Jow Forums
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Anecdotes #488
No big titty gf
If you can press a button and disappear painlessly, how many of you would unironically do it? And for what reason?
Do you believe in free will?
Is there anybody else here who is relatively normal looking or maybe even a lil bit handsome but due to mental illness...
Hit or miss
Be femanon
2019 coming soon
Well, who was in the wrong here, in your opinion?
What are your thoughts on boyish girls? Can they be beautiful angels?
Cosplaye GF <3
Any other femlets wish they were taller?
It happened Jow Forums i finally got a handjob from my sister
Interviewer: Tell us about a past accomplishment you are especially proud of
So is this basically you?
Why don't you guys just buy a prostetute?
Obsessively save thousands of reaction images over the years
Is this bitch the new boxxy? keep seeing new threads about her
ITT: Music/Songs thread
Does dick size matter?
Be stacie
What do you think about this dick?
Suicide Hotline is a fucking joke
Do any robots have any disabilities?
Order the following by less to more depressing:
/uni/ classs scheduling edition
Imagine being Riley Reid's parents...
Kratom is /comfy/
Be honest. How would you feel if i pulled this out in front of you. Im scared to show people it because it looks weird
I'm going to do it robots
I can't cope with it no more, fellow robots. if i don't find myself a man till the end of this year...
Just had prolapsed hemmoroid surgery class 3. Got answers for questions
Help me anons finish my retarded college algebra homework. It's really simple because it is for retards such as my self...
What was the most kino moment of your life?
After looking at my personal experience ive finally realized that fembots dont exist here or on the internet...
/r9gay/ - #477
I saw a white man and black female couple online and it made me think. I'm a pure white woman...
How fucked up is your life?
Autism spectrum thread
Serious question: How many of you actually want to be helped, and want to change...
This guy had more women on top of him than you
Jow Forums discusses philosophy
Think I am finally losing it boys
This is the ideal elder scrolls game. You may not like it,but this is what peak comfy looks like
I hate atheists with a passion. Fuck atheists...
Tfw no tall black queen to abuse my little pink penis
How do I get a gf like Cannibal Cupcake?
Women have it harder than me-
Chris Chan
What's the proper protocol to handle nudes of an ex gf who died?
WHY do you hate trannies? Give an actual reason
What is the robot view on politics? Is it just a tool for the chads or can we take advantage of it...
People with sisters, answer this
ITT: Answer how often you do the following
NoFap worth?
White men belong to white women
Extreme liberals and exteme conservatives are both equally stupid
How well do you think you could handle yourself in a street fight?
ITT: Kino youtubers
Anyone here suffering from nerd neck?
Not being in good shape
Tfw no innocent rape victim gf who tries her best to make you feel good despite her impurity complex and fears
Do you wanna talk?
Yo third eye is closed my nigga
User, I heard you're having trouble with women
I really wish I had a big dick
Some retard incel named Code on discord blogging about not being an alpha male
Is masturbating 3 times a day perhaps too much?
Do you have robot eyes Jow Forums?
When you realise mummy was a stacy who probably use to make fun of guys like me just like all the other stacies do
Why is pedophilia bad? Is it not ok to love someone if they are too young?
White women are better for white men than Asian women are
What is Jow Forums's official car?
Cat's teeth are totally fucked
Have a look on your life in the past 5 years. How did your life changed ?
I don't get why alot of people have yellow fever or jungle fever
Vocaroo Thread
Tfw 2 page essay due tomorrow and haven't even started
Would you date a fat 35 year old female virgin?
Girls dabbing are cute
Be me
How do I clean the surface of my mattress?
Leftists are pussies
Mfw when I just ran out of good dubstep tracks
Endless wojak and pepe cancer
You fell for the oneitis meme
Antidepressants side effects
Speak out against WM/BF racemixing
How healthy are you robots eating?
"Racism won't be an issue if everybody race-mixed!"
I asked out a girl yesterday and she said yes...
Fact: Racemixing is positive because it produces more attractive women
I want to drop out of uni. It's wasting my time and destroying my mental health
Well r9k?
That's right... I hate niggers. And there's not a goddamn thing you can do about it
Can we get a middle eastern robot thread? egyptian femanon that lives in egypt here
This has been my desktop background for the past week
Different men like different types of women. Dominant women, submissive women, tall women, short women, shy women...
