can do it. Learning under pressure will make the rest easier

>no anxious thoughts, it's just some fucking cashier
>still anxious and jittery behavior
how the fuck do I solve this
feels like it's hormonally mediated, my T was sort of low when I checked it last

who gives a fuck brah its literally that simple just stop giving a fuck brah

What the fuck are you talking about?

>how do i cure it?
Exposure therapy.

i've been exposing myself all my life

Deep down you know what you have to do user. You just have to face it.
It sounds like your social anxiety has gotten worse enough that you should seek professional help. Or read up on cognitive behavioral therapy yourself.
One of the things that you need to understand is that you are stuck in a positive feedback loop.
You are afraid of certain situations. Because of this fear you avoid these situations, thus enforcing your fears.

My social anxiety got really out of control a few years ago and i dropped out of uni because i couldn't go to lectures anymore. A few personal tips, aside from just to face your fears:
>don't smoke weed, just don't
>work out, preferably not at home
>stop always putting in headphones as soon as you go out in public

>have bad social anxiety
>smoke weed

Get some pro help. and remember people ain't shit, live your life.

Hey, I was in a very similiar situation when i was around 20 years old.

ultimately it didnt go away until i gave up i just said fuck it all. After that i felt free. Dont think about what you are going to do too much either. Just do it

I've felt in a similar way before. Dropping my NEET status and becoming a part time wage slave really helped with my anxiety. Especially after I became really good at my job to where I get a little bit of respect for it which carries over to other things in life. Also having to make small talk with coworkers every night helps with the social anxiety too.

Unironically use steroids and feel like a god, never do pct, cruise high babyyy

People need to realize that everyone is thinking “what do people think of me” and not “what do I think of people”
People don’t give a shit do you remember any of the faces of the people that you last saw at the grocery store

do it anyways and eventually the feeling will stop. it's not easy but it's simple.

Only cure is repeated exposure. It’s a long grind. Unless you literally like cannot breath in a social situation then maybe you need therapy or meds.

I used to struggle with this, the only thing that gave me hope at first was meditating, it made me realize most of the problems were in my head. It doesn't solve anything though, it only gets rid of your made-up exaggerated nerves that you've built over years of anxiety and replaces it with regular nerves about the specific situation you're dealing with. I don't want to sound like a meditation evangelist, I'm only saying that because before I had a good meditation session I thought that I would never get rid of it and live in fear, I don't meditate much anymore. ¨Exposure therapy¨ is courageously doing stuff /slightly/ out of your comfort zone (don't push yourself too hard), little by little and gaining/building confidence so that when you do more courageous stuff you remember the things you did in the past and think ¨Is not as scary as the thing I did that time¨ but it takes time to get to that point so at first you have to remember the embarrassing things that had happened to you in the past, that will be easy if you've been exposing yourself all your life as you say. I know it's the ¨just build confidence bro¨ advice but nobody tells you how it works. Therapy is a meme. it only works if you let it work, even if you activate ¨fight or flight response¨ in social situations you're better off downloading psychology books because therapists use the methods in them and make you pay for sessions only giving you bits and pieces of what's in them, look for ¨the classic¨ books of therapy, modern books are based on them. (Viktor Frank's books did it for me because he mentioned how therapy can harm the client if he's not willing to work, I'd recommend starting with ¨A man's search for meaning¨). Medication works but the side effects of them will fuck you up in the long run, you don't want to depend on them to function. use them as a last resource if you have to. good luck user

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you literally described me last year. Now I'm one of the happiest well adjusted people I know. Ayahuasca my brother. Mimosa hostilis + syrian rue. Look up dmt nexus

Phenibut + Caffeine is a great way to give yourself that push to be social but it's still all up to you. For social anxiety tho, Phenibut is the best substance available and it really does work.

everyone these days claims to have social anxiety and/or depression. It's normal to be shy or scared in social situations. You have to learn to grow up, be an adult, and do things for yourself. You are literally mentally a child if you claim to have social anxiety to the point that you can't even function in social situations i.e. get a job, buy groceries, etc.

fucking get off of Jow Forums and take that shit to Jow Forums because you'll never make it you waste of life

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just be yourself

this is like the worst thing you can say to someone wity anxiety lmao. Everything can hurt you. You just need to get strong enough to face those things, and you do it through careful exposure

Join the Air Force, if you're smart like everyone brags about on here then you'll get a good job. Even if you don't do that well on the test, any job in the Air Force is fine for a few years. Just don't go into Security forces or Services. Get a degree in whatever you want while you're in, then get out debt-free. Or struggle and suffer for no reason.

