Fasting until shredded?

I have spent the last 6 months lifting daily and my muscles are the biggest they've ever been but I gained some fat too , I need to lose like 10 pounds to be shredded , is it feasible to just not eat anything at all until I'm shredded?

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Currently doing this. Need to loose 8kgs. On hour 48

if you want to lose all your gained muscle then go for it. Otherwise if you really want to go hard eat at most 1000 kcal less than your tdee and eat 50% of your daily macro intake as proteins to make muscle loss minimal.

>No clue about how metabolism works

hey go for it buddy. One less competitor.

fasting doesnt make you lose muscle you mouthbreathing faggot


Attached: udfpiv27cr301.png (403x448, 53K)

Yeah I guess pic related lost all his muscle mass didn't he...

Attached: FB_IMG_1545220297198.jpg (960x960, 75K)

Whatever you do don't listen to this guy. This advice is like flashback from 10yrs ago

His penis noticeably shrunk.
Fasting cuts a solid inch off.

Lmao at "competitor". Where exactly are we competing?

False and wrong. Show me any study where people fasted and lost no lean body mass. Hint- everyone loses lbm

Shoulders smaller

Show me a study where people cutting the regular way didn't lose muscle.

Attached: consider.jpg (508x412, 31K)

>lifting for this

Nobody who has done research would say that you lose zero muscle. There is muscle loss but it's not like you start chewing away mostly muscle when you fast. It's retarded to talk in absolutes and arguing against retarded statements. From my own experience fasting is the best thing I've incorporated into my fitness regime.

If I were to do this would I still be working out? I've been cutting for a week, down to 1,300 cals now and I feel completely comfortable with daily weights. Would you have the energy to still lift on a ten day fast or would you just wait it out?

My personal experience

>Old fashion cutting
Feel like shit, lose a lot of strength but not a whole lot of muscle

>OMAD (20 hours fasting, 4 feeding)
Feel great, lose no (or very little) strength, lose "muscle" which I think is just muscle glycogen

>Multi-day fasting
Feel great, lose a lot of strength and muscle

If it's your first time fasting you will probably feel like shit. Lifting weights while on 5+ day fasts is possible but from my own experience takes time to get used to fasting first. Look into the /fast/ general and make sure you got electrolytes in you if you do anything physical past 3 days. Again, this is just my take on it. Stay safe mate.

185,4-161,4= 24 lbs

10 days fasted

considering a TDEE of 3000 kcal which is pretty high then he could have lost a maximum of 30.000 kcal which translates to 4,285 kg of lost fat (30.000/7000) = 9,45 lbs

24-9,45= 14,55 lbs of lost weight that is not fat. Probably a lot of water because of his depleted glycogen storages.
We can't really know how much of that loss is due to water. But even if this would amount to the majority of those 14,55 lets say 60% that is still a lot of lost muscle mass --> 1-0,6= 0,4
0,4 x14,55 = 5,82 lbs

You can build at most 2 lbs of muscle a month as a natty. So he lost at least 3 months of training progress in 10 days.

thanks mate safety is always important to me. I'd love to try a long fast while maintaining as much muscle as i can

20/4 is not OMAD. OMAD is 1 hour tops eating window, more like 15-45mins. 20/4 is just IF, intermittent fasting.

That guy is strong as fuck

ignore him

Fasting is bullshit it literally doesn't matter when you eat your calories.

Please go to your containment thread retards.

>what is insulin