Another job interview. Post qt3.14 girls with nice ass
Legal help
Autism AMA
I want to bow down naked before a robot user and kiss his smelly feet
How would you even know a girl is a slut if they look so innocent?
Sex is overrated btw
Have the shittiest life ever
Thinking about going on anti anxiety meds
Day 2 of growing my lips back
Wtf is up with the epidemic of landwhales? How hard is it to just not eat twice your daily requirement?
I'm so lonely guys I don't deserve this
Is it ever rational to kill yourself?
What are you going to be for HaIIoween, Jow Forums?
Arab guy in scandinavia here
She has a boyfriend
Why do people hate incels?
10 year old dog injured herself sprinting
Why are you scared of girls?
Tfw traps and sissys are loved on r9k
He unironically supports Donald Trump
Manchild = incel
How did interracial porn get so popular?
Live in Finland, the immoral country of sex and sin
REMINDER: Black women are MADE for Yellow COCK
Old Meetups
Is it autism to talk to children without silly voices?
Read The Old Testament
Is pic related too suggestive to wear in public? More specifically...
Positivity thread
Has gotten over depression
How do I get a yandere gf
I work at Chick-Fil-A
I really want to huff a white girl's feet
Tfw live in shared accomodation
Hi it's comfy OP again...
Are girls intimidated by or jealous of other girls with bigger/better butts?
Oh my God! I love tattoos!
Why don't men just lower their standard?
Who /anhedonic/ here? Whether you're depressed or not, does anyone else suffer from anhedonia...
How does this image make you feel? What do you think of this?
Do women have an easier way of getting Neetbux than men?
Hey, loser. Why aren't you voting for your local Conservative politicians?
I fucking hate sexual freedom, normie fucks can do the most degenerate shit and think they can get away with it
/drug feels/
I really want to eat pussy
Girls only want chad
I live in a muslim country. My friend who I suspected was gay came out towards me and my 2 good friends...
To those wishing they have won the Mega Millions jackpot, be grateful you didn't win...
What is the fattest you would go with dating a girl?
Today I was fired for the 27th time this year
Robots, do you think UFO sightings are real? I mean, something weird has got to be going on, right?
What would you do if you got incureable cancer and had 1 year left to live?
Why don't you start lifting?
Tfw when robots are talking about 'ugly' women what they have in mind is a 5/10 at the least and would never even...
Who else /sloth/ here?
Reminder that I'm not responsible for your problems
Yall want free money?
How many "incels" on the internet are actually just larping normies?
What is the biggest acceptable age gap in a relationship?
How has being a bully victim affected your life long term?
Haha lol so true!
Tfw no wheyfu to bully me
How fast benzo addiction develops? I have been taking 2-3mg of clonazepam per day for 3 weeks...
What would your friends and family think if you brought a girl like this home?
Hey user...
Why do women hate submissive guys so much?
Mental illness is a fabrication and doesn't actually exist
/NHK/ NEET hikki thread
I wish it was easier finding a sub boy that I can actually be with...
Sister gets knocked up by some roided out fat manlet
If women are so awful and hard to find, why not choose to become gay:
What are true american girls like?
How Jow Forums views women
Why are robots so thirsty and worshippy when it comes to sex?
Where do I find a cute shy autistic bf to turn into the perfect househusband?
When did you realize that you have no one to blame but yourself?
Nice Boy Catfish Update
Instead of being a useless parasite NEET incel robot and contributing nothing to society...
Pick one game world to live in forever
What do Jow Forums feel about
State your:
Become the girl you've always been on the inside
Why dont you have a anime body pillow?
How does one acquire a cute american girlfriend?
Anyone have experience with effexor (venlafaxine)
What kind of sex does Lauren Southern like?
Community of outcasts
Welcome to the government girlfriend dispensatory user!
When did you realize that black girls are master race?
Tfw unironically watching anime girlfriend ASMR
Come and draw yourself as a meme
What are your experiences with mental health medications like?
Eunuch general
Is generation Z turning conversative or at least semi-right leaning...
How do you neets make money
How can Jow Forums recover from this 13 year old white girl BTFO all incels and women forever...
Extremely depressed and suicidal over no gf
Why is it wrong to be short as a man...
