I have nothing but bad things to say about whites
I have nothing but bad things to say about whites
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even modern medicine and nutrition?
Arabs and my food is from the thirdworld.
Try again.
What about the device you're accessing the internet on right now? Odds are it was designed by a white
Designed by an Asian, nice try though
...using fundamentals mathematics discovered by indians, designed by japanese/south koreans, build by chinese with materials gathered by africans miners.
White people literally made nothing.
Wow shitty bait.
Wont hold it against you, just sit back and complain while "whites" as you call all of us drag your asses into the future so you can complain some more.
Good for you, I hear ignorance is bliss.
>no worthwhile argument response
Fuck you imperialist supremacist scum.
>whites invented modern medicine
wew lads, whites really believe they weren't salting peoples brains until 1900.
Good for you, user. May you find contentment in this life.
t. white guy
The origins of the Internet date back to research commissioned by the federal government of the United States in the 1960s to build robust, fault-tolerant communication with computer networks.
Penicillin was discovered in 1928 by Scottish scientist Alexander Fleming.
who is considered one of the most outstanding figures in the history of medicine. He is often referred to as the "Father of Medicine"
Sorry buttmad man ill leave to go to bed with facts not feelings.
lol like I said last time, just sit back, let us do the work and drag your ass into the future while you complain and do nothing.
I love white men and want to be a white guys sexpet.
t. Faggot spic
Then leave my country, stop using my language, stop taking advantage of our medical systems, stop using our tech, go back to your shithole 3rd world hovel. If you don't like me then leave, I unironically do not want you here and would be pleased by your absence.
>penicillin is all medicine
>the internet was based on only concepts invented by whites
if you're embodying western culture then
you shot my home country to shit, took a bunch of its citizens as slaves and exploited its resources to no end
>my country
Not anymore.
>go back
I'm native.
it takes but a cursory internet search.
Same, but for nonwhites
Both completely true. Stay buttmad retarded third worlder.
Why do you hate whites, you do know that if you are a spic or nigger you have european genes in you right?
haven't we been though this already? it all comes down to class
>iT aLl CoMeS dOwN tO cLaSs
this is the most coping shit i ever read
What race are you op? Or8g66
Who gives a shit? Sucks to be inferior.
We need to boot them out.
>I'm native
I assume you mean Native American? Do you live on a reservation? If so, then I'll accept your opinion. If you don't live on a reservation then go live on one so you don't have to be near whitey. You can go live with your people and lay around on the sidewalk drinking firewater all day with impunity.
yeah, nikola tesla didn't invent anything
the industrial revolution was started by eskimos
tribal africans invented firearms
Oh yeah, and kangs
I smell something utterly made up
I obviously live on a rez if i'm native.
White people in the United States invented 99% of the groundwork for the internet. You can bullshit around it as much as you want by bringing up 1 nonwhite in a sea of whiteys but the fact remains. Stay assmad.
Im a non white asking you why you hate whites, how is that coping?
Im really tired of anti white threads because it will make whites hate us non whites more.
Do you really think your people are smart enough to protect themselves when whites lose their patience?
Think before you provoke people
>comes down to class
>black are most incarcerated in every category
>in the very picture you posted to prove otherwise
Can darkies get any more stupid?
I don't hate whites. I think the claims ITT they are making are ridiculous.
All I know is I have never seen a Burger King with security like a bank in a white neighborhood.
racist policing and other sociological factors
my pic clearly shows class is the root of the problem, not any racial differences. eliminate the social factors and they'll be at the same leve as whites in terms of crime
The only reason you should dislike whites for is for bringing niggers into this continent.
t. Im also basically a native, I mostly amerindian from mexico
why do you think someone would rob a burger ing? because they enjoy it? because its in their genes? or because they're so fucking poor they have to?
Why do you care about their claims?
Just be happy that they let you live in their country
i am native, they live in my country you uncle tom piece of shit.
: I
We're far too altruistic and have let lesser races live off us for too long because were too nice. We provide peacekeeping for jungle niggers like parents to toddlers, we provide billions in food for the 3rd world that cant control its population or farm properly, and we effectively banned slavery wherever we could.
White's suck.
Know how I can tell you're a nigger? You decided armed robbery at Burger King was preferable to working at Burger King for somebody who is poor.
A lot of natives don't live on reservations.
But hey man if you live there I don't mind your opinion since you aren't taking advantage of us. Feel free to hate us so long as you aren't reaping the benefits of our society.
>they live in my country
Genetics doesnt give you ownership of land, you need to be able to establish a civilization and be able to defend it.
There is no such thing as natural rights, force makes right
You country? lol
I am native american 25% father 50% grandparents 100%
Dont be stupid, without the "white man" we would still be in teepees dying to plagues and shitting in the woods.
Native americans used stone weapons, stone arrow tips, so just go ahead and cry about the "white men" dragging you into the future of not dying at 15 to the black shits.
>the internet was based on only concepts invented by whites
>communication is a white concept
If you'd prefer to download your shit by banging on drums and sending smoke signals be my guest.
Literally the image you're arguing against says that poor white areas don't have this problem. You fucking dipshit. So why does poor whitey not rob Burger King and KFC, but poor blacky does it so often they have to install bulletproof glass to avoid minimum wage workers getting shot?
Can you post your hand? natives are rare and would like to see if you are really one
kill all whites
this comment is not original
>blacks are the only other race besides whites
>that pic
white homicide rate in the US is still higher than countries with gun control
>there is nothing they can do to prevent wh*te people becoming the minority
feels good man
>racist policing
Have you tried acting like adults?
If white people become a minority you will move on and start to complain about northeast asians.
