Can someone explain to me how a fucking shrug in the most popular PPL is on a push day? Isn't it a trap workout?

Can someone explain to me how a fucking shrug in the most popular PPL is on a push day? Isn't it a trap workout?

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>most popular thing is shit
wow what a surprise

Yet it's the most recommended by people who look like they lift.

>can put deadlift in back day
The atrocity...

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deadlifts should be done once every 3 PPL rotations, and on their own seperate day

I agree they should add shrugs and some forearm work to the pull day

enjoy back problems at the age of 30, i know i do

haha I don't know

DL has actually improved my chronic back issues significantly.
t. 33yo boomer

>machine or dumbbell
There aren't really people out there who are so weak that they use a machine or dumbbells for shrugs are there?


Nice excuse, sweetie.

You need to stop thinking of it as push and pull and more like push and reverse push

>reverse push
so a pull?????

are you married and happy?

>falling for the marriage meme

>most popular PPL

that PPL looks like shit

name one then

Lol wut

I can't, I just make my own, 12 sets total if 6 days a week, barbell only.

No a pull is an inverted push I am talking about a reverse push

Traditionally (but disappearing) traps have been considered part of the shoulders in bodybuilding. So when you train shoulders you pair it up with trap exercises.

I don’t even have a specific exercise to target traps.

>muh barbell


>cant screenshot
>brings out phone
>opens snapchat
>takes picture of screen on snapchat
>screenshots snapchat image
>save button in screenshot
>camera phone
>pic related

Its you

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i think you care too much about your nerdy shit bro

holy shit finally someone who lifts

Babylifters consider it something to train when they train delts.
But it's not a push, unless you're doing something like overhead, push-up or dip shrugs but those mainly fuck with the serratus and other minor muscles.

He's right, though. You're woefully inept and nobody wants to look at this shitty photo you took with a potato.

28 replies say otherwise incel