Even if AI became sentient it still wouldn't love us
South carolina robot here. i just won the megamillions lottery
Coworkers hate thread
Why do white men want a woman who stays at home all day cleaning the house and taking care of children and is a...
Qt girls thread
I was a Christian and my life went to total shit with agony and bad luck
Where do robots get their clothes?
If you were gonna kill yourself why not kill others?
Women have it eas-
You ever just sit in the corner of your room shivering and shaking because the anxiety is just that bad?
Eczema is consuming my face
Tfw no qt femcel neet gf
Wow, you have such long eyelashes user! i'm jealous
Manlet shame thread
Yo where my OSRS autists at
How would you feel if a girl would kill to be with you?
How many sexual partners should a man have in life?
What are you robots doing for Halloween?
Alright Jow Forums. You win the lottery...
HELP guys!
Me and my brother are both 20-something neet losers
Bigger cucks
How the hell are there 40 and 50+ year old male virgins? I mean Im not shocked they exists...
Would you date that chubby, homely...
/r9gay/ - #476
Why does creationism make normalfags so butthurt?
You're going to love this r9k, trust me. What you're seeing now is singles
What would your friends and family think if you brought home a girl like this?
How does one get a Latina gf?
Friend begging general
Lt Corbis
You will never have a penis this big
Can we get a loner feels thread going? It has been a while
Stoned and trying to write a paper, ama
Female smiles at me
I can't take this. I'm not gay and I don't want to be a tranny, but I hate being a guy...
My friend has a question only Jow Forums can answer. Is it normal to leak precum all day? He's a little embarrassed
Itt fembots try to prove they are fembots by posting autistic things they have done
Well guys, I've pretty much fucked myself here
Letter thread. Write a letter to someone who may or may not read it. Save a tree wrote on theee letter thread
How do I work up the courage to speak to a girl I like in one of my classes? She seems 'closed off' so to speak...
What are you cooking tonight robots?
Ok incels
Rawwr uncle user
So it's ok to circumcise a man but if you cut off a womans clitoris thats bad? what?
My mom has pissed me off so fucking much If someone gets dubs in this thread I'm gonna post her nudes pic related it's...
Be in good mood
Ywn be an alpha male with a wife and children
Have you ever met a girl who was into any kind of femdom?
See cute girl
Dudes born after 2000
I hate myself, I can't enjoy anything and I'm always angry and lonely
Mfw guy tries to talk to me and i act autistic the whole time
Why haven't you've taken HRT yet? Don't you want to become a cute diaper gf...
Tfw too old for Jow Forums
Why are ayylmaos so sexy?
What is the name of this pepe variant?
Hahaha i convinced everyone in my normalfag college that pepe the frog is actually a really cool "meme" and that...
"Get lost virgin, she's mine."
Gonna kill myself in 4 hours
Taking a big smelly poo, called it Poleaboo ;) Edition
Life is fair and we are here for our own mistakes
Tfw no good men left
Mfw getting tested for autism tomorrow
Why cant you just do the speed limit? Why do you have to go fast?
Discord sucks
Tfw no good women left
How do I stop wanting to kill myself every single day if I live in a small town...
Accidentally rub against a car in the parking lot this morning and damage the paint
Tfw I'll never have a white bf
I asked some slut for her number yesterday at work...
How do incels respond to the fact that ugly men like Benedict Cumberbatch are beloved by women...
Robots, lets say you get the power to be an actual wizard
I want a non white trap bf so I can colonize his boipussy
ITT we try to say words that have never been said before here
Have you ever been doxxed?
Enter house
God she's so beaituful. She is just so adorable. She steals my heart
I need a mixed black girl in my life. No other race will do
Tfw your entire life has been spent imagining conversations and relationships that never happened
What is your opinion about philosophy R9K?
What degree should i get?its too overwhelming.i know so many people who have degrees but working retail
How do I stop hating women?
How do you get rid of human bones?
Why are asians and blacks so jealous of white men?
Anyone got anymore comfy images like this?
It's just a wound that never heals, what's the deal here?
Things NPCs do
Why is it so hard to make friends with autistic guys as an autistic girl?
Be me
What are some negative aspects to femininity that you dislike?
