You finish cutting to 10% bodyfat, complet strict and clean eating the entire time...

You finish cutting to 10% bodyfat, complet strict and clean eating the entire time. Upon finishing the cut you reward yourself with a day of eating whatever you want, because fuck it why not? What do you eat?

Pic related, I’m eating about 10 of these and then a tub of cookie dough

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Don't do that. You're gonna feel like shit, your blood sugar is going to get fucked and you have a high chance of putting yourself back on the path towards mediocrity. Go get some sushi or something, drink a glass of wine, and if you want some dessert eat some healthy ice cream.

10% body fat barely puts you into the “lean” category and if you reward yourself tha much for such a minor achievement you should off yourself for being the spoiled worthless faggot you are

Fuck off
You’re a retard

OP I’m eating 3 whole pepperoni & jalapeno pizzas

>you’re a retard
>I’m eating 4 whole pizzas to pat myself on the back
What a faggot

I’m(OP) not (a faggot) but I feel so long as you keep the discipline it’s fine to do, granted I do see what you’re saying and most people won’t be able to do that because they will fall back in the path of fat

i usually go for burgers on cheat days too. Then for dinner i take some big ass pizza and plenty of sweets and candy. Never been that fun of ice cream, my teeth hurt a lot whenever i eat it

What kind of obese niggers have cheat days? It’s a cheat meal you disgusting pigs

Over easy eggs, sausage, bacon, hashbrowns, toast with grandma's house tier butter levels, orange juice.

nothing special, home made tacos maybe, i wouldn't pig out

dunno maybe pizza or kebab

Enjoy my man!
Promised myself a fuck off Chinese take away when I hit my goal weight

In imaginary Hollywood-ville where everyone claims to be 3% body fat, sure. But in the real world 10% bodyfat by DEXA is extraordinarily uncommon. Really anything under 15% is going to be fairly athletic.


>t. faggot with 27% bf who wont post body

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A stuffed crust pizza with chicken bacon ranch
Baked warm cookies after and some tea

Some unflavored chicken and salad because they're so fucking good.

>dying in your sleep from acid reflux

Probably a monster java and a reeses brookie for the sweet tooth. And a cool out of the box fusion type local place. Like korean fried chicken for lunch that day.

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>you reward yourself
>eating whatever you want
Why fight destiny, OP?
Embrace the heart attack.

so many delicious flaky pasties
maple pecan plaits
fresh hot buttery croissants
beef wellington for savory

the greasiest pizza i can buy

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When Im done im gorging on as much fried chicken as possible and the biggest frappe i can buy

Not him, but I agree with him

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That's revolting

>"rewarding" yourself with food
If this is your mindset you will suffer

I'm going to buy
>two of those tiny personal pizzas
>Meatiest burger McDonalds offers
>Thousand Island-Relish mix
>An avacado
I'll replace the burgers buns with the personal pizzas and top it with the rest of that shit.

Op here. Well then that makes you and him a couple of boring bozos who can’t even live life. I do think you’re looking at it in the wrong way but that’s my fault for using the word “reward.” I don’t mean as a treat per se but more so as a being lean and healthy enough to be able to be a glutton for a day without having to worry about damage so long as you snap back to healthy eating the next day kind

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kinda agree with you
if you don't eat shit for a long time you kinda get use to it to the point that you won't be able to appreciate it
i'm in that state right now, did not ate to macdo / burger king / kfc or other fast food in the last 2 years and still don't want too, exception being pizzas

i remember ating a big mac bc i had no choice, it tasted just average and my stomach did not appreciated it

if i want to eat good burgers, i make that myself, perfectly customised with quality ingredients

really my dude, try to avoid the shit fast foods industry throw at you

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I guess I just don't get enough pleasure from eating unhealthy foods anymore

Who bought their mom

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4, 1, 5, 2, 3

No I totally get this, when I first started with fitness I got to that point after around 1 year. But this time around (got fat while recovering from injuries and stopped caring) I’m gonna try this because I meant to last time and felt the way you bros do so I never had my entire cheat day. That’s actually probably really good.

each pepperoni is like its own little shot glass of grease

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>ice cream
>literally sugar and fat

just get some peanut butter, and you'll be fine