>Starts getting panic attacks at age 18
>Be told to man up, do so, expose myself to stressful situations
>Constant stress triggers latent schizophrenia at age 21

Great adivce fuckheads.

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hey man i was just making a penis joke

I know this is ironic, but you should kill yourself anyway.
Again, I haven't fallen for the shitty bait, but if you're using this even ironically the only way out is the rope
Kek lost it hard

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I have pretty bad social anxiety but I'm 30 now and a fairly normal functioning adult and it was a lot worse in my teens/early twenties.

The only thing you can really do is force yourself outside and you'll consequently slowly get over it as you go out more and more and realize no one is actually paying attention to you and even if they are it's not that bad.

I was bullied when I was a kid and grew up in a pretty dysfunctional household where I wasn't treated well, this conditioned me into having a lot of anxiety when I felt I was going to receive any sort of attention because I felt like the attention was going to result in something negative happening.

I hated having to interact with people, had trouble looking people in the eye, maintaining conversations and relationships etc. Constant sense of dread and anxiety when I had to do anything that involved drawing some sort of attention to myself from anyone else.

It took a lot of time to get over it and I'm still a work in progress but learning to put my best foot forward and push through it all was about the only way I really got through any of it and got to where I'm at now.

It's hard user but if any of what I said sounds familiar I empathize with you, really. You just have to do your best and work on getting out there.

Getting to the gym regularly was one of the things that actually helped me break down a lot of my social anxiety just by learning to be around other people and not worry about being "seen". If you need to find somewhere to start first start there. You'll realize pretty quick how much people really are not watching you or analyzing anything you're doing at all.

It seems like climbing a mountain but you just gotta honestly do your best and you'll get there.

By forcing yourself to do things that make you feel uncomfortable until you no longer feel that way.

>how do i cure it?

you don't, but you have to learn that fear is something to approach rather than flee from.

learning ain't easy

this, but unironically

I have no sympathy for social anxiety. Its just as much self-inflicted in most cases than it is being a fat fuck.

Most people who claim social anxiety are people who sat inside as some kind of neet recluse for years. People who spent most of their hours in front of their PC's. Barely ever socializing. And you wonder why youre uncomfortable around people? Its because you arent used to it anymore. Its your own fault. You indulged in degeneracy and you pay the price.

I had it myself during my teens. Why? Because I started skipping school, stopped hanging out with my friends, because I was playing WoW 16 hours a day, every day. I did this for at least 3 years, during and afterwards I was insanely uncomfortable in social situations. But I couldnt feel bad for myself, it was my own fault.

All you can do is force yourself back in social situations over and over until you start being comfortable around people again. But do not feel goddamn self-pity for yourself because theres a huge chance its your own fault

you would have probably become a schizo anyway

the worst is being attractive and having it

>everyone staring at you
>people getting a little to close to comfort in stores,trains,etc thinking i wont sock tf out of some1
>ugly/fat girls come up to you asking stupid shit
>not interested
>people jealous af, without even talking to you or not knowing you.
>people think youre automatically funny and shit ( i am though but not to strangers jej)
>and i sitll dont give a fuck at the end of the day

Pure suffering. Everyone I meet this month ask me if I'm going skiing for NT vacation. Worst thing is I would love to but no friends that are not married with kids already.

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go. fuck. yourself.

t. 1.89m. green eyed, blonde haired, pale skinned, fit, autist with anxiety. Just go and fuck yourself.

> hai gais im a shy pretty boi
A socially anxious attractive guy is cute and shy.
A socially anxious aberration is a creepy-incel shooter waiting to happen.