Mfw people browse this board daily and have nothing better to do
Be me
When card games get too real
I'm glad you can make it user, I know it's been difficult and you don't like to leave the house...
Hitting Women
Any engineers here mad they wasted time in college on shit like calc 2/3 and diff...
Post your phone wallpaper Robots
The great debate
How successfull are you compared to your family members?
Yo user, Chad is banging some whore and I'm horny as fuck right now...
Okay guys. I have a folder full of (5000+) pics, webms and gifs of bbc fetish porn saved on my computer...
Will Jow Forums ever be leftist again?
Girls rimming men becoming more and more mainstream
ITT: we detail autistic things we do
What have you done with your amazing IQ genes to build western civilization today, alt righters?
Psych ward
How can i look intimidating to normies? can shoe insoles help?
Uplifting vocaroo thread so yall can unwind
Name a bigger cast of faggots than the alt right. Protip: you cant
*dabs on transphobic bigots*
Tfw no master to make me his maid (male)
You guys do realize that not all girls are attracted to the same type of guy right...
Your sexual keywords
Positivity thread
Frankie Muniz doesn't remember being in Malcolm in the Middle
I hate my country's culture so much. I want to move. The people are stupid, annoying, angry, and right wing...
1.6 Billion are waiting for you. Will you give up here too or at least try once?
Stalking backfired on me
TFW my country is fighting to have young men quit watching porn because it has negative effects on normal sex life:...
This millionaire chad has leukaemia. Happy now?
Rose Mystery?
ITT: post autistic things you engage in
Wake up
Femcel feels tuesday morning
Communism is authoritarian
Where do i find a cute boy to play RTS games with?
Why is this allowed?
Why do blacks constantly wewuz?
Be fembot
Did "they" get me?
Help. I can't stop thinking about Asian girls
Dubs decide my new phone background
Robot in the making
Why dont you have a anime body pillow?
ITT your movie ideas
Be hiki
You wake up and this autistic sissy is about 1 second away from shoving his anteater into your mouth, what would you do?
Keep reporting you snitch ass inbred subhuman boot lickers
Do's and donts of talking to a psychiatrist
Fembot/slut thread
Fembots, why don't you take Anavar...
Wil the qt veterinary nurses think Im a faggy beta cuck if I start crying when I put my dog down and she dies in my...
Wheyfu thread
How come black men are all so superior to whites...
Have you watched the most ugly and mentally ill girl on this board yet?
Need to have sex with a woman to lose virginity
I was just informed that because I was suicidal and was taken to a crisis center, it would be on my background check!
Women have limitless options now
Underaged looking grown women
/waifu thread/ just spent $300+ NEETbux on merch (again) edition
Jow Forums gets Jow Forums 2019
Have you watched the cutest girl in the universe today yet?
Killing drumpftards is instrumental
Im a dominant femanon and honestly the inequality between submissive men and dominant women is really sad...
Daily Aryan goddess Rianne posting
Only the rarest slojaks pls
Unironically whats the best way to cut yourself. Transhit aside, Im too much of a bitch so I need tips
If you could go back in time and right a missed opportunity, but only once, what would you go back and fix?
My second inner-voice wont stop bullying my first
Any fello femanons here give me advice how to ruin a girls life. shes a little shrimp barely over 5 foot. super smug...
I've beem dating a trans girl for almost a year ama
How do you survive on frozen / prepackaged food with a $10/hr job? what do you buy? how much do you spend...
R9k Thigh Thread
What's the Zoomest thing you've ever done?
I officially turned 18 today
This is why
Anyone abuse weed before?
I'm a white woman and I find niggers disgusting. I don't even consider you chimps human. Stop hitting on nonblacks...
I dislike politics on the Chans, outside of Jow Forums that is
/car9k/ thread - what do you robots drive?
Post your stats
"get me another beer, you fuckin' virgin loser. maybe if you're lucky,and play your cards right...
God forgive me God forgive me God forgive me. I'm sorry I fucked up so hard. The only thing left for me is to pray...
The real reason why I would never date an incel
Mother passed away last month killing off all family members except for my sister
Robot wins the billion dollar Lotto and needs to give a speech to America to claim the giant check. What do you say?
So user, what's your favorite movie?
Do girls like pic related actually exist
/bfg/ - Best Friends General
This is World in Conflict, home to the best RTS campaign ever programmed...
