Tfw neanderthal dna

>tfw neanderthal dna
should i just accept now that i will never make it?

Attached: 1534494177461.png (485x443, 25K)

we're all gonna make it and so are you

neaderthals are apes basically and really strong but though they can be are stupid if the dna is crossedlinked

Thals averaged on 130iq and had hot water in their villages 10s of thousands of years ago. Hordes of sapes came up from Africa and destroyed them and raped the females.

Most europeans have neanderthal dna, it just means your ancestors were willing to rape the midgets in the village next door.
It's not even expressed, don't worry about it.

neanderthal dna is extremely based and redpilled you fucking mog


That's a J00 lie that Neanderthals were pale gorillas. They were the superior precursor to Eurasians.

/his doesn't know anything about ancient genetics
1) almost everyone who isn't sub Saharan had Neaderthal DNA
2) it's only expressing skin pigmentation
3) Asians have the majority of ancient human DNA, including Neanderthals.

>it's only expressing skin pigmentation

Wrong. I look a lot like the Neanderthal reconstruction in Japan and I have an extremely large skull. That is certainly not Homo Sapiens gene expression, who still exist untainted in Sub-Saharan Africa.

You're skull does not look like a Neaderthals even if you have a forward brow
JFC I thought you were actually gonna have a comeback like bring up red hair or something.
No your facial features and body types are regular modern human phenotypes

Attached: image.jpg (800x253, 44K)

I've seen the skeletons and compared them to my own skull shape. I look extremely bizarre compared to other people, can't find a modern phenotype that I look like.

Please look at the nasal bone on he Neaderthal and tell me that you have that.
You'd be famous for having the biggest widest fucking nose out of anybody if you had that skull shape.
The doctors would literally drop you as a baby to try and fix the back of you're head.
You'd supposedly be a genius to with all that space for you're brain to grow, and a master at MMA since that massive occipital let Neaderthals have ridiculously better reaction times

Yes, I have the nasal bone and my nose is upturned, consistent with the reconstructions. I also have high perception, high IQ and Asperger's.

My skull shape resembles the Amud 1 Neanderthal found in Israel, and my features are consistent with that geographic location as well, I have swarthy skin, hazel eyes and black wavy hair.

Attached: amud23.jpg (526x395, 30K)

>nice try on the troll but Neaderthals are partially what give whites and Asians their light skin.
>I have a nasal bone
Good for you, go to the smithsonian and get you're "I'm not a human" reward

Do you by any chance also have a hooked nose?

It isn't good being inhuman, humans seem like aliens to me, always been alone because I cannot understand them.

Nope. The chosenites that inhabit Israel today are impostors of the Judeans, and there were hominids before the Judeans who lived in that area, like Amud 1.

are you completely fucking insane?

Almost Terry Davis tier

then youd be strong and smart as fuck. no bullshit no one has high neanderthal dna who posts here