I will post it everyday until you learn:



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Nice counter arguments bro

you must be a boomer then lmao


Listen faggot, when I was 15 I used to lock myself in my house on the weekends and play videogames and browse /v/ until 5AM, I used to not sleep on Sundays and masturbate to hentai until the morning when I had to go to school, I was afraid of buying shit in shops, looking people in the eyes. I was fat too and grew long hair to cover my eyes, so people cant see them.
And you know what my fucking parents did? They decided "LOL LET'S FUCKING MOVE TO SPAIN". Half a year later I was stuck in a touristic party zone in a country I had no fucking clue about, not knowing Spanish. I knew the basics of English. And I was sent to school there. And because the Spanish are VERY open and touchyfeely it was extremely uncomfortable.
And now I fucking three languages, have a massive, I'm confident as fuck and somewhat popular.
So just get the fuck out of your house and do something, people here will tell you "yeah just take small steps", that's absolute bullshit, you should do the most uncomfortable shit for you possible and supply yourself with shit like self-improvement books and youtube videos. People dismiss that shit but it's unbelievable how many people don't know the most basic shit about conversational skills and human interaction in general. Learn and keep learning, four years ago I was trying to figure out how to keep eye contact for more than two seconds and now I'm busy making excuses to invitations to social events because I want to fucking read a book. I'm not saying I'm a chad overlord or anything, far from it, but I'm happy knowing the 15yo me wouldn't recognize the present me. If I could do it you definitely can too, remember user, it all depends on you

*know three languages, have a massive social circle

Anyone know anything about wim hof and anxiety?

Why don't you go ask the chess board if they can cure your social anxienty instead?
Maybe the car board can help you.

>be me walking around
>hot girl comes walking from the other way
>manual walking engaged
>feel like I walk like a retard
>try to walk casual
>almost trip in front of her


Try propranolol dude. I have social phobias and it lessens my anxiety by about 75%.

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>now I fucking three languages, have a massive
it seems like you have a massive aneurysm user

Force yourself into uncomfortable situations - go to the shop everyday, walk around the street, try looking people in the eyes when you walk past them ect
meditate for 10-15 minutes every day

SSRI's like fluoxetine can make a big difference.
Also just going out more, maybe try alcohol in social situations or phenibut.

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> tfw knees are weak and arms are heavy

This sounds like genuine social anxiety than just normalfaggot "I get uncomfortable when I'm in public with no one to talk to"

Also Beta blockers like propranolol are good for acute situations like when you have to present something and don't want a trembling voice or tremor in the hands.

But for a more permanent solution just use an SSRI + expose yourself to your phobias.

>Jow Forums suggesting medication and alcohol, just because someone's scared to go outside
You people.

>let me stuff myself full of benzos because im a pussy
and they say Jow Forums isnt gay LOL!!!

Seriously. Asking a girl out won't kill you, even if she says no. Confronting your boss might cost you your job, but you can find another one, but it also might net you a pay raise.

>having a made up mental disorder
fuckin' zoomers LOL

>muh anxiety going to the cash register
>muh mental disorder because I don't have friends in my 20s
>muh fear of rejection
>muh panic attack when checking the mail

stop being in your room watching anime and shit posting all day, you fucking genetic garbage.

>panic attack when checking the mail
Ok, this one I kinda understand. I've been an immigrant for the last decade or so and every stub for a letter you get might mean that you're getting deported. Sometimes I didn't get letters from the post office until the very last day before it was returned to sender. Scary shit.

Gonna blog here because i don't get many opportunities to tell this story.

>Be me.
>Shitty childhood. Lots of abuse. Step-mother's a bloodthirsty cunt.
>Explanation, not an excuse.
>Age 23, I'm out of college, have trouble finding a job, no longer social because no more classes and no money to go do things.
>Life-long depression deepens.
>Start getting borderline agoraphobic.
>Get a shrink, she recommends support groups.
>Sign up for a social anxiety group at a local church.
>Go for first meeting, spend 90 minutes listening to six men in their 40's bitch and moan about their constant victimhood.
>One, with absolutely no shame, claims he recently up and moved to a completely different state because some punk kid at his local Starbucks was bullying him.
>None of them own up to their faults, it's all society's fault, blah blah.

Never went back, it was fucking disgusting, watching them all whine, grown-ass men wallowing in their fucking victimhood. So I'm too anxious to get out, and too self-aware to go to the fucking group. No one's problem but mine, but man it fucking blows.

yeah but you have to realize that anxiety is normal, you don't have a fucking disorder. Being anxious about communicating with strangers, or receiving bad news (in your case) is perfectly normal. You don't need to see a doctor. You just do it anyway.