Whats your least favorite race?
N33T Average Day Thread
Getting a job
Do you like qt Hispanic girl's ass and feet?
Im so desperate im almost making a move on my single mother to see if i can get at least some pity-sex from her
I love you, and that's what matters
Who's your prom date user? Surely you didn't come alone?
Am i genuinely retarded for liking modern rap music
/uni/ - school general
How do you flirt with a girl without souding clingy ?
Are us asian men truly fucked?
Is there a cartoon character who you truly relate to?
/r9gay/ - #475
Tfw a tranny and actually happy, passing and moderately successful without whoring myself out
What's this guy's appeal? I don't get it. He's smart but like who cares?
Magic ball
I'm going to get plastic surgery, dental work, fix my skin, work out/diet and then I will get a bf!
Tfw cyborg
I might kill myself tonight and no one would notice.. I know where to jump. There's an ovrpass
Saying the n word
What movie makes you feel the most?
How would robots handle this situation?
Plastic Surgery General
8 days till i can finally try weed....much exited
Are there any 5'11+ fembots that would reciprocally unconditionally love a 5'8 6/10 robot?
I'm 18
ITT: Post bitter truths all incels must accept to advance in life
Fembots, what are your minimum requirements for a bf? i'll start
Alright anons, my 1800ug of lsd arrived in the mail this morning, you all decide how much I take. i'll do it I promise
"haha I've got plenty of time to figure things out"
Tell me what makes you a fembot. I bet all of your points are invalid
Do women actually care about personality?
Femcel feels
Things you will never hear
Join trap discord group from r9k
Trannys, amirite?
Hey there user, how are you doing today?
What are you fighting for?
Why do women care for their dogs like a children?
Is it true that autism is hardly even an issue if you're a girl or is it just an Jow Forums meme?
Walking through park at night
Why isn't circumcision illegal yet?
Lovability Index
So are robots single because they want Stacey and not the cute girl?
All my life I just want a gf
What's your fetish?
Does anyone here literally have 0 friends or anything...
How often do you guys fap? I've been doing like 1 time a day lately and I feel kind of exhausted. It's fun, sure...
Watch movie with oneitis Friday night
Tfw you finally have 5 digits in the bank account
Go on tinder
Letter thread, Write a letter to someone near and dear to you, even if they don't see it
I want to be a little boy again and cuddle with my mommy
/Mutt/ General
Whats your opinion on parking lots?
What's the point of watching JAV if you're not looking at the weird shit? Otherwise it's just normal porn...
/Drugfeels/ Manic Monday Edition
ITT: Hottest Things We've Seen
I'm about to delve to a new level of creepy weirdo mental illness
Steven universe is the most beautiful show I've watched in a long time
Fails thread
Why do you think that women are so huge now with guys being a lot smaller without a shit ton of work put into getting...
Im trapped and I live in a cursed life in a small town...
Why do ricecels cope with fashion so hard?
Day 2 no BPD gf
What the fuck is living at home doing to my mental health?
Big sloppy fat nigger dick is all I think about. Pounding niggers till they cremate my sissy white boihole
This is a western and Muslim woman's fantasy in reality in america
Enter your room
I am on disability when things continu like this and i run out of my disability i kill myself
There is no worse place on earth to be a robot
How do you cope with never having had a girlfriend as the years slide past you?
Gimme a viet fembot gf NOWWWW BASTARDS
Hello frens, why BPD girls are so cute and enchanting?
Is it socially aceptable to talk about anime with normies?
Are girls self-conscious about the size of their breasts? Do most guys care if they're small...
Any other hot bots here?
My best friend came out as gay and tried to fuck me last week
Why is it that you can't get a girlfriend user?
/comfy/ general
15 c-cm is average b-bro you'll be fine
Fill out this template and give me knew stuff to read/watch, robots
Been dating single mothers (white trash) lately to get some and because they will date anyone because they are so...
How do I find a woman who will preggo-cuck me?
Will my fellow Americans be voting in the upcoming election? Who are you voting for?
Help. I can't stop thinking about Asian girls
I'm 28yo and I don't want to fucking work for pennies. I would bust my ass if the salary is good...
Being asexual sucks
Which watch would be the least autistic to wear to school?