Most niggers and spics & corniggges just hate anyone who is more succesful than them
>i know how to win this argument!!!! by getting my opponent banned
If there is no racial difference why was it so easy for whites to colonize amerindians and enslave blacks?
because they went to china and got gunpowder and explosives.
Ok so papyrus scrolls, message sticks or slaves with notes tattooed on their heads, which would you prefer?
Given the telephone, cell networks, telegraph and mail postage are all white concepts.
You dont get banned by posting body parts idiot, you just get banned for posting your face.
Most likely anyone has ameindian blood itt besides me because american indians are very rare
it's not rare to be native in canada or mexico you dumb americunt.
,,, what about physics
Ok post skin color then
>original post was about the internet
>moves the goalpost and brings up the telephone & other non related things instead
most americans prob have eleizabeth warren tier native american anscestry
Yea lol I dont think anyone itt has more amerindian blood than me
So why couldn't China do the same?
Just stop. Yes, rudimentary gunpowder was discovered in China. When Europeans got their hands on it, they refined the formula and made major tech advancements in cannons and firearms, to the point where they completely outclassed everyone but the Ottomans.
You're retarded and incapable of following a conversation. It's no wonder you have a large folder of brainlet wojaks to spam since you are so incompetent at actually grasping concepts and critically thinking.
>still cant dispute the original topic
>flings insults instead
This is a very common thing for white people to say/feel. It's rare to hear any other race say that about themselves, or even about whites. I guess white people are just more inclined than others to see the world as collections of races, rather than individuals-- and blame themselves for their own successes.
I'm not him and why would I argue with a dipshit who can only greentext and spam reaction wojaks? You're pure cancer and I just needed to let you know that.
>why would I argue
>continues to argue
yeah wow industrial revolution. is that it? okay ill say thanks white next time i get into my car and every other time ill think how fucking disgusting you are
Y..Yikes! Whites literally think they invented the ground everybody walks on
>Odds are it was designed by a white
Used to be some shitty user group message board between a handful of computers in America. Turned into a global infrastructure with all other races cooperating to make it what it is today. Enjoying your Chinese cartoons, faggot?
Did nothing of value, most historians believe he like many Greeks were plagiarizing Persian and Egyptian works. Shit we would still believe the Greeks invented Trig if their lying asses hadn't been exposed with the discovery of Plimpton 332 dated 1500 years before Greeks in Babylon with much more accurate and refined tables.
Oh, and Greeks were not white. Get fucked!
then throw your garbage glasses because they were made by arabs and '' hur hur, WHITES INVENTED THE SUN''
Why are white people so mentally challenged? (especially Eastern Europeans)
YOU DONT HAVE THE HIGHEST IQ (Ashkenazi Jews and East Asians do)
Admit for once that the world doesn't revolve around you.
Whites did great things and did bad things as well, just as most other races.
Japanese Masterrace baby.
I dont understand why you see all non-white people as black?
There are Asians, Middle Easterns, Latin Americans and Indians as well. (also Native Americans but in shorter numbers)
america is the largest producers of crops and meat
Also (unpopular opinion) but Ancient Greece (btw most white people are not descendents of the Ancient Greek) is overrated as fuck.
The Chinese had a better society and better philosophies such as Confucionism and ''The Art of War'' of Sun Tzu
The Jews were all literate at the time
The Babylion and the persians and the egyptians had better societies
The Egyptians built the pyramids.
you cant deny whites greatness
no one has more great works of art literature philosophy and scientific discoveries than white civilization
no one says that whites are subhuman
but you think too highly of yourselves
the middle easters and asians invented just as much if not more than white people.
the middle easterns and asians had (and still have) pieces of art and philosophy just as many as the whites.
not everyone is a non-white lived in a mud hut in Africa.
dont forget to include ancient indian philosophies
the swastika is based of an indian (sanskrit) sign.
>I don't like whites but it's not like I'm trying to disregard their accomplishments or anything I'm just using things made by non-whites and their methods.
The absolute state of wh*te insecurity
Congratulations, you're the asshole.
Pretty white acting for a nonwhite
Hope you get your skinhead bf sweetie
Why people are better to others than any other people on earth, if they only understood being nice is why people hate them.
Reaction spamming should be a bannable offense.
easten european russian fag.
eastern europeans are all sociopaths
you are not white, you are an inferior hapa.
slavs = slaves
Slavs are sociopathic subhumans.
Nice try baiting loser...
Pasteurisation, vaccination, discovered and utilised steam power, internal combustion engines and electricity including both AC and DC, discovered and utilised radiation, invented light bulbs,transistors, telephones, principles of flight and created planes, rockets, satellites, discovered chromosomes and DNA, the list goes on ad infinitum
>Greeks were not white
That's like saying egyptians were dark skinned. The greeks were part of western civilization, whites are part of western civilization.
thats what a black NPC would say
>egyptians were dark skinned.
Some of them were dark skinned. They were ruled by nubians for a period of time. You're an idiot.
>post is about modern medicine
>shows a picture of medieval medicine to disprove it
what did he mean by this?
Nikola was Serbian so a non white.
You can't even think of a white inventor lol.
Stop coping.
Our time is coming to an end.
Every race has it 's glory, like the middle easterns did, now they're shit, like the east asians did, now they're shit, like we did, now we're becoming shit.
Just accept and live your life. To fight it, is to be naive.
>You decided armed robbery at Burger King was preferable to working at Burger King
>implying they're hiring at all times
>implying they would just get in as soon as possible
>implying the criminal didn't try other ways to get money before resorting to crime
It's not only about cars you full-time retard.
Have you ever dived deep into classic or romantic literature?
Anything. How bitter can one person be?
as a white person, you're right. our whit*oid race deserves to be sunburnt to death desu senpai
Yeah, fuck you too Schlomo/Tyrone/Pajeet/Pedro/Abdullah/Wong/Lightning Eagle