I drink a little more than half a bottle of rum every single day, week after week, month after month, but I workout almost every single day except for an off day here and there.

How much does Jow Forums drink per day and what kind of liquor?

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In alcoholic terms I have 0 drinks per day, sometimes one or two monthly.

I was drinking 350-750ml of vodka everyday for about 4 years. I started because of a back injury and insomnia. I still lifted weights and lived a semi normal life but was shitfaced from 8pm to 4am every day of the week. I figured I was an alcoholic and that’s just the way it was.

Then a little less than a year ago I realized how bad my anxiety was while I was sober. So I quit drinking. Now I have 1 or 2 drinks now and then and I enjoy being sober more than drunk now. My head hasn’t been this clear in years.

Your liver will be shot by 40.

my dad drank 750ml (a bottle) of whiskey a day and even added a bottle of wine once in a while to his daily whiskey bottle. EVERY FUCKING DAY.

he died at 84 but was healthy all his life.

i'm a wine guy and drink one glass Mon-Sat and skip sunday to reduce weekly calories/alcohol

but fuck you drink like my dad

>rip pop

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Are you a pirate? Sidenote I drank a fifth of rum once. I have no recollection of what happened and pissed and vomited all over myself, so I avoid liquor now.

alpha af if you can tolerate that
ur dad was a fuckin beast...i drink a good quality can of beer every weekday evening and that's all i can tolerate without cunting out. i never drink on the weekends out of principle.

can of beer 5 days a week is the way to go.

all of you Jow Forums fags are alcoholics drinking most days of the week. alcohol is the king of gains goblins

OP and this guy's dad are fucking crazy drinking that much.

>drinks vodka

are you a retard woman?

whiskey is fucking good

not sure if i believe that

Ahoy there m80!

Yeah same as you but I'm definitely gonna be dialing that down soon enough. You get the raspy voice yet and vocal stuttering?

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I work at a drug and alcohol rehab. You'd be surprised how durable people are.

he was a cop and served in the US Army which is when he started drinking...but he was a hardass.

i know he did because i saw him growing up and my mom hated how he drank so much-a FULL FUCKING bottle of Jack Daniel's every single day and once in a while drank a bottle of white wine.

died of natural causes and was in great shape all his life.

but is OP an alcoholic though? drinking half a bottle of RUM every day? i get fucked over two cans of budlight.

is he a fuckin robot or pirate???? thats fuckin weird

RIP your dad anonbro.
i work in a brewery and consume about 2-3 beers minimum per day at work. on the weekends i don't drink unless i'm hanging out with a girl that wants to drink. (which is rare). I have found that girls like when you can handle a few beers and still function (at work or otherwise) but they hate pussies that can't handle alcohol or full-on alcoholics (which is what i consider myself desu). it's a fine line and women are never happy.

Haha, no. Half a bottle is jack shit if it is a fifth. A handle, ok we'll talk. But 400-500ml isn't that big of a deal. It's not even enough to have withdrawals. He's a binge drinker or problem drinker on the Michigan Alcohol Screening test but not a full blown alcoholic. The main difference is that when they wake up after passing out they CONTINUE drinking and could drink upwards of a handle of liquor (1500ml) a day.

You're probably looking at this from childhood goggles "oh look how hard my dad was", I don't think the liver gives a fuck about being a cop or lifting weights lol.

I never stutter and my voice got slightly raspier but only slightly...started drinking rum when I enlisted in the US Navy Reserve.

got a favorite rum brand? i've been sticking with BUMBU for quite a while now.

Hurrr durrr drinking whiskey is so manly durrrr so alpha

most of the time i might have an occasional G&T or glass of wine. Few times a year i'll do something like start on liquor shots, get a G&T every 15 minutes until stumbling, finish the night with a few whiskeys.

Love Rum but it makes me depressed and the smell of Vodka or Jager brings back too many flashes of toilet bowls.

Gonna try something new this Christmas. Have a whole week off with no family etc to see. Going to try to spend the entire week off my rocker on Mojitos.

nah user, my mom and i talked about this last week funny enough and told me the same thing that he drank a bottle of whiskey every single day.

she said he worked out every day for an hour, drank 8 cups of water religiously, and ate a good diet so maybe that's why he didn't die early.

when i visited them a few years ago, I also used to see him drink a fuck ton of whiskey per day so it makes sense. but like i said, he lived a decently healthy lifestyle and was a workaholic.

I'm a cold beer or two a day boi. I drink everyday because i love it
>pirate fags

you guys are missing out if you're not balancing out a Jow Forums lifestyle with a beer

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This shit is expensive for me but I'll be damned if it isn't my ol' reliable.
What would Jow Forums recommend for someone who prefers pic related?