Explain this Fembots
Make jokes about socialists and insult them all the time
Tfw a gender confused faggot has a bigger dick than you
Honest thoughts on running a modelling agency to fuck 18 year old pussy regularly?
Should I buy a Rolex?
Anyone else turned unironically racist and anti-semitic by Jow Forums and the black pills?
Do you enjoy fapping to censored porn?
Tfw actually bipolar
Hey user, we looked up your voter registration info online and saw you were a Republican. Mind explaining that?
Your exact clone appears before you
You have no idea how hard it is to be an MBTI-let. You'll never experience the loneliness of being an INFJ
If you could ask him one last question, what would it be?
Hi Jow Forums...
Remember: IT always could be worse
Would you date a girl with bigger biceps than you?
Today is my off day. I've got a bottle of cheap whiskey and a lifetime of regrettable, crazy decisions behind me...
Why do people on Jow Forums hate vegans so much?
Kill all rich people, right now
Africans were sitting on so many natural resources and they did nothing with them
Beta fag Roommate
Tfw my pajeet cock wildly never strike fear in the hearts of woman like big strong American willy
Reminder that you are ugly
Do femanons like cute reserved sensitive/emotional guys...
Have a secret crush on guy friend, keep my feelings about him to myself
"Did you skip the gym again, user?"
Why havent I seen an MBTI / pseudoscience / horoscope / Bangladeshi toe fortune telling thread for ages...
Those of you who have gf's, where the fuck did you find them/meet them and how did you end up dating?
Does she deserve all the hatred that is directed towards her?
Freshman college student
Look at pic related and answer honestly
/mommy general/
Do women really compare their boobs with each other?
Fetish king
Any anons want to add me and talk...
Tfw schizophrenic
/rg/ - Relationship General
Fembots are only considered fembots if they have bush
I still don't understand the incel thing. How is it womens fault you can't get laid...
I told you i was hardcore, but i'm actually a pretty nice person too
Did Jow Forums enjoy Year of the Snitch?
Wojak thread
Why is America averaging one school shooting a week?
Are metal heads and people with weird ass tastes in music like 50s music or 80s pop music or something the biggest...
What do I do if I have life ruining chronic fatigue...
When your buddy doesn't know when to quit
Tell mom life is just meaningless suffering and that I'll eventually kill myself because I have nothing to look forward...
Hey trannies
Do you have an inner monologue?
Any fembots here that just aren't attracted to most guys? He needs to be tall, white, near my age, light eyes...
I honestly think most of the personality disorders are memes
What is this feel I feel when I see wholesome pure girls become corrupted by society?
Waifu thread
Would you ever become pic related?
Anybody else on lithium or other bipolar meds? Do you feel better on them?
How bad do you neets wish you could get this notification every Monday afternoon?
go to your favorite hangout spot
Father text me that he is proud of me for going to uni
/drug Thread/
Situational depression
Are you the main character or an NPC?
Has anyone here ever been punched in the face? Does it hurt? I really want to experience it
I'm finally realizing that the reason I (34yo boomer KV) am not willing to do anything to improve my situation...
Feels thread: Bait-Free Edition
Hey big bro, I'm all out of clothes, guess it's laundry day. Want to put a load in?
Femcel feels
One day your parents will be dead
I just turned 20 this morning how do i avoid aging like shit guys
Whats your opinion on going to a femdom escort?
How do you guys deal with the feeling of the impossibility of ever being happy?
What the fuck is wrong with you guys and anime and why are you hating it out of the blue
Sex bots with artificial wombs will save the world
Has a girl ever outright kissed you or confessed romantic feelings for you?
Do you know the masks theory? (S)
What are you waiting for, comrades?
I really want to fuck a middle aged man. Preferably a wizard
Dear Jow Forums
Some lady is giving me a hard time in strip club
Does ciara deserve to be raped once again?
Do you remember the advent Calendar i made to you?
I am a neet with no friends. i am very lonely and in the dumps right now...
There are people on this board RIGHT NOW who still haven't gotten over their atheist phase
Discord thread
Really Huge Shit I Just Dropped
UNCUT VS CUT watching porn edition
Would you sleep with your cousin if she really wanted to and looked like pic related(for the whitebots)?
