Should I kick this cunt from my diet?

Should I kick this cunt from my diet?

Anyone here had positive results from doing so?

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Pretty useful for a cut. I don't see why you'd cut it out unless you don't drink it black or drink gallons a day.

I completely cut it from my diet before. Starting having general lethargy and drowsiness. Now I only have a small cup of dark roast now and I'm zoomin'.

Stop loading it with fucking sugar and milk you woman and you won't have to cut it. I swear to God every time someone is trying to "cut coffee" they pour a pound of sugar and cream in and wonder why they're fat.

Kick it op. I’m trying to kick I myself, have several times in the past. My energy drops for a few days after stopping then it goes up to this steady and constant flow rather than the jittery energy, moods are a lot better and I feel calmer, I sleep better too. Do it

Dont kick it; good for the liver

Just have 1 cup in the morning and you're fine

fuck yes. I'm down to one cup a day and my sleep is better, my concentraton is better, I'm generally less stressed and it has had a very positive effect on me. Still not ready to completely drop it from my diet though. Also, in the first two or three days you have literal withdrawal symptoms. I got a bit depressed.

I switched to decaf cuz I was feeling too anxious. Anyone redpill me on decaf?

Lookup caffeine metabolism gene. You should only eliminate caffeine from your diet if you're a slow caffeine metabolizer. Coffee in particular is healthy for fast caffeine metabolizer but it's the opposite for a slow metabolizer. It's surprising how many people are totally unaware of the role genetics play in caffeine. Eliminating caffeine from my diet made my life so much better it's not even funny.

You have to be careful with decaf. You can still get a lot of caffeine from it Make sure to get swiss water method or another one I know that has 0 caffeine is folgers instant decaf. There needs to be more rigorous standards on caffeine requirements in decaf.

Oh I don’t mind a little caffeine. I still drink strong tea. It’s just if I have over a cup of really strong coffee I’ll have trouble sleeping and feel anxious.

I was a heavy coffee drinker, then quit (hell) and didnt drink it for 2 years, now im a heavy coffee drinker again. Honestly, not drinking coffee was the worst rime of my life and i dont know how people do it.
-no focus
-always tired
-sleep to much
-gain fat
-softer erections
-inabilty to emotionally connect
-night terrors
-decrease in qork productivity
-less muscle building
-strength went down

Honestly, without coffee my life fell apart, i kost my girl, house and dog. Im rebuilding now and will never forget how important coffee is.


I switched it with back tea and it my reflux issues went away completely within 3 weeks. Now I'm occasionally drinking a cup at work if I'm stressed, or some crappy pre-made Machiato shit when I'm on the road, and even small amounts like that make my reflux flare up again. And honestly I feel much better without coffee. Black tea seems to give me a more persistent and focused 'high' and leaves a much better taste in my mouth and on my breath too.

Well then decaf is still really good as it contains basically the same level of antioxidants as caffeinated so many of the health benefits of coffee remain in decaf such as reduced risk of type 2 diabetes, promotion of cellular autophagy and reduced risk of all cause mortality.

Is coffee having a negative impact on your life? If so, drop it. If it isn't then don't if you don't want to.

Yeah dude. Natural energy from good eats compared to resorting to a drug like Caffeine.

>the absolute state of modern "men"

Coffee with a cigarette is the GOAT breakfast

Coffee is legit good for you:
Why would you cut out a literal drink that is positive for you in every way - drink it black like a man.

I switched from coffee to green tea and don't regret it. I drink 5 cups of green tea a day (got one of those 40 Oz stainless steel bottles to make it easier). It's healthier than coffee, gives you steady energy all day unlike coffee where you crash in the afternoon plus you can drink it before bed.

>yes goy drink coffee it is super good for you

good pasta

I just quit recently. My metabolism has increased after quitting coffee. I eat way more and also when I wake up I am ready to go. Granted I go to sleep at 9 and wake up around 5-6 am depending on if I am working out that day or not. I just get up and am ready to go. like 10 minutes of grogginess but I am usually shitting during that so it doesn't matter. Also my shits are huge now. I usually shit only 2x a day but when I was drinking coffee it could be 3-5x a day. I recommend it.

