Sorry to break it to you guys but working out won't get you a solid 7/10+ girlfriend. If you're single...

Sorry to break it to you guys but working out won't get you a solid 7/10+ girlfriend. If you're single, it's because your personality is shite.

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Personality is 95% what you need if you want a gf.

she just doing this for money or social currency. women are a meme

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Good, blame my parents.
There is not a single person with "bad personality" who didn't hat a shit upbringing. Childhood education from at least 80% of your personal behaviour.

my personality is "fuck niggers and fuck kikes"
now where is my gf

stfu goyim manlet before I goldberg spear your ass

Duh? Who the fuck didn’t know this? Any guy older than 15 without a lover likely has something wrong with him

>i love his body
he seems cool but this is a ridiculous lie

don’t you realize how insignificant looks become once you love somebody for who they truly are? this board has tainted your minds

We've been invaded by Jow Forums and they are totally tainting the board culture. It's sad

taint this faggot
*grabs dick*

this makes me feel like shit

he has something wrong with him and still has a pretend girlfriend

Nearest church.


Honestly the people who don't already realise this will get really hostile at you for even suggesting it.
They either already think they're good people when they aren't, or they're shitting red from how much woke medicine they've been taking.

well of course i could bag a mentally ill person op.

Turns out most of the retards on Jow Forums dislike change and become autistically hostile when you tell them their outlook on life is shitty at best and simple changes could aid it

I know this is bait, but it’s pretty obvious she’s doing it for the virtue signaling.

The reality is most people will have to settle for their equal if they want to find a partner. That goes for both the lonely 7/10 slot who wants a 10/10 Chad and the 4/10 Jow Forums poster who will settle for nothing less than a pretty girl/their oneitus. Once you stop being picky, you’ll find someone.

This motherfuckers muscles literally waste away and bags a solid 7 while we're building muscles and jacking off to cartoons. Is muscular atrophy the Chad way of getting pussy?

I don't think there's much wrong with my personality honesty. I could be a little more extroverted, but I just need to practice in social situations more. My biggest issue is a lack of a social life. I was a pretty big loser in highschool, low confidence and prenticous, I've gotten a lot better in the last three years but feel pretty secluded socially. Went to community college, didn't put myself out there too much, did get a little action. Got a girlfriend off tinder, that helped my confidence a lot. Got into boxing, later into bjj and lifting. Dumped gf bc I wasn't that attracted to her. Been single for 7 or 8 months now. Just now trying to get back in the game vie tinder and bumble. Wish I had went to university and had a social life. Oh well. About to start a job at an electrician's union. Don't know how that will effect things. Wish me the best

>I've been getting Jow Forums with lifting, yoga and doing mini obstacles in my backyard for 3 years
>live in nice area in Altadena (CA)
>face/bod of a Chad, have courting skills equal to a 14y.o. Asian nerd (my years of isolation in room because of internet/vidyas/decline going out, crippled my social skills to middle school levels)
>this weekend at theatres with cousins, see a 8/10 Le 78% chick with a ugly, cholo bald manlet
I know those feels

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feelings are gay

That woman is pathological and derives pleasure from having that guy fully relly on her for for basically his survival.
If he was not dsabled like this, she would NOT be his girlfriend so this has nothing to do with his personality but everything to do with his body, although in a twisted way.
Don't fall for this bait.

yes, externalise the blame. it will certainly give you the answers you're too afraid to find out gai boi

Im not single.

Women are shit. Im with one right now. They are mindless and vapid.

Its evolutionary biology. If women were rational the human race would be erased. Still no excuse to accept their behaviour


>I have a gf so I have a good personality

Guys stop. You make fun of virgins on a anonymous image board. You guys are actually pathetic and your normie friends wouldn't talk to you if they knew you browsed here. Besides this relationship is a farce.

Every time I see this it sinks me deeper into depression

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Honestly watch more of the videos and you will see that she is crazy and they dont really have sex. People and lie and manipulate.

god she's hot
she's got a nice thick neck
until now I had no idea that made my peepee feel funny

How do we all have bad personalities? Is there any evidence of this or are you just a baiting faggot?

You're on Jow Forums aren't you?

So everyone here has a bad personality? What about the ones with gfs? Shit logic and tons of terrible people have girlfriends. That would mean the same people making these threadsand posting have shit personalities.

Dont judge me by your own low standards

What gave the vibe she is crazy? I didnt see it

Just watch some of them. She always sticks her face in the camera and has some moments that reveal her craziness. One video the retard asks her her greatest fear and in one split second she says all her friends and family dying and her being left alone. She obviously has mental issues and has latched to this retard that can't move himself without assistance. The man goes on talks around the country and she has clung to him for easy money and travel expenses paid for. Why would she bother advertising this on youtube if she was so secure? She is trying to get as many connections as she can until this guy dies and she will forever be looked at as a saint by dumb normies. She doesn't fuck him because the act is impossible. The guy doesnt even have a halfway normal body.

>she is so dependant of people that her greatest fear is being alone
>she literally dates someone that is literally dependant of people so the person becomes dependant on her
This is fucking creepy

How do I work on my personality?
Where do I start?

Let go, little by little, of your unnecessary intense judgment of people and your superiority complex

>Sorry to break it to you guys but working out won't get you a solid 7/10+ girlfriend. If you're single, it's because your personality is shite.

This is wrong. What they need to do is get connections and build them. They have to conform to the standards of any group and cannot talk about their Jow Forums interests. They need to learn that women monkey branch just like everyone else and that their ideal of virgin wife is probably not viable in most cases. In this day women date up and men date down in MOST cases. Exceptions can happen but not often. Oh they also have to realize that they may never truely love the person they are with years into the relationship.

I went to college with that cripple. It was weird the attention he received.

It makes them feel like a good person to be around them.