Yesterday I told my female best friend I was in love with her
Fembot thread
Tfw you 'nice guys' aren't actually nice
I'm gradually starting to believe my parents are clearly NPCs...
How do I get cute muslim gf without being muslim
Would you any of you date a literal loser?
W-we won't get in trouble for encouraging that school shooter OP, will we?
Things NPCs believe in
Thoughts on this fucker?
Reminder that all girls love this. If you don't look like this you're automatically a perma-virgin
I hate niggers, nomwhites and fags so much
Who are some good comfy youtubers to watch when you're ill?
/vent/- post your feelings, let it all out
How do girls react if you reject their sexual advances?
BPD niggas, wwa?
Gonna be killing myself in the next few days or weeks, not sure when...
So many eye threads, but they're all so boring
What's your opinion on love?
Dental Hygiene Thread
Have you ever heard the story of a young boy named Emmett Till?
Which method do you prefer to use to get your daily nicotine?
/uni/ - Long hour day edition
Starting a death metal band
There will be a shootout at a school in the Lenoir County school district in North Carolina at around 11:30 AM today...
Women when they bitch about being lonely
I wanna try out smoking, what kind of cigarettes should I buy? What do the colors mean...
Do not let your circumcision be in vain. We have to fight. Never give up, NEVER GIVE UP
Im going to spend all my NEETbux on weeb stuff
I would literally never be depressed as a woman...
What is the most robot political affiliation?
Incest and Molestation
Hikikomori General Thread
Confess the most disgusting, degenerate, horrible thing you have ever done
Quiet shy adderall girl who got held back twice in high school is now a call girl
Would you have gay sex with another perma-virgin? Don't reply if you're actually gay or a femoid
/r9gay/ - #474
How do we stop the invasion?
How do I make myslef cry? It's been five years. I need the emotional release. Please
/r9gay/ - #474
Share your:
I hate this stupid fucking meme country more than anything else in this entire fucking meaningless universe
Fertility rates are dropping
Skinny my whole life
What happened to herzjager? Where are you Audrey
ding dong!
How does Jow Forums control their homicidal urges?
Hello, i'm here to help those with depression
Black/Coloured feels
Enough pretending
"bruh your pee look like a bottle of henessy LMAO!"
Namelet thread
White people btfo
Dear trannies of Jow Forums
Eyes of R9k
What the fuck
I look so lonely I miss her bros
What do people do at parties besides get drunk/high, fuck, and listen to loud music?
Why are there virtually no men with blonde hair? When I think about it...
What do you have to say, robots?
You're such a great guy user, why don"t you have a girlfriend?
Hey guys chad here, AMA
Computer engineering or programming? one makes more money but on the other you graduate much faster. whatya say?
I just want a boy to cuddle and listen to music with in the deep hours of the night
Fembots, have you ever had an abortion? How many? Was it because the father was a beta male?
Don't you wish you had a pudgy gf?
Jow Forums husbando thread
Ancient Greeks > R*Mans
I don't see the point in hating trans and gay people
Will shoving a small bottle up my pussy give me the same experience as being penetrated by a real life penis?
Food Thread
I know you're NEETs so 100% you guys follow this drama
It's almost here, senpai! Theyve predicted that this next one could last a long time, and even be more damaging!
Why are most s o y boys pansexual? Isn't pansexuality just bisexuality?
Trans women are women ok?!?!?
What do you think happens when we die?
Okay robots, i have a gf i plan on marrying. I'm 18 and she's 17...
Friday Night Jow Forums Drinking
Post your're bed room
Did you ever have a wank to a boy ironically? Just as a joke?
How do I get a healer gf?
LSA how good is it boys?
Stay within my calorie limit all week
Virgin female here. If you want one of us you'd better not be a degenerate who watches porn and/or anime
Hello Hello Hello my friends!
Do girls even get any pleasure from grinding?
How do you become an interesting person...
I need a daddy
Skelly thread
What do robots eat?
Letter thread. Use ink you stink
I will definitely get a boyfriend next year
Femanons, why not just tease budding young boys? The fond memories will last a lifetime
Tfw 20 and crushing hard on a 40 year old
Read the word "nigger"
Wagecuck General
Do you like qt Latina ass and feet?
How do you tell if you are pseudo-intellectual or normal intellectual?
