Is there any way to fix this? This hips make me want to die every day of my life

Is there any way to fix this? This hips make me want to die every day of my life

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child bearing hips are nothing to be ashamed of little girl
when you grow up you'll realize it will drive men crazy and allow you to give birth easier

Become a trap or work on your lats.

I ve been working a lot on my lats but it still looks bad as hell

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Just build your obliques, become squarebro

lemme see that boi pussy


If you had any muscle on your shoulders and lats you wouldn't look like that nigger.

This. If u r a male just kys tho

Become fatter and work on core.
I have the same body shape and bone structure.

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It's easy - you just start to lift and eat. But given that you aren't because you don't have any definition you clearly aren't doing compounds.

Go away - work out - come back - if it is still a problem then ask. It's like the stupid fat threads. You already know what to do.

Work on your obliques as well you retard. Plus it looks like you have thorassic kyphosis

Please tell me you don't wear those to the gym.

mirin that fridge mode

I do but with shorts over and a tank top/shirt, and only in the winter. When it gets warm I just wear normal gym clothing.
I mostly wore those to achieve kylo ren mode in the pic.

Thin stomach + big lats = dorito tier body and that's nothing to be ashamed of

Your hip bones protrude but it doesn't seem particularly wide, unless I'm looking at it wrong it seems like your shoulders are bigger

Mine is way worse.

Posting from London?

Beat me to it.

give up on the ottermode dream. lift, eat, become builtfat to get a balanced physique.

Eat fucking food and lift and youll balance out tard

i was in the same situation and thought i had big hips but as long as your collar bones are a little wider or as wide as your hips you should be fine frame wise anyway.
Focus on lats and shoulders obsessively, what i did was push pull trying to train every muscle about 2-3 times a week. On push day make ohp your main lift trying to get as strong as possible on this, reverse pyramid training works for me just make sure you warm up properly. If you plateau on it either switch to dumbbells or focus on incline bench, after ohp do lateral raises and some tricep and chest accessory if you want.
On pull day make either weighted pull ups or bent rows your main lift. Again reverse pyramid training and on the side do barbell curls or shrugs or whatever you wanna do.
Everyday warm up with some ab training, just follow some thenx or athleanx ab video for it.
Also eat so much with the goal of never becoming hungry.
hopefully i could help some of you twinks with this

How's the space conquering going Ben

Can I be your BF?

literally put on 8kg and you'll be 10000x better, trains lats alot too

Become a trap bro

>Just build your obliques

Not OP but i look similar, what exercises would work obliques the best? I want to escape the pear bod hell.

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i had somewhat childbearing hips in my teen years up to 23-25 year old

then i got fat and now im fridge move and its not notticeable by any means

What the shit?

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gain 30 lbs and finish puberty


Do weighted pull-ups every time you walk past a doorframe.

oh yes

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Get lean and work on lats/abs/core, was same like you when i had 55kg on the pic is 70kg

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Nice neck bro no homo

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My back is also nice, n-no ho-homo

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Dude, you need to get that fade/undercut tuned up real quick. Otherwise pretty good.

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I'm 20 and have a similar body shape as OP and pic related
Is it too late to fix?

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Nice dude, is that natty?

how tall are you if you weigh only 70kg?

And will doing SS and focusing on OHP and deadlifts to fill out my obliques be enough? They're practically nonexistent right now and look like a fucking hourglass.

seated twists are the only thing i've tried that give me good development on my obliques. they got noticeably bigger after 2-3 weeks of 15-20 minutes of twists every day. you've got to do them like a motherfucker and they're boring as hell, but goddamn if they didn't work wonders for my core

here. What routine do you follow along with that?

Take down that Warcraft poster first

working obliques requires you to twist your torso, nothing on ss does that, if anything doing ss and deadlits specifically will just make your legs and hips bigger. just do as others in the thread have said work lats and obliques

literally just eat more OP

shut up fag

Did you have your lower ribs surgically removed to suck your own dick?

Can I really work my abs at such a high rate (everyday) and with such a high volume ?
I m in the same boat as OP althought not as marked and it seems almost non existent in pictures but I still want to work on it.

Also can I train core the day b4 deadlift and squat without risking snapping my shit up.
Granted i m still a dyel and doesnt lift heavy

Wow user. I've been on nofap for 64 days. I might break it for you ;)

Work on pecs bro

Wouldn't it be a bit silly to just work lats and obliques, though? Deadlifts and squats might make my legs look bigger, but they would also fill out my obliques, no? (besides serving as a good strength base). There's no physical way for my hipbones can grow larger, anyway.

Dude you should work on everything constantly.

Yeah, that's why I'm starting out with SS.

174cm, short legs is it for me

Lol dude you serious? All I did was bulking to 80kg and then a 3 month cut.

Big tits are for women, dips and ohp masterrace

go bearmode. Lift heavy and eat a lot. Looking like a fridge is manly and intimidating as fuck, pic related.

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stats on ohp and pull up?

>Is there any way to fix this?
>go bearmode. Lift heavy and eat a lot. Looking like a fridge is manly and intimidating as fuck, pic related.

this. there is no point being a total dyel and asking about improving details without having a core whatsoever. thats what women do.

1 rep max 68kg @72kgbw OHP

1 repmax 40kg added ~70kgbw pullup

Post more pictures from more angles


>Is there any way to fix this? This hips make me want to die every day of my life
bro just start with the basic compound exercises. squats, push ups, pull ups, dips.

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mirin pullup. my ohp is stuck at 36 kg for 5 reps, how did you deal with plateaus on it? just eat more?

Every day I do 200 reps oblique twist woodchopper, 100 for each side
100 leg raises
250 hands over knees crunches
10 x 10 seconds vacuum
All in a continuous workout with no pause in between exercises.

Do you really think there is such a thing as too much abs??

Oh shit it works. All I want is to be wide and have kylomode permanently activated.

cut hard + pull ups x infinity

I think i look a lot better from the side or even the back,but my hips are really obvious from the front

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lean & twinky

OP here,i understand now that i have to work a lot on my back and obliques,considering this is my unflexed back rigth now,how long do i need to bulk for (focusing what you guys said)till i look good? How many kgs would that be? And one more question,is 3 times a week optimal to make my back grow? I lift 4 times a week so i would do back 2 days on a row,then have a rest so im not so sore when i work on back the third time.Is that ok or should i change something?
Thank you all for helping me, you are all gonna make it!

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You're a top qt
You should post ass

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Lol found the pajeet not on a gigabit connection

Why does this guy look so gross

dumbell side bend is extremely effective. You will see gains within the month.

well anyway you look great, good job man