Just use it for preworkout and then drink tea

They make it decaf through a process that involves washing the fucking beans in chemical solvents around 10 times. Idk about you but when I read that I noped the fuck out. Decaf also tastes like also, also prolly because of all the fucking solvent.

Half the shit I read says drinking coffee daily will kill you the other half the shit I read says it cures fucking cancer. I could pull up a hundred articles/studies going both ways. I'll have a strong 12oz in the morning and that's it. I figure in this case moderation is the key and with 1 cup a day if I don't have it I have no negative effects. If you get withdrawls from coffee you need to not have so much probably.

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Water is a solvent.

Well even back to when they first started they didn't use water, smartass. They used fucking benzene and that causes cancer. The shit they use now is just as suspect.
>HurRr EveRythInG iS a ChEmiCAl THo BrUh

Lives too boring without caffeine

I like having a cup in the morning to flush my digestive system and curb my appetite. Autophagy + clean bowels is very healthy.

They use water in the Swiss method

I have found lots of studies that say daily coffee is good If you are around or below 400mg of caffeine. Haven't found any that says its bad.

All the information I read that coffee is bad is from shitty naturalist sites with stupid brainless people writting the articles without citing any reference. Also some newspapers but very old articles.

If you have found scientific studies that say is bad please inform me, I'm trying to find the truth.

I love coffee but cut back because I was basically having a pit.Now I make cold brew and its better on my stomach plus I have a strong brew and only need 1 cup its a great preworkout

>If you have found scientific studies that say is bad please inform me, I'm trying to find the truth.
There are specific studies that say it's bad for you and it depends on your genes. Caffeine is bad for slow caffeine metabolizers.
Increases risk of hypertension:
Increases risk of myocardian infarction:
Reduces endurance performance:
Impairs fasting glucose:

Again this all depends on if you're a slow caffeine metabolizer. The health benefits of coffee in fast metabolizers and ergogenic benefits are well studies and known.

It's amazing how underrepresented the risks are for slow metabolizers considering some 10-20% of the population is of this particular genetic variation.

eddie hall told me orange juice is way healthier

I can fully agree to this. No joke.
I am also a pretty heavy coffee drinker and stopped for 3 month, so that I could see both sides. No coffee is hell. I don't want to live without coffee anymore, I don't get the point. You feel better when drinking coffee, you can do more producitve shit, everything is better, it has many health benefetis in moderation. Why would you stop? Just because 2000 years ago people didn't drank coffee? Holy shit whoever invented coffee would be world best nation. We would fly to another galaxy if the greeks had coffee 2000 years ago.

Also in this three month without coffee, my mum died and there was a small fire in my appartment. I know it's not directly linked to the coffee but similar to

I've been drinking black coffee since I was ten years old. I don't even know what the fuck would happen if I stopped now.

Switch to light roast and zoom even more.

went from

>energy drinks
>green tea

green tea is great + no jitters

it's gay

coffee is a gift from god, how dare you shun it

People have different caffeine genes, if you process it slowly it's really bad for you

how do you which gene type you are?

It's great, but I don't drink it black since I don't wanna stain my teeth, so I add a small amount of milk to it.

With certainty: genetic testing
Otherwise I think it's your reaction to it, if one cup six hours before bed makes you sleepless you probably have slow metabolism

Doesn't it even have more caffeine? Especially Gyokuro (shit's super expensive but the only green tea I like from time to time)

Yeah, i mostly stopped bleeding out of my ass, mostly.

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If he wants to minimize caffeine intake he should not be drinking light roast.

Just keep it under control user. Coffee should supplement your energy during the day. If you need a cuppa to 'wake up' (based frog drinker), then you're addicted and it's time to cut down.

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There is no legal rigor around decaf, so while it likely has less caffeine than a regular coffee it will still have some caffeine. So don't drink too much either.

Wow you're such a big strong man for drinking plain coffee!
I swear to God some of you idiots will try and find any mundane thing to try and act like your penis isn't small.