Whens the last time fembots touched themselves
Just letting you know that autistic traits in a female makes us just less desirable as males...
What fetish is the worst
Im an absolute fuckinf loser with no fucking directions in life...
Day 1 no BPD pseudo egf
By the year 2090, 87% of the planet will be Asian and African
Jow Forums fetish rate
At what age exactly do women lose their value? Please specify if you are normal, homo, or asexual
Open paint
What is your experience buying drugs online?
Hot vs cold showers
Why not just go on a date? Even if nothing happens and you never speak to her again, maybe you'll have a nice time
Qu'est-ce que tu regardes au garcon blanc? J'aime seulement le noir
Have you ever had your way with a MILF/cougar woman?
What crosses the line in porn
How do I get rid of a fetish?
Download tinder
Got into a big fight tonight over soda at a family birthday party
OC thread
If you make it to 22 and you still have yet to even kiss a girl...
Robots would you be ok with this?
Fembots would you ever date a trap
So I recently got a tat
With weed becoming legal in more states (and in Canada), what can I do to continue to get stoners and normies arrested...
Why do NPCs think that getting a job will cure depression or even make me feel better?
I am a black woman and i am a kissless virgin at the age of 21. i have no rl friends and im so sad...
I work 44 hours per week. The government takes more than a third of what I make...
Feels thread?
So I pulled the trigger and purchased this sweet thing
Favorite Movie Genre, and why-
Post your best Blackpills
Just a reminder that you could have had a great, easy life and not be a lonely, kissless virgin if you were born a girl
Is this bad for my mental health
I'm a genius
Hey there user. How are you doing today? Please tell me
Have you ever wanted to be a girl?
Its hard truth times bots
Imagine if things were reversed
Confess your sins fellow robots
Traps aren't gay. Prove me wrong
Ywn bury your face between a Stacys jiggly ass and tongue her brown eye
How many calories do you eat in a day?
I'm a very right-leaning socially conservative male dating an SJW hard left...
Be me
What does boypussy taste like? I'm obsessed with the idea
Why am I so disgusting?
Are you going to haunted houses with you gf for halloween this year Jow Forums?
I have a burning hatred of men but im also sexually attracted to them. Any other fembots know this feel?
Tfw start improving slightly
Is sunday
Jow Forums I need your help. There's currently a fucking GIRL in my shower...
Robot movies
This one
Wake up & go to your kitchen
Why are boys so much better at being girls than girls?
Trapped in cold shitty small town
What's it like having a big pee pee? Mine is like a baby acorn flacid and only grow to be about 9cm
Do you like qt Latina feet and ass?
Good looking
Chilling with gf
Why does everybody hate Fortnite? I think the game is pretty fun for being free to play...
Name a more fuckable family with as much quality and quantity as Kardashians. Protip u can't
What creates school shooters? Do you sympathize/empathize with them?
What are robot's experience with strip clubs?
Help I can't stop listening to this
There are so called "robots" here right now who had already kissed a girl
What video games are robots playing?
Fembots, why not just date a Jow Forumstard?
How many girls actually are like that?
Is anyone here neet not actually by choice but by a debilitating disease or something?
Fembots, would you date a guy with a cuckolding fetish, who is otherwise dominant?
Sup niggas im cooking chilli
What do you find attractive in girls?
Robots who have access to sex/love
When is it too late to lose your virginity?
The npc meme is about politics and anyone who is leftwing is an npc
Talk to massive landwhale
/britfeel /
Americans would kill to work here
Why are normies making it a trend to be bi nowadays?
There is no hope lads
Vaping is a healthy alternative and gets people off cigarettes
I did it bois. I got a gf. I've never felt so happy in my life. I guess this is the end of my sad ass teenage journey...
Uncircumcised dicks looks icky
Am I the only fembot here who really likes emotionally/psychologically abusing boys...
Some works from my collection
Found this cat outside my house, what should I do?
Would you date a girl that smokes?
"Eeeeew, who the fuck invited HIM???"
I have nothing but bad things to say about whites
Are these Russian bots?
I'm your girlfriend for tonight, user
Are men capable of love? Real love, not some artificial crap to manipulate women into satisfying their primal lusts?
What religions do anons follow?
I have the urge to hug a depressed, broken robot boy and cry together, is that weird?
Post your waifu
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship