What are you hobbies?
I picked up piano coz fit forced me to get a hobby and I fucking hate it as much as bullied kids hate going to school
What are you hobbies?
I picked up piano coz fit forced me to get a hobby and I fucking hate it as much as bullied kids hate going to school
Mountaineering and cooking. Trying to get into carpentry.
Not having a poo for several days while bulking and then having a humongous monster shit when I can't hold it anymore.
The comfiness of being outside, alone in the cool early morning air; the adventure of visiting remote and novel destinations; the esoterism of instantly recognizing species by faint callnotes or specks in the distance; the appeal to autism of competitively tracking year lists, location lists, life lists, etc; and the rush when you find some asiatic mega rarity that everyone in the birding community will rush to see, and remember you for discovering.
the piano is the toughest instrument to learn. if you have no musical background you're taking on a pretty big task learning piano but it's not impossible. you have to practice no different than like you train in the gym. you need to download some pirated Handle books and get down like you dgaf.
Since I bought my house 3 weeks ago, I've really gotten into home repair. Already repaired and painted the drywall in my house as well as removed the popcorn ceiling.
I'm actually in the process of finishing up my garage (except I'm sick as fuck with the flu and my kids are as well) and will be putting together my home gym in there.
I draw.
Hell I'm drawing while browsing Jow Forums right now.
Currently working on pic related.
I need to draw way more, but uni is in the way (mentally, because actually I have loads of free time)
Does weighlifting count as a hobby? As in the sport of weighlifting, not just lifting weights.
have you found something exceptional yet?
why do you draw big guys instead of hot girls?
whats the difference
Moss growing and making terrariums/aquascapes from things in my garden. Also snowboarding when I get the chance
>Playing guitar
>Woodworking (Hand tools only, gives you sick forearm and lat gains)
>Researching lost or traditional construction techniques
>Hiking, camping, hunting, fishing
Wanna start gardening next year too.
Theater. It's good training for interacting with people
What's your job?
Any game dev anons here? I havent been able to for awhile since tfw no computer.
I also write, draw (terribly) and go on hikes/nature walks.
Right now I'm a full-time student and a part-time Lowe's slave. I'm gonna become a woodshop teacher though and from there I'm hoping to become a master woodworker.
>Playing guitar in a shitty local metal band
>Music in general I guess
I don't get this one, why is seeing a specific bird enjoyable? You can find the pictures on Google. The outdoors part I understand but not the bird part, you could just as easily choose frogs or beetles or something but it's always birds
Draw as much as you can bro, if you stop for a while your skill noticeably decreases. It's happened to me and it sucks.
I draw big guys (for you) a lot because my artstyle was influenced heavily by video games but I'll draw women sometimes too (very rarely tho). Pic related.
>I also draw (terribly)
Post ur work user.
This was actually a long time ago. When I said I draw I just meant hoping to get back into old hobbies
Tried for years to make myself enjoy playing piano, but it never stuck. I love to listen to it but playing it sucks.
I found my passion in cooking. It's fulfilling to make a nice loaf of bread, or have a complex recipe come together. It's easy to follow a recipe yet there is always more to learn and improve upon.
I've also started lurking /lit/ and reading some of their recommendations. Start with the Greeks.
And warhammer gaming and painting
The piano is honestly one of the easiest instruments to learn
How long does it take for programming until you've got the skills to make a decent 2D indie-tier game? I'm not entirely unfamiliar with code.
tabletop games
martial arts
singing, making music
Competetive shooting
GNU plus Linux
learning chinese
learning programming
boring as fuck, will never get a gf this way
Ukulele, singing, nature walks, beach swimming, and gym.
>Creating metal music
Say what you want but it's an awesome creative outlet for me and I really enjoy screaming. Not that metal emo shit but I'm trying to go for the vocalist of Achitects or M Shadows when he's at his raspiest (but not fucking nasaly)
Assuming he means oly lifting. Snatch and C&J
I knit/crochet. It's really zen and calming when you get into it, just put a movie on, zone out, and knock out a couple scarves or a sweater. Plus I've always got "thoughtful, hand-crafted" gifts to hand out come Christmas time, and get the occasional "Oh, you do a feminine thing? You must be so caring and sensitive" pussy.
Shading has potential, if you still retained any of your old skill I suggest getting back into drawing asap, it's also therapeutic as fuck tbhwyfam
someone has read the peregrine
someone hasn't (do it, it's magical autism)
I don't have much spare time as a graduate student. I'm a brainlet so I study 30-40 hours a week and work 15 on top of that. Factor in lifting and class and I basically get 70 hours of my week sucked away and try to get my 9 hours. That being said:
>trying to pick up spanish
>make sure to go to the range every few weeks at least and kill paper
>vidya don't really count but it's how I unwind
>tv don't really count but I got really into documentaries recently
>started swimming again, it's fucking great for recovery but destroys your hair
>getting pretty decent at cooking/canning, but those are life skills
>play mtg once in awhile but my local scene blows so I started doing penny on mtgo
Once I graduate and I'm working lol50 a week I want to pick up reading again. I should prolly be doing that now but I'm shitposting on 4chins should really make the time. I also want to pick up or have done in the past and want to pick up again:
>woodworking (furniture mostly)
>rock climbing
>mma (done previously), want to pick up boxing because fuck brain cells
>want to travel more, just got passport
>mead brewing
>camping (an eagle scout lol)
Unironically, I fucking love golf. 4 hours no phone, maybe a few beers or a j. The best is when its just me, my clubs, and a few lung darts.
I'm not sure if reading is considered a hobby, but it's something I enjoy and do often.
Old pencil piece I did.
>horror literature
>reporting off-topic Jow Forums posts that find their way to Jow Forums
>tea snobbery
>anything Godzilla-related
chain mail
>Cooking ramen
>Swimming once in a week
common hobbies:
>watching movies
>listening to music
>Riding my bicycle
>Playing guitar
>reading some books
you guys have any other ideas of some other hobby?
I thought about growing stuff, gardening or just planting and taking care of plants.
Maybe even working at a animal shelter.
user I'll buy you a 2 lb bag of MyProtein whey powder of your choice if you make a chain mail bro tank and wear it to the gym. Documentation will be necessary of course
building fast cars and drag racing
chain mail
Meaning no offense mate, you can't afford me.
I misunderstood you, sorry. It'd be hell to lift in mail desu.
>you can't afford me
I'm curious, how much do you charge then?
Jesus Christ on a bike
How many hours do you usually spend per piece?
Gunpla plamo?
I usually only sell small pieces with less than 2 hours. I don't like making anything more than once so I mostly go by request. The biggest piece I ever sold was pic related for $600.
is this some gay fetish crap
Do you have to ask? What else could they use it for? Iraq war? Idiot
I play violoncello and make papercraft.
>automotive repair
>reading (mostly non fic history or philosophy books)
I have no hobbies anymore. I spend all my time in the gym or studying.
Only if you think Renaissance Faires are gay.
Wat a faggot
faggot supporting gays just to make a few dollars.
The buyer was a woman fyi
And she was cis-het if I really need to specify.
Also I make it a point not to sell to anyone if I think it will be for fetish stuff despite that being the primary demographic for big money in this industry.
t. Jow Forums
I’m not op, just gussed
Cars, motorcycles, and cooking.
then I‘ll take it back. Have a nice day user.
If you're an experienced programmer or knowledgeable at all you'll find the hardest part to be the actual sprites.
coding it with a plan as to how it'll work is easy enough
>doing hobbies to impress and obtain a gf
Lmaoing at your life
based. happy for you bro
The Piano is one of the easiest to learn.
But sure, it take a life to master.