"just eat more bro haha!" does this literal walking definition of an endomorph not realise a lot people are naturally...

"just eat more bro haha!" does this literal walking definition of an endomorph not realise a lot people are naturally skinny no matter how much they eat?

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>those narrow as fuck shoulders


While you can make an argument for leptin based set points somatypes are pure quackery.

Have you considered doing uncomfortable things because you want the end result?

Follow the instructions laid out in this video
See if you can't gain weight

This guy has the worst hair I've ever seen.

Oh fuck off mate. If you eat 20 pizzas a day you're sure to end up being a fat fuck.

No level of high metabolism can’t be overcome by eating more to gain weight.

fuck off retard

it's count your calories and eat a lot

not eat until you're uncomfortable you small stomach'd retard

if you tried it for more than a day or a week you'd realize your stomach expands and it gets easy

LMAO the amount of people falling for the bait

Just hit a new PR

>eat like mutt
yeah nah

Telling a skinny person to "just eat more" is like telling a depressed person to "just be happy"

Or a fat person to "just eat less"
it's body shaming and nazi af desu

Skinny people should just eat less and see what happens

it's easier if your a fatass, just don't eat and save money. skinny people need to break the bank just to make a little weight gain.

Holy shit user good work, look at all these (You)'s

>white rice and chicken thighs/ground beef/ various cuts of pork/nuts in bulk is expensive
Get a (better paying) job

Time is money. Cooking healthy meals that taste decent is very very time consuming.

Stay skinny then faggot


His whole body is narrow. He’s like circus freak tiny.

The only time I've ever put on weight was when I was eating as much as I physically could WHILE exercising, even in gaining weight I still lost fat. I started at roughly 130, got up to no more than 150 after like 9-10 months of just exercising however I felt like. I exercised like trash, and all I ate was trash. It can be done, but it is a fucking slog. I was like 40 pounds underweight, and now I'm about as much again.

8 hour sleeping, 8 hours working, 1 1/2 hours lifting. are you saying in that 6 1/2 hours you cant spend 15 minutes making a healthy meal? You shit stains with shit constantly dribbling out your ass make any excuse to not do anything.

Based Dead-Channel Destiny. Hope this retard has a back-up plan.

Not nearly as time-consuming as wasting your time on Jow Forums(nel).

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There is simply no other way. Some things in life are either you do or you don't.

That is the most brain-dead analogy to have come out of this board recently. They're not even remotely comparable. Fucking hell, I'm not going to waste my time explaining it to you because you clearly have a mentally challenged IQ score and are not able to understand toddler-tier logic.

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lmao post body

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Stop body shaming shit lord

Just do GOMAD you skinny fucks. Eating more is hard, but drinking more is easy. Hell even 1/2 a gallon will put size on anyone.

Having been both skinny and depressed, those really are the right paths. People expect to get let in on little secrets but in my experience I was depressed because of my negative worldview and skinny because I didn't eat enough.

I started eating more, I gained wait. I stopped thinking like an entitled arsehole and I became happy.

Skinnies: eat more, lift more
Fatties: eat more healthy food, less sugar, lift more
Depressedies: suck it up. The longer you feel sorry for yourself the longer you will stay in the pit. Learn to accept the world, don't be angry at it. Also lift more.

>5'5'' balding incel manlet without any credibility gained a big following on youtube for fitness and dating advice


thats a lot of projections buddy.
but to answer your question - by being strong and aesthetic, you should try it sometime.

Just eat more you little bitch ass crying twink faggot.
I started out at 60kg/181cm, now I'm 87kg. All thanks to just not being a bitch and eating more.

Fuck off Online Warlord

Oh my god what a faggot twink. Unless you have AIDS or some shit you have no excuse. Oh wait you probably actually do have it.

Obvious bait.

In case some skinny son of a bitch is reading this, though, don't believe OP's bullshit. I was a 125lb skeleton king. I'm close to breaking 160lb now. Lifting and eating changed my life.

1. Figure out how many calories you should be eating daily. (Try Scooby's calorie calculator)
2. Download MyFitnessPal and track everything that goes into your mouth.
3. Make sure you eat a reasonably balanced diet and hit your calorie goal.
4. Follow any of the well established beginner lifting routines.

You WILL see results if you stick with it. It is worth it.

He’s right. You are a fucking retard. Your genetics can’t violate the laws of thermodynamics.

he's right you twink

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6’ 185 lmao fuck with me Manlet

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I was a lanklet and used to think this until I started counting my calorie intake and realized i was getting around 1500 a day.

Just because you eat a big mac and dont gain weight doesn't mean you have some ultra metabolism or some shit. Fat people use the opposite as a reason they're fat. Fuck off.

Ask me how I know you're a leftist bugman

now I really believe the theory that Alex lives an isolated life away even from friends and family

no one with loving people around them would not be called out on that haircut, his medium hair awkward phase is already over, it's time he acknowledges long hair just isnt for him even though he wants to become netherbeast to fill that void he left on him

he‘s way buffer lol

404 back not found

Somebody post that cool post

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Imagine believing that eating whatever you want, whenever you want and how much you want makes you skinny. Sounds a lot like some superpower.

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No chest. No back.

Any argument you can give to skinny fags for being naturally skinny can be applied to fat fucks. Us fat fucks have no excuse and neither do you.

I do and only have bones m8 I just have a fast metabolism and good genetics

>advice from dudes on drugs

>"just eat less bro haha!" does this literal walking definition of an ectomorph not realise a lot people are naturally fat no matter how much they eat?
Do you see how fucking stupid you sound

>I ate a whole thousand calories today lol I never gain any weight xD

Eating less is voluntary. Eating more isn't, because of gag reflex and fullness.

>Eating more is voluntary. Eating less isn't, because of heartburn and hunger.

>retarded dyel autistic fags on fit yet again looking for reason to be upset about

based and moron pilled
yes eating more food is the most anabolic thing a natural can do besides training, no matter how well you train you can't fucking gain muscle mass if you aren't eating enough food, so his advice is applicable.

Dont forget quality sleep

Lmao you look 100 times worse than beta destiny. Keep lurking until you left twink mode, faggot

>lol I'm lucky I'm skinny. I ate 6000 calories in meat and carbs and I didn't gain a single pound. My body is special and ignores laws of physics.

absolutely creasing at that "beard"

But doctor, I am the Pagliacci

There are people with diseases that cause them to go through 4k+ calories a day despite being skinny.
Of course, the natural solution that a pussy would never follow through with is to eat even more than that.

> Endomorph

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that fucking hair

He has narrow shoulders from short collar bones because he's short. In general collar bones relate to height.

His actual shoulder muscularity is pretty good.

I wasn’t even flexing lol I literally just slid out of bed and went to the bathroom to snag a pic. Post body

Nice 160lb bench bro

Post those broad puppies, user

Similar. I started at 50kg (168cm) and now im 75kg after 2 years. You just need to eat everything you can. What helped massively for me was the shakes. Get a blender, add nuts, whey, whole milk, some oats, berrys or anything u can afford and chug like 2 shakes a day and thats already like 2500 cal

his shoulders dont always look narrow on other vids. I think he has shitty clothing choice and very bad hair atm which makes his head look huge.

this doesn't invalidate the guy's critique