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my fag grandpa smoked three packs of cigs per day and drank vodka like a fish.

died at 96 years old in decent health up until he got a heart attack. he outlived his doctors lol. cant beat good genes. all the rest is bullshit.

my nigga u got good taste lmao

shits expensive tho, ops rum is god tier like the one we drink but like $10 cheaper. but bundaberg black is the shit

youd have to be rich to be an alcoholic in australia

the old man like myers but he's more of a cabernet man. He makes bank but doesn't ball with his money so I have to be the one to tell him whatsup when it comes to beer and liquor. I work in brewing so I can tell him whats up with beers but no clue when it comes to rum. You like myers or u think the old man should step his game up? (i push him to spend his money because i don't want it and he's getting old.)

Why eat good when you could drink good instead?


My life is so much better without Alcohol.

Why the fuck do men who do this kind of shit live so long all the time? All the fit fucks who workout, diet, don't drink, sleep a lot, etc. all die but I always here stories like this of cheat code fags who drink like degenerates or do unhealthy shit and live the longest and in good shape.

EXAMPLE- my great uncle drank TWO BOTTLES OF WINE everyday, smoked a pack of cigarettes, and ate like a meat eating faggot and died at 87. meanwhile my grandpa never drank, smoked, and ate extremely healthy all his life and died at 69. but i hear stories like this all the time. both of them worked out though so idk.

uncle loved himself.

cough liver damage cough

2 to 3 liters of beer a day

>cant beat good genes. all the rest is bullshit.

fuck guys it's chad all over again, only this time it's the longevity chad

what's the point of even trying when everything is biologically determined

my grandfather smoked a shit ton everyday too. 10 cigars every day and drank a motherfuckin bottle of brandy everyday except on sundays he didnt smoke or drink because he didn't "think it was Christian".

was in the US Marines and after became an accountant. guess what age he died? on his 90th birthday WTF?? hope i live to 75 lol

Used to drink way to much, but now alcohol free beer is what I buy for the most part instead of alcoholic beer.
You can really taste that alcoholic version has poison in it after drinking the free versions.

isnt kraken cheaper?


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can a /sci/ fag with an education explain this? genuinely curious as well why this is

It comes down to what beer they drink.
VB is for men, Heineken is for boys.

>"My beer is better than your beer!"

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This is the Australian icon

VB is for fucking bogans

back to with you

Don't tell me you drink 4x golds?
It's good for the soul user

4 double whisky and ginger ale a night. (only a splash of ginger ale). I don't go over that very often even on weekends but I drink everyday. What whisky I drink depends on what scotch is on offer for around the £20 mark in the local super market.

Drinking Aussie beer is retarded.
All big Aussie breweries are owned by foreign companies, so why not drink something better or cheaper that was imported?

But if I lower myself to drinking Aussie beer Boags Red is what we drink around here, and I only buy it because the brewery employs a lot of people in my city, despite being owned by chinks or whatever

I drink 8 tall boy beers everyday they're 473ml

Fightin juice

For every person that does this shit and lives long, you get a hundred people with that lifestyle that die at young age.

Alpha and could handle stress.
Most people that die pretty early (in their 60's, for example) are overreacting beta cucks or/and have a stressful life.
Most of the stories here are about people that probably did not give a fuck, and had a high tolerance for stress.

Just stop, the desire will go away. If you're bored, I'm pretty sure moderate cannabis consumption is healthier than daily drinking.

I would much rather become a junkie on some kind of neutropics.
Is there a greater feeling than being completely focused and then mastering a complex task? Fuck no. But it’s always destroyed by being tired, losing focus/being distracted and the lack of motivation without drugs. It’s so disappointing.

Imagine you could just flip a switch and boom you are motivated for your upcoming task. Even the dumbest people would achieve great shit, efficiency while being motivated for a task is incredible.

All my friends think my girlfriend and I are alcoholics, we honestly only drink once a week, but when we do drunk we get fucked. I don't seem to know when to stop and my body doesn't bring anything back up or make me feel bad about it. It's not often, but when I drink; I drink.

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delete this post filthy hole dweller

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>used to drink 1-2 cartons of beer a day
>1-3 bottles of red wine
>sometimes would make homemade long island iced teas that were 3/4 spirits and 1/4 home made sugar syrup
>did this for years
Apart from getting fat and becoming a beast at drinking I never had any issues and my liver tests all come back good/normal. I try to avoid alcohol now because I'm a binge drinker.

jesus christ autistic alcoholic

half a bottle I wouldn't consider alcoholic, but it's pretty bad habit, i'd stomp that out soon bro

>not drinking 焼酎 and making your own lemon sour

I think we can make it if we do this

>forgetting picture

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I started drinking semi regular at 13 (live in the maritimes, this shit is the norm here)
Daily drinking started around 25
I'm fucking 30 now, have about 10oz vodka and a few beers every night, wake up, lift, and the go work as a mechanic
Probably gonna die by 50

Centerlink and goon

Brew it yourself.
Brewing from cans you can turn $25 into 23 liters (30 wine bottles) of beer.

Hops are estrogenic. I don't drink, but I think it would be better not to do beer if I did drink

>